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Posts posted by Bull-Hornz

  1. 38 minutes ago, Brad said:

    I think this is probably the best hire yet and there is true potential for for sustained success.   But "next level" kind of success is going to require more work from a lot of people on Fowler and those reading this post.  It's not just Charlie.   

    Agreed. If the rumors are true that he doesn't want to move, he took a critical step by asking USF to pony up his coaching pool budget. And that is major and already has up'd my respect for Strong.

  2. 11 minutes ago, nobullaboutit said:

    1. Strong is a straight arrow & well respected. He doesn't need to ride on anybody's coat tails. This alone brings a lot of credibility to USF in the football arena.  Especially to the fans. Increased attendance. Definitely good PR. Fans will be proud to be a Bull's fan again!

    2. He gains the respect of his players & is true to his values.  They will want to play for him. This will generate better recruiting. With that in mind it will lead to a better winning atmosphere & 1st Conference Championship! Then in the future the P5 will come knocking. But first things first.

    The lore of DJ continues to grow...DJ knows so .much that he was the first to actually break this news yesterday. Wonder if Strong slipped in and had a meeting with his group yesterday :yeahbaby:


    • Upvote 3
  3. 8 minutes ago, JimUSFSig said:


    10 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    :angry: .... This is the first thread I see when I jumped on this morning and based on the ****** title ("What hiring Charlie Strong Means Would Mean for USF) thought it was a done deal. If it falls through, you, and only you, will be held personally responsible.


    6 minutes ago, Brad said:

    Later today Trip

    That good enough for ya Trip :yeahbaby:

    Thx @JimUSFSig for the BMM tweet.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    :angry: .... This is the first thread I see when I jumped on this morning and based on the ****** title ("What hiring Charlie Strong Means Would Mean for USF) thought it was a done deal. If it falls through, you, and only you, will be held personally responsible.

    Hahaha...sry Trip. Shall I knock on wood, say three hail Mary's and toss rice over my shoulder. Please feel free to change the title but just about every major outlet is reporting a hire now.

  5. 55 minutes ago, Bull-Hornz said:

    If this is true, it could be viewed as bolstering rumors regarding Strong wanting this to be his final destination. Pure speculation on my part, but if I am USF, I know the current CFB environment and how close we are in making the jump. I would push for going all in on this hire as it might be the best chance we get to fortify our case of deserving to be in a power conference.


    18 minutes ago, Dogma said:


    D*mn...looks like my speculation might be right! If so Strong has already done what a coach at the next level should do; energize our program including those with the money. Big time moves baby!

    Looks like Strong wants to become the father of USF football.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Just now, ajusf16 said:

    No it's the Florida plate with a surfer and sun shining. On the left side there's a Longhorn emblem. 

    Signifies someone must have left UT for Tampa, similar to what Strong is close to doing. 

    Within minutes a car with a Texas plate did pass me though. That sealed it for me, we got him. 

    F'n awesome. Maybe I pick up sticks and move back home brother. You got a boat yet? Our boys are about the same age now. About time to show the ways of the of the Bay.

    Tight Lines!

    • Upvote 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, usfgrad84 said:

    Taggart stated he wanted to be the first African American coach to win a national championship. With the team he left Strong, Strong is closer to playing in the CFP than Taggart is. 

    With 13-0 a real possibility, any semblence of a competent defense gives us a shot to be the first program to crash the party. Although ourschedule may limit that opportunity  

    While Taggart is quickly gaining respect nationally, but Strong is very well respected and know nationally. He brings more respect to the USF program than we have ever had. 

    In my opinion, as it turns out, Taggart leaving and Strong coming on board could be the best possible scenario for the short and medium term of the program. 

    With the respect Strong has in the media, among other coaches around the country and by HS coaches and recruits, Harlan needs to turn up the PR machine for Flowers for Heisman and for the program in general. 

    Strong is the right guy at the best possible time. 


  8. 21 minutes ago, ajusf16 said:

    Define next level. 

    I bullieve an undefeated season is possible next year. Does that correlate into a CFP spot, no. 

    Agree. As it stands now we are rebuilding our reputation and this is a critical component in the current playoff system. But...if next year is as successful as we believe it could be, we would start the polls near top 10 the following year which would reduce our dependence on SOS and rep. 

