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Bull Dozer

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Posts posted by Bull Dozer

  1. 40 minutes ago, zarnozdabull said:

    Its going to be a loooooong season next year...

    Don’t expect us to be good for at least 2 years with a complete overhaul.

    Fixing the OL is never easy and we we have big time holes on the DL too and those two position groups take the most development for a high school kid to be ready to see the field.   Some of the guys around here blaming everything on coaching are going to be in for a rude awakening next season.  This team needs a talent infusion upfront and kids to have a couple years in what should be a better S&C program to be physically ready to compete.   Enjoy the honeymoon period fellas, it's going to be a rough next couple of years.    

  2. Not surprised by this at all.  When you have the cultural rot we had the last few years you have to clean house completely and start from scratch.  I had some hope maybe King would be retained but it's understandable why CJS went with the scorched Earth plan.  It was always going to take 2 or so seasons to get this thing straightened out so it's best CJS gets his guys in here and starts trying to fix this thing from the ground up.  

  3. 7 minutes ago, DELdaBull said:

    Yup. And since Rodemaker is gone ZERO reason to keep Bell, thankfully.  

    I would move King back to QB coach. He did well with the running backs, but the improvement of Flowers under his tutelage was amazing.  

    QB coach is a tough ask. These days most OC's coach the QB's and I'm sure Scott wants guy who knows his offense in that spot. They didn't do it at Clemson so maybe there's hope there but I think he's a RB coach of retained. He got good production and developed the guys behind Cronk. Sands and Joiner were both productive guys and one was a true freshman and Sands who was a project back when recruited. 

  4. Our QB room is a mess right now and I don't see how anyone could be comfortable enough to turn Franks away. Are people operating on the assumption that Brice is a done deal or something? If you you feel comfortable going into next season with a QB room of McCloud, Rygol, and True freshman Smith (if we hang onto him) (Evans is a wildcat QB not a true QB) you're pretty **** deluded. Franks put up good numbers at the highest level of college football and we're in no position to poo poo the opportunity. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, NewEnglandBull said:

    You make some great points relative to timing. I think the one greatest concern I see looking back is that once the athletic building was completed their was no focus on “what’s next.” This was especially true for football. Indeed, once the IPF is built MK has got to them ask what will enhance the football program next...then start selling this. It needs to be never ending...there always has to be a push for the future when it comes to football. 

    This. You gotta keeping pushing the ball forward or you're going backwards. 

  6. 6 hours ago, FazaUSF said:

    Yeah. A number 1 overall pick. How has his team done since he has been drafted? What's his TD-to-INT ratio? How much has it improved since his college years? What is his team's record again??? 

    Please, friend, bring some juice with your suggestions....

    How'd Winston do in college? Pro success is irrelevant here.... Using your logic you should be down on Grothe and Flowers due to their lack of pro success. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, CousinRicky said:

    Pretty sure when we built the Selmon Center that it was state of the art.  I'm still impressed with the weight room.  I'm sure many places are better and now have football only facilities.  But that building isn't all that old and to say that they weren't supporting football in the past a bit off base IMO.

    In the last decade or so college football has become a facilities arms race. If you aren't trying to build/improve your facilities constantly you are rapidly falling behind. We rested on our laurels when we had BE money when we should have been investing in the program and it's why we are behind now and will continue to fall further behind until this facility gets done 

  8. 2 hours ago, Bull94 said:

    agreed. the key is to not have 7 step drops and expect a pocket to form.

    Clemson never had a dominant o-line. they always get the ball out quick.

    People also seem to act like Clemson has always had Tervor Lawrence.  Watson, Boyd, and Kelly Bryant were are dual threat guys and Clemson took advantage of their legs.  Scott has plenty of experience using a QB's legs to his advantage.   

  9. I like that he mentioned that we're working from the Bay Area out in recruiting. For all the Hype about CCS and his recruiting ability we didn't do much locally. In fact we were often late to offer kids with out of state schools often beating us to the punch which is inexcusable imo. We have to be extremely plugged in locally to win the battles we need to in recruiting and it sounds like that's CJS's goal 

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