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Ned A Starr RIP

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Everything posted by Ned A Starr RIP

  1. USF couldn’t have afforded CCS without his paycheck from UT, and won’t be able to retain him wihen that ends. Where is USF going to get the money needed to hire an AD away from a major program? Unlike Rob Harris, Associate/Asst. ADs from major programs aren’t newbies.
  2. 1. He might, but he not. 2. IMO, the best place for him right now would be retirement. Smell the roses, spend time with family, play golf, travel...life’s too short to spend it working, when you don’t need to.
  3. There isn’t any amount of money that would get me out of retirement. TJ doesn’t need to work.
  4. Why would they have wanted to work on the weekend?
  5. http://www.wlky.com/article/collapse-at-barton-1792-sends-bourbon-barrels-crashing-to-ground/21769369
  6. Today has been a bad day in the Bourbon business.
  7. I doubt that, plus why would he want to work his but off for chump change compared to his UL salary.
  8. What does a liquidation sale have to do with satisfying more shoppers?
  9. He would have very little time to enjoy his condo, if he takes the job.
  10. The 64 million dollar question is...why would TJ want the job?
  11. No commercial advertising is necessary for things that are banned by the Guberment. I wouldn’t buy anything from Buddy Fucillo either, however his success proves the that his advertising does draw in Huuuuuuge number of buyers, for all the different brands he has dealerships for.
  12. Yes. Gates C and D are right off of Lot 6.
  13. Not much risk involved...while wearing a platinum parachute. Airborne All the Way!
  14. I don’t believe he’s talking about USF gear.
  15. And...you’re not going to get to the top with too many Euros. How did Vic Schaefer down in Starkville, manage to get to the top in just six years at MSU?
  16. He’s been unable to sell the program to top level US players. Compare CJF’s recruiting to Mississippi State’s Vic Schaefer. MSU was far from a powerhouse destination when Vic took over in 2012.
  17. I wonder what Bourbon Bull is doing to celebrate National Bourbon Day?
  18. You could buy the $10 tickets and do the same since nobody is checking, or do like another Bullspenner/pest control agent wannabe, and buy from scalpers in the parking lot
  19. How did CCS do at Texas? How did he do in the Big12. If I’m not mistaken, he holds the record for the lowest winning percentage of any football coach ever at UT.
  20. I definately not a Harlan fan, but IMO he did it the best way for the situation here at USF. It should have been done long before MH arrived here. How much experience making such decisions does DH really have?
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