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Posts posted by BrownBullsFan

  1. This right here is the correct response even though I am in the go for 1 group. There are scenarios that would make going for 1 wrong and going for 2 wrong as both sides have brought up, which I am sure have both happened in the long history of the sport. It was not a 100% call either way, based on charts, coach group think, or whatever else you want to call it. We won the game and this decision is reaching to nitpick, it was no where near Taggart's worst coaching decision, probably not even his worst in this game.



    There was too much time in the game to not just take the point there.  It is more likely that it comes down to a game winning FG for us than a blocked XP, and there is much less of a chance to make the 2 pt conversion.  Also, ECU's offense wasn't going to drive the length field on our defense anyway.

  2. What is confusing?  The American Conference has a contract with ESPN that requires every conference game to be televised -- because ESPN doesn't have enough bandwidth to do that with all of their other contracts, the American Conference contract also allows some games to be sold to CBS Sports Net.
    It was announced this game would be 7:30pm on CBS Sports Net on October 19th.



    Also, if Temple is picked up by anything other than ESPN3 (which it will), this will be the first time that every game we have played against an FBS opponent has been broadcasted in HD.

  3. My wife & I just got back from DC (arrived Wednesday late afternoon.  I hate losing, but DC was great, and Annapolis was really cool, before & after the game.  My wife has already advised that she wants to come back in 2 years, but this time, stay in Annapolis.

    I will say the travel tips were a little off.  We decided late, to ignore the Navy website recommendation to take the shuttle rides a few exits earlier & drove into town to get breakfast & buzz the area.  They have parking just across the street for $20.  $15, a little farther away.  Traffic was well managed (the beauty of small venues/crowds).  Next time, we'll do the same...get in for bfast or lunch (depending on kick off time), then head to the stadium & park in someone's drive for $20.

    We had bfast at Chick and Ruth's Delly, on Main Street.  It was excellent.  There were several Bulls fans there, and every one treated us well.  Dinner was at Cantlers, just outside of town (recommended by a friend who grew up there).  Also, some Bulls fans there.  Food was pretty good, but next time, we'll try a place near Main St, or head to the marina.

    If you can swing it, I'd highly recommend it as a road trip.  Navy fans are first class, the area is great, and it's impressive to see them run that option scheme (although it was very painful watching it run so well against us...with what seemed like no/few adjustments.  But I digress.

    Was also great to finally meet New England Bull...great guy & true fan.  And, the alumni pre-game event was the largest I've ever seen.

    Remember they are in the West division, so we won't be going to Annapolis for 4 more years unfortunately.

  4. Playing with real money I would not touch this game

    Yeah me neither.  I think we are a better team than them, but weird things happen on the road @ ECU.  For some weird reason, I think this one is a toss up but then somehow find a way to beat a ranked Temple team at home, but really hoping we pull one this out to take a little bit of the pressure off.

  5. I will back up my statement though. I also mentioned preseason that if we do not get 6 wins and a bowl game, that I would come with a pitchfork for Taggart's head. But if we play competitively each game, and blow out UCF to finish things off, I will actually admit SLIGHT improvement, and give Taggart ONE MORE FRIGGIN YEAR (that hurt to say). The reason I say this is because the AAC greatly improved this year, and so that is the reason it will only show up as a one win improvement. Now, with ONE power 5 team on the schedule for next year, there should be no reason we don't win 7

    We have 2 Power 5 teams on the schedule next year but I pretty much agree with what you're saying.

  6. I, like you Triple B, am a seasoned college football fan. I like what you said. These 3 years have been hard to watch.  At least there was some relief with the wins. My concern that has been mentioned in previous threads is the fan base if CWT stays.  We need butts in seats & winning helps but is a 6-6 record going to put fans in seats & get season ticket renewals?

    6-6 won't put butts in the seats, but it gets you 15 extra practices and sells more recruits on your plan to be the first regime to bring a league title to USF.  I understand patience is wearing thin, but any coach will need a 3 year minimum with the shape we were in after 2012.  If Willie recruited well at 2-10, imagine 6-6?  I'm fine with firing the guy if he doesn't make a bowl, but my gut tells me we will.

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  7. Lack of player execution/discipline did us in against Navy, not the game plan.


    I would say there definitely was some conservatism on CWT's part, but I can understand why he did it.  I just think the crucial stuff (missed FGs, fumble on kick return, Ward's unsportsmanlike conduct, McCants easy dropped 3rd down in the red zone) is why we lost this particular game.  I think defensively, we could have sold out to the run a little more.  Either way, find a way @ECU.

  8. So I took the time to read every one of your ignorant posts and have responded to every single one of them, so you can quit using that as an excuse to not admit when you are wrong. If I missed a point let me know and I’ll be happy to explain how you are wrong about that one too.


    1)      It is our money because unlike you, I and most of the people here continue to donate to our school by being season ticket holders instead of just quitting being a fan and actually rooting for the team to lose. And if you are so eager to fire WT this year who do you want to bring in? Because we will be competing with probably at least 10 other schools many of which are P5. Sorry but those are better jobs than ours currently, which sucks but we are trying to change that. A lot of that has to do with Holtz, Woolard and even Genshaft. But absolutely some of it does have to do with Willie too.


    2)      The last two years did suck and we are starving for a winning year. 6 and 6 is not the finishing point but it is a milestone in the road. If you are starving and someone hands you a can of spam you eat this **** as fast as you can and then use that to go try and make your next meal a steak. You don’t oh no I don’t want that, I’m just gonna keep ******** until someone brings me the perfect meal. 6-6 is absolutely spam or ramen whatever crap meal you want to call it, but it’s still food. Gives you something to build on, gives you extra practices, helps recruiting, etc. Next year, as brownbullsfan said, is when we build on that and compete for an AAC championship (steak).


