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Everything posted by Nuke

  1. Not in the least bit. I think Woolard needs to go with holtz and co. He improved our facilities dramatically, but royally screwed us with the holtz contract extension
  2. I was excited when holtz arrived and thought he could be successful...man was I wrong! Hiring holtz isn't what pisses me off, it's that Woolard extended his contract.
  3. Haha the crowd for the Pitt game should be pretty pathetic...not that I blame people for staying home
  4. That's not true...buyout 500k a year. All you have to do is hire a coach for less than 1.5 million and you're even Guys, I was serious. Holtz mailed that in. I'm not sure he doesn't want to get fired. he was going through the motions. If I was admin, I'd sit him down tomorrow and threaten to keep him but demand that he violation-can his entire staff. I'd also let him know that I am going to demand as much oversight as possible over who he hires and what they're paid. Put another way, I'd clip his effing wings. It'd be awkward, but I'd let him know that he is either negotiating a new buyout or getting his career prospects (and his relationships with the entire staff ruined) ruined. Forget that we suck. The dude mailed it in with his lack of focus at half time and his field goal display after the shutout was prevented. . . . . . . . . screw that. Guy is stealing money at this point. Of course he mailed it in...who else would laugh and smile while getting your butt whooped? The only problem with what you stated above is that Woolard is the dumbass that extended his contract. Do you really have faith Woolard can evaluate talent in a coach?
  5. ^^^ without a doubt. I'd rather spend less money on a head coach and get better assistants and coordinators.
  6. I think we have the talent to compete in the be. We have wasted players by playing them out of position and our coaches are morons
  7. That's not true...buyout 500k a year. All you have to do is hire a coach for less than 1.5 million and you're even I heard the buyout is $2 mil. Can we get a decent coach for 1.5? I realize anything may be better but what would be looking at? The buyout would be 500k per year remaining on his contract. We wouldn't have to pay the full price at once. You can get a quality coach for 1.5 million or less. We need to find a quality assistant from a big name school with ties to recruiting in Florida.
  8. He will jump right back on the bandwagon when things get better
  9. That's not true...buyout 500k a year. All you have to do is hire a coach for less than 1.5 million and you're even
  10. Sadly I don't think Woolard will fire holtz even after this horrible year.
  11. Even Jesus wouldn't want to be around USF football. Say goodbye to AW he's nc state bound
  12. I'm not worrying about that stuff anymore...I'm more worried about USF sucking
  13. I'm not going to renew my tickets to watch this $hit next year if holtz returns. I will donate my money to the school in other ways
  14. I'm tired of seeing holtz smiling on the sidelines while we are getting our a$$ handed to us
  15. Glad to see the senior fb get a catch. We need to do more plays like that.
  16. Exactly...you have to force him back inside to where your help is
  17. Proably is flustered He screwed up and he knows it It's hard finding anything he's done that wasn't a screw up
  18. He didn't surprise them...they just think he's a idiot
  19. He's just an idiot. Any coach would have called a to when the qb was standing around on the field waiting for the play Perhaps... but without the Timeout we got the matchup we wanted and should have had a TD - but it turns out our receivers drop balls from as well from Floyd as they did from Eveld or Daniels. Yes he dropped it...but pissing away 25 seconds cost is from getting more chances...holtz just can't coach
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