    This would also test Strong, as key players on O would graduate but it appears we have talent in the cupboards.

  9. 5 minutes ago, BDYZR said:

    I think this is the best of the hires we could have made, publicly. Name recognition means a lot in sports. I think almost any coach would be successful for the next couple of years. CCS, the name recognition, and his ability to recruit will should continue to carry USF from the abyss of CSH.

    Agree with USFBullrider on the Conference Championship. CCS still has the dilemma of butts in seats, and I think that has a lot to do with the "next level."




    Great minds!

  10. 7 minutes ago, usfbullrider said:

    Next level being conference champion yes power conference no

    Its pretty clear to me that all USF can do is make the product look and attract as much attention as possible to make the jump to a power conference. 

    I can't suggest a better hire that USF could make to accomplish this. Strong has to deliver but this hire blows up everyones screens, locally and nationally. 

    This puts USF on every possible P5 expansion list, and the Gators and Noles coaches bums just tightened up.

    I could be sipping get he Kool-aid, but this might be the biggest move out of all CFB hires from a PR perspective including CWT going to Oregon.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 24 minutes ago, Bull-Hornz said:

    I think there is much to be excited about. For example:

    - He is at least an equally capable recruiter as CWT. There is no doubt players are excited about this. DJ has spoken! Expect very little drop off in recruiting and I would predict a bump.

    - Here is easily the most accomplished HC USF has ever hired. If the trajectory of HC hires is any indication of USF's future, it's looking bright.

    - He turned around and had great seasons at Louisville as HC, that's a fact. Moreover he knows what it takes to win a National Championship and his Gators D was top in the country that year.

    - This is a major splash hire which will excite recruits and the fan base. Sports is all about name brand and Charlie Strong helps solidify USF as the next big school which should make the jump. We will pick up more bandwagon fans bc of this and more gator fans as well.

    Just off the top of the dome. I imagine others here can add to this list.

    Exciting day to be a BULL!!

    My thoughts about the upside of Charlie Strong.

    • Upvote 2
  12. 3 minutes ago, bullsmeanbusiness said:


    If this is true, it could be viewed as bolstering rumors regarding Strong wanting this to be his final destination. Pure speculation on my part, but if I am USF, I know the current CFB environment and how close we are in making the jump. I would push for going all in on this hire as it might be the best chance we get to fortify our case of deserving to be in a power conference.

    • Upvote 1
  13. 1 minute ago, charsibb said:

    Not even then.

    I'm not convinced yet that Strong can win without Hurtt's recruiting

    I hope to be convinced very quickly!


    I think there is much to be excited about. For example:

    - He is at least an equally capable recruiter as CWT. There is no doubt players are excited about this. DJ has spoken! Expect very little drop off in recruiting and I would predict a bump.

    - Here is easily the most accomplished HC USF has ever hired. If the trajectory of HC hires is any indication of USF's future, it's looking bright.

    - He turned around and had great seasons at Louisville as HC, that's a fact. Moreover he knows what it takes to win a National Championship and his Gators D was top in the country that year.

    - This is a major splash hire which will excite recruits and the fan base. Sports is all about name brand and Charlie Strong helps solidify USF as the next big school which should make the jump. We will pick up more bandwagon fans bc of this and more gator fans as well.

    Just off the top of the dome. I imagine others here can add to this list.

    Exciting day to be a BULL!!

  14. 12 minutes ago, Who'sYourData? said:

    In theory.  But Texas could easily argue that a four of five year contract is standard in this profession, so it was merely an attempt to circumvent the language in the contract.

    The reality is that the lawyers for all three sides are making good money figuring this all out over the weekend to avoid a trial later.

    Rebuttal: "His record over the last several years increases the risks associated with his being a successful HC at USF. We prefer to offer a short term contract and revisit the viabilty of his long term prospects as our HC based on his performance in the near-term future." :stirpot:

    I have wasted enough time today. Gonna get some work done.

    • Upvote 1
  15. Slightly off topic but since we are waiting on news and most bulls fans with any sense and players are locked on this thread...

    Big shot out to the graduating class of 2016!! Thx guys for all that you have done. Apply your dedication to chasing greatness, training hard, and perseverance to the next phases of your careers. Go HAM in all aspects of life!


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