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Posts posted by El_Toro_86

  1. This guy's dead on. Do us a favor Lanaris. QUIT. You want to make this defense better, you want to make this team better, let someone else who's meant to play MLB for USF step in and clean up your god awful ****** ass piece of crap disgusting despicable pitiful mess you've caused for this team season after season. GOD **** IT IM SO MAD AT THAT GUY.

    You're being a might harsh dude. I always saw Lanaris as the next Ben Moffitt, but I don't think he has the proper instruction and schemes to allow him to be truly successful. The OP wouldn't agree with your response but he also wouldn't like mine concerning Leavitt. I think we should maybe pump the brakes a bit on calling out individual players. Coaches are men, they're over 40, they get paid crap loads of money to perform at the top. JMHO.

    Agreed. At fan fest, i briefly spoke with him as he was signing for me and he was very excited about his upcoming senior season. He was very polite and thanked me for coming out and supporting the team. Seemed like a very good kid.

    Our frustration should be aimed at the coaches who get paid lots of money to put these players in the best situation to succeed.

  2. I listened also. Same pablum from Holtz each week. Frankly though that may have been the last one I can stomach through.

    Usual soft balls from Jim and Mark. A couple of fluff questions from facebook.

    when he said "the defense played good except for 3rd downs" I couldn't believe it. How about all those 4 & 5 yard runs on 1st and 2nd down. He is a deer in the headlights.

    He also singled out Mike Lanaris for playing a good game. WTF!

  3. He has absolutely no clue of what's happening or worse how to fix it.

    He never mentioned the Ball State game and went right in to FSU and how they appear to be from another planet they're so good. Didn't hear the Q&A because 98.7 doesn't cover it.

    He has a clueless defeatist look about him that would almost make me feel sorry for him if he wasn't making 2 mill a year.

    Something needs to happen soon or we're going to get knocked so far back to irrelevancy that we never recover.

  4. Here's the copy requested and here's the email address I sent it off to ('bmcgillis@usf.edu')

    As an alumnus of the University of South Florida, I feel it is my responsibility to express my frustration and disappointment with the current direction of our collegiate football program. Your alumni fan-base is quickly diminishing, many of whom will not be purchasing season tickets or making donations next year in protest. Mistakes have been made with the hiring of Skip Holtz and the rest of his coaching staff. Defensive Coordinator Chris Cosh should be notified immediately that his lack of performance has been noticed on a national level and, unless improvement is extremely evident in the very near future, he should begin to look for a new coaching job elsewhere. This program has been taken from a rising national name and football power, to an embarrassment of NCAA Division I athletics. Please do the right thing and place the pressure of success that all current students and alumni feel is needed upon this head coach and his staff. If nothing is done soon, this program will be lost for years to come. I thank you for taking the time to read about my concerns.


    William Hemberger


    That is a lucid, intelligent, well thought-out objection.

    Over Ruled!

  5. For arguments sake, let's say we get thrashed by FSU and then lose to Temple. I say fire Cosh and make Kevin Patrick interim DC.

    We'll be at the bye week to give the players time to adjust. The defensive system will stay the same, but there will be someone else making the calls and motivating the players. At this point we've got nothing to lose.

    At the end of the year, see where we are and go from there.


  6. With regards to football, yes.

    The rest of our programs are doing very well at the moment.

    That said, his only real mistake was the extension. Hiring Holtz was not a bad choice. Be honest, ALL OF YOU were happy with the choice. No one said oh **** we are going to lose to Ball St under this guy. Revisionist history at its finest.

    This is spot on. Woolard's giant mistake was giving Holtz a contract mistake after a 5-7 season.

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