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Posts posted by El_Toro_86

  1. So, I'm wheelin' back from Publix just a few minutes ago, listening to FM sports radio when Skip Holtz gets a sound byte on the forthcoming game.

    He said that a "let down", from the FSU game (which I would hasten to point out was a LOSS) would not be unexpected, given that the guys don't know one another, etc.

    Now, that doesn't sound very head-coach speak to me. If you're spinning this game as the reboot of the season and a chance to redeem the

    season via conference play, I don't think you should be floating the expectation of the team not being "up" for Temple. Unless...unless...that was a subtle message

    that the head coach is not able to jack up the voltage.

    If we lose this game? I don't hold onto the "well, we could go 5-2" followed by "well, we could go 4-3", because it eventually winds up being ZERO-N-SEVEN.

    A loss to Temple signals that this party is coming to an end early on. There is more than JUST a conference win at stake on Saturday.

    I think Skippy is sensing that this team ain't buying what he's selling.

  2. I'll post my final thoughts here as well...

    I was very impressed with the passion the team had tonight. I don't even mind DeDe's penalty in the end. It was a play where EJ Manuel kicked at him and he reacted rather than running to the sidelines like he's be neutered by all of the up-downs. Specifically in games where you're out-gunned, you can't win without passion.

    Skips blunders in my mind...

    Early in the game, ball hit the ground, refs called it a complete pass. Skip is asking the ref for review, smiling at him, joking at him, "pretty please sir? it sure would make me happy if ya'll'd take a look at that one". I want to see a coach that has passion. That doesn't let his team get cheated by a bad call. Get in that refs face and let him know that he is blowing it by not whistling the play dead and taking a look.

    The end of the half... HOW MANY TIMES? Jesus, BJ is not good in the 2 minute drill at the end of the half. I know it, 95% of the people on this board know it, the only people who do not seem to know it are Todd Fitch and Skip Holtz. We just had a huge defensive stand, momentum was on our side, and we just gifted them 3 points for no reason.

    Deep ball on their last FG drive... 3rd and a mile and they get a 47 yard gain. CALL A TIMEOUT. It was not a complete pass, again, attack a ref, MAKE them review it. You let your kids get cheated again because YOU don't want to make an ass of yourself. It's all about you right Skippy? Oh by the way, the defense would have been deflated there also, they just gave up a huge play on a 3rd down and long, maybe rally the troops with that timeout while you're not doing anything.

    Floyd situation... seriously? I can't even force myself to believe that happened. You bring in a guy on 3rd and 13, who hasn't thrown a pass in 4 weeks. To face a great pass rush and number 4 team in the nation... and you actually call a play for him to drop back and PASS? WTF? I just can't even believe that happened. It has to be a run in that situation, or, maybe a bubble screen at most.

    No sense of urgency toward the end of the game. Legitimately, this was not a game that we should win. But, I'd rather lose it because our players got beat, not because our coaches are so conservative on defense and so careless, and so awful at clock management that they actually counter act what was a great effort by the team.

    I would personally not have any issues with Skip being fired effective immediately. Promote Fitch or Hargreaves to Interim Head Coach and start the search. There are no signs that this staff can turn things around, there is no indication that they can manage a game. They do not coach to player strengths. They do not consistently get full effort out of the team. Quite honestly, I think they have lost control. You see BJ and Davis bickering on the sidelines. BJ throws the ball away on 4th down. I don't care how stupid people think he is, I think that was a complete surrender by BJ in that moment. I don't blame him either. That kid is giving us everything he's got, and the coaches are setting him up for failure every step of the way. I also think that he was very likely playing with a concussion... if we find out that that is the truth too, I have to ask you, is ***** slapping a kid worse than sending a kid on the field with a concussion and asking him to run all over the field and put himself at risk for more shots to the head?

    I hate this coach. We're all witnessing the slow and methodical murder of USF Football. It makes me very sad to see what is becoming of this program. To think of where we were just a few years ago, on everyone's radar as an up-and-coming program. To now, losing to Ball State. Looking disinterested. It's infuriating.

    Edited to add...

    Skip's conservative approach to the game killed us on the first kickoff tonight too. Instead of aggressively trying to pin teams back by covering up kicks very well all season, we looked like a kick coverage team that had never had to try to make a tackle before. Just another example of his conservative mindset holding the team back.


  3. Players only meetings are never a good sign.

    Usually there is some type of turmoil within the locker room.

    You may have been on vacation last week, but, we lost to Ball effing State. State college of Balls. Yeah, there better be turmoil.

    Wasn't talking about the loss to Balls Tate as the turmoil. I was talking about deeper rooted reasons why this team has underperformed on the field. Maybe you have noticed that this team seems to be lacking just a tad bit of passion and enthusiasm. I have a feeling these players aren't buying what the coaches are selling.

    Time will tell. Hopefully they can turn this thing around.

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