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Everything posted by GaUSFBull

  1. We will be able to run the ball over them if they do what you suggested above. Heck, I think we run the ball over them almost no matter what they throw at us, short of 8 guys in the box. Game Set Match. Can we get a QB and not an athlete at some point? What are you talking about? This is not B.J.'s fault ... far from it.
  2. I am definitely impressed thus far. Will be really telling to see how he does against defenses that are familiar with him from this point forward.
  3. Oh, and don't forget possible ACC team UConn < Iowa State. ;D
  4. Godfrey got absolutely murdered in the 2nd half. First half was pretty good for UCF, but they broke down in the 2nd. That Bortles kid played pretty well, but missed FG, muffed punt (that was pretty funny to watch although I did end up feeling bad for the kid that muffed it) and Godfrey taking stupid sacks when he came back in all combined to sink them. Agreed, he sux. Wow, comparing Holtz, Fisher, Muschamp and even Cristobal now, UCF has to feel stupid having O'Liar among those guys.
  5. Haha, you can throw out the UGA win in that case, which happens to be the one win they hold most dear.
  6. Looks like the Knights are about 9 min. away from victory. How many wins against BCS conference members will this make?
  7. I'm sorry to let you down. I'm sure most of the recruits are busy getting into their senior year of classes and football, and it would be my guess that you won't see too many updates until closer to the end of football season - they'll want to see how the season plays out for the teams that are after them as well. In that time, all we will likely get is train wrecks and further speculation. Looking forward to new updates on D'Vario whenever they are ready.
  8. Dude, the Golden cause was being championed well before Adelson got to the BE blog. Did you ever read any of Bennett's posts on expansion? He would never write about expansion without mentioning UCF. This :KoolAid you're trying to pour for us on here is getting embarrassing. Yeah Dude, so I guess that's why she called us the "Knights" on her game analysis today. She's worse than JT . At least he doesn't claim to be a writer I would guess you share that distinction with him. Drink up boys. :Bang How do you miss a point that I almost blatantly spelled out for you? It's not about Adelson, it's about ESPN! Your beef is with ESPN. Adelson is only the 2nd writer that has come in here that is rooting for UCF to join the BE. Bennett was doing it long before she got here. And what the hell is this line: Seriously, you need to work on making some sense when you post ... I never claimed to be a writer, and I don't know what distinction you are talking about. God, you need to settle down and think before you type. Seriously ... it's bad.
  9. Dude, the Golden cause was being championed well before Adelson got to the BE blog. Did you ever read any of Bennett's posts on expansion? He would never write about expansion without mentioning UCF. This :KoolAid you're trying to pour for us on here is getting embarrassing.
  10. A punter flopping doesn't count. Technically, most of those guys are just soccer players anyway, so its in their DNA. NBA players flopping is absurd and really detracts from their product, but the continuous action makes up for that somewhat. That was weak The response about the punter likely being a soccer player is a good point, no matter how much you don't want to hear it. It's more pathetic to flop in soccer because every single foul is precious, it can stop momentum and can change the game in that a player can get a yellow card and can be too careful to not challenge anyone for fear of getting a red card, and a flop can get an innocent player a red card and take the guy out of the game. It's worse to flop in soccer too, because there are MUCH fewer scoring chances in a soccer match. In basketballl you have many more opportunities to overcome a guy that gets a foul because someone flops. Don't get me wrong, I really don't mind soccer too much, but there is a reason why some soccer players are termed "foot fairies."
  11. The last and most epic of 11 epic, EPIC gifs.
  12. I thought there were some issues with Damarcus Smith too.
  13. They are still in the "There is no evidence of anything illegal and this is just a conspiracy/hit job by UL their lackey Pat Forde" mode. The first stage of grief is denial and they are still very much in denial. Yeah, if their assessment of the outcome of the Plancher trial is any indication of what to expect from them, they will probably be in the denial stage for quite a while.
  14. Man, it must suck to be a Knight right now. First, it looks like the AQ school they admire most looks like will get a large hammer dropped on them, now their own school looks like will face sanctions. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but with the exception of a few UCF blind homers, I think it might be a little quiet around here for a while if anything happens to UCF.
  15. I was at the 42-0 romp of UF over UCF. I can't overstate the combination of feelings of embarrassment and amusement I felt for UCF fans who were talking so much smack before the game. Then their team failed to cash the check their fans' mouths were writing, and looked like a Pee Wee team against the Gators. It was ridiculous.
  16. You mention all those teams and leave out the Magic? Come on, man.
  17. So what's your point? This isn't about USF. You'd like to see this, wouldn't you? Still butthurt about getting leapfrogged. Then why is your coach trotting out this moronic, pathetic idea? : No, UCF is the only college football team in Orlando. GOL has made it perfectly clear with this idea that UCF is not Orlando's team, big difference. Who wouldn't want their team to play in a BCS conference? Sorry, but it doesn't appear this is a choice you or casual UCiF fans get to make. In the meantime, continue to support Miami and Florida while your team plays Tulsa, Southern Methodist and Tulane. /funrant
  18. While you are correct, I think comparing USF and UCF in this scenario like comparing apples to oranges. With USF, we're in an AQ conference so there's no reason to cheer for another of the "Big 3." I think this has a lot to do with why USF probably doesn't have this issue nearly as bad as UCF does.
  19. UCF wins. No way USF can compete with that last one. Cold shower coming up ...
  20. Not then ... but was when he said this: "The Knights play like a legit big-time program". Thanks, Trip. Just another example of a UCF fan getting the wrong message and running with it. If he just visited the campus a couple weeks ago, he couldn't have watched an actual game there, could he? :
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