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Posts posted by raptorcj

  1. 23 minutes ago, Nick Carroll said:

    I am thinking of putting together a more recent video. I have grabbed the moments already listed in this thread. What others would you like to see? What kind of back ground music do you want or would you rather have a speech like this one? The one shared is a great video but it is a little dated now. 

    Gotta include that BJ throw-down of the linebacker vs Ball State (one of my favorites!), and a healthy serving of Flowers/Mack--either could fill a vid by themselves with highlights. That's cool, man, thanks for the efforts!

    • Like 1
  2. 47 minutes ago, Bausfkid said:
    7 hours ago, lotsofbull99 said:

    USF has never been able to develop Quarterback talent 

    This must be the ramblings of an intoxicated person?

    Arguably the two greatest Football players ever to wear a USF uniform were QBs.  

    BTW, Blackwell, BJ and Barnett were/all pretty solid D1 QBs.  USF has been blessed to find and develop QBs since its beginning.

    He's just a sensational chain-jerker, but I always wondered for those guys & Flowers, how much was just their talent and how much was our staff's development. BJ, for instance, was a near-perfect match for us but part of me wonders if he'd have had more of a shot at the next level if ol' Bowden would have picked him up.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Calibull said:
    1 hour ago, Gismo said:

    I’ve heard this every offseason. 

    No you didn't.  Not last season, not from me. Two years prior... yes... I thought we'd be average last season but I thought Barnett would light it up... This season I think he'll light it up and we'll be last man standing.

    In fairness to Gismo, there's always the offseason partaking of the camp + S&C koolaid without seeing how it gels in the game situation. No callouts here though, Calibull usually has basis for his beliefs and I'm with CR hoping the confidence is justified.

    But IMO even if we don't light it up vs the Badgers, it doesn't mean we'll flop when it comes to conference time. As long as our guys punch dudes in the mouth come conference time, I can take a beating from a P5 "name brand" like Wiscy.

  4. My initial thought was of course the line coach is going to say his boys are killin it, seems like that happens nearly every year. But really, if these guys are a strength for us, it opens up our offense to gobs of opportunities. Really hope they find a way to own the Wiscy D-line. If not, we may still be okay as long as we have dump options to RB/WR, and as long as BB reads well. Getting excited!

  5. On 8/17/2019 at 11:15 PM, Calibull said:
    On 8/17/2019 at 10:57 PM, raptorcj said:

    Agree with them hammering the run game, esp so early in the season. With their typical size on O-line, I have a bad feeling they'll wear our D down & out. Hoping for the offense to be able to put up some numbers, that's the only way I see us having any chance.

    Literally any team on their schedule can say that. I don't think they're going to run it as good as some think.

    Maybe true, but any other team on the schedule is not us, and B10 teams are used to preparing for them every year.

    edit: I'll be the first to give you props if we're able to stop their run, though--hope that's possible but I just can't see it.

  6. 21 hours ago, CousinRicky said:
    On 8/17/2019 at 10:52 PM, raptorcj said:

    This is his make or break year. He's had a year on the field with the offense now, so hopefully the down-slope stuff won't repeat this year. He's good enough, hoping the best for this kid to fire up!

    Isn't this a new offense?

    Really meant personnel-wise...leading the team on the field for a year should help slow the game down for him a little.

  7. On 6/6/2019 at 7:03 PM, Friscobull said:
    On 6/6/2019 at 6:51 PM, ArmyBull said:

    Personally, the problem is that folks fail to realize that our own CCG IS the big game we have to win.  That game will be against the likes of c, Houston, Memphis, etc.  

    if we don’t win that..... well, failed season.  That should be our goal every year and the biggest game on the calendar.  

    We had and will have more long debates on this topic, by that calculation all the years the program has been in existence has been a failure, even the years they beat FSU, Auburn, UM, Clemson, WVU, ND etc... I want a Conference championship like everyone else and we are overdue but not a certain failure, However definitely the main goal going into the season.

    It's always the goal of any season to take home the CC. But second to that is to win the high profile games so our brand still grows. Die-hards can't fill stands...crowds follow winners.

  8. 3 hours ago, NAS Gone to Paradise said:
    8 hours ago, Mike Stuben said:


    Cuse would be odd. I think she has a good friend who plays there, but it doesn't make much sense otherwise. There are only three reasons in my mind to transfer at this time: 1. Family issue - like getting closer to a sick relative. 2. She absolutely wants to get away from USF for whatever reason. 3. Play for a National Championship. (for other players, another reason is to seek playing time, but that wouldn't apply here)

    One last thing - She may not be transferring. That just could be a back up plan in case her real plan doesn't work out, like playing pro in Europe for a year. 

    This will be interesting to watch. 

    Reason numba 4.. Graduate School choice.

    Who knows, but grad school could easily be a motivator if she's more serious about psych.

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