    3)      If we don’t get to 6-6, by all means fire him. I and most others here agree that WT has made mistakes that have cost us games and he is responsible for those losses (Maryland and Memphis). But he has also made adjustments and has the team playing much better football the last 4 games. I fully expect to win at least 2 more and that could be as high as 6 more if we play to the full talent of this team.


    4)      Speaking of WT’s strong suit, he recruits talent. Everyone knows he’s better at recruiting than an X and O’s guy. But he has also adjusted his scheme this year because he knew he wasn’t cutting it. None of those guys you mentioned were high profile recruits.


    5)      The guys you did mention as being positives, Allen and Adams, were also the guys most responsible for this particular loss. You yourself said Allen’s defense wasn’t good enough to stop Navy’s offense. Adams fumbled the game away trying to make a play. But you know what it is still WT’s responsibility in the end so if we lose 3 more games the same way he’s gone.


    6)      If you would like to sit down and talk X and O’s about what exactly WT should be calling I’d be happy to meet you before the next home game and we can watch some tape. Because the early successful run game against Memphis was largely because of play design and granted he then should have opened up the pass, the 37 pts per game the previous 3 games were a big adjustment to play design and play calling.


    7)      I was ready to fire WT after Maryland and wanted Bench to play. Guess what I was wrong and the development of Flowers has been awesome to watch. Kudos to WT for picking a QB and sticking with his guy and then making adjustments to get us to 4-4. Another adjustment from prior years where we were divided between awful options at QB.


    8)      If you would like to talk specifics about this game. What adjustment would you have liked to have seen on offense? Navy shutdown the run (our bread and butter). QF was not 100% so the QB run was not as effective to open it up. We tried a couple differently designed run plays (not all run plays are the same, hopefully since you know what an Over is or at least know enough to use the word then you know there are different types of run plays). We also did pass it down the field, which was decently successful.  You could argue we could have passed it more but when players drop crucial balls I don’t blame him for trying to go back to our staple. I’m sure he wants the drops correctly just as much as you do and is probably has those guys at the jugs machine after practice. What do you want him to do, supply them with some stick em’?


    9)      As for the personal attacks I’ve done nothing more than called you ignorant and stupid a couple times so try not use that as an excuse again, it’s just my honest opinion and not meant as an insult. But you seem to have no problem hurling them at others, especially considering usually those guys “setting up cones” at practices do have more knowledge than most because they see the gameplans being developed, understand how coaches think and react, and also see how a program is built if you happen to be around at the right time. Also a lot of those guys end up being future coaches themselves.


    As I’ve made pretty clear I am no WT homer. I was all for firing him when this team looked like ****. Hell I never wanted JL gone, but that's a post for another day. But if you don’t see this team is better than you are just being ignorant or unrealistic. I too want this program to be like we were back in 2007, but I will gladly take a bowl game this year and build a program over multiple years and have extremely high yet realistic expectations for the next season. I’m sure now you will respond with some grammar mistake or tell me how I must be sniffing WT’s jock. Have a good night and I look forward to your next post after we win. Really looking forward to you manning up to your word if we do manage to go 7-5, except on the other hand I really hope for the good of the human race that do not have the chance to procreate and pass on your genes. (I couldn't make it all the way through without an insult sorry).


    Hall of Fame post right there.

  9. Is it your money? Why are you so concerned with budget? 

    That's what I look for in my athletics dept. "Yeah we suck and are completely irrelevant, but just look at that fiscal responsibility!" 

    I bet you were a big proponent of "giving Skip time to get HIS players in there" too. 

    But let's give Willie 4 more years. By then maybe he can find a soft enough schedule to go 7-5 once. That's the dream, right? That is ABSOLUTELY Willie's ceiling. 

    All I've wanted to do the whole time was just give him the rest of the season.   If he gets to a bowl game, then give him year 4.  If he doesn't, fire him.  Stop making up that 4 more years stuff, it's why you don't have any credibility.

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  10. How does you setting up cones relate to knowledge of the game at all? Anybody can do that.

    Haha, he's trying to take a personal shot at me after he was claiming he doesn't take personal shots.  It's cool, we can go ahead and fire Willie Taggart and get Jim Harbaugh or whoever else he wants with all the money we have and all the multi million dollar donations we get every year.

  11. Well so far since I've been here there hasn't been much else to say. Want my positives? OK

    Tom Allen was a great hire (by harlan) and has the defense playing as well as they have since the Leavitt holdovers were still performing before Holtz's stink got all over everything. 

    Rodney Adams is an exciting playmaker, and yes, they have been wise to try and get him the ball in as many ways as possible, since the passing game isn't really much to see. 

    But again, I get called all sorts of names, don't attack anyone personally myself, but that's fine I guess. I provide reasonable answers as to why I think he's a bad coach. They may not all be right, I don't claim to be all-knowing, but I provide fairly insightful answers, and all I see is "Willie is gunna right the ship" and other cliche' drivel. 

    The talent level is about the same it's always been. Maybe slightly better than the end of the Holtz era (and I bet the same people defending Tags were defending Holtz right up until the end too) so I get tired of the excuses blaming Holtz. He sucked but he's gone. These are Willie's players, this is his guys that he expected to perform in his cheap knockoff Harbaugh system

    I root for my team. Long term. I root for sustained success. 7-8 years ago this was a program on the rise that it would not have been asinine to expect them to be consistent visitors inside the top 25, a team capable of knocking off nearly anyone on the right day. Now we've been subject to such bad football for so long, people want to bow at the altar of Coach Low T for having this team fall somewhere between "average" and "bottom dweller", when he himself contributed mightily to such low regard for this program. 

    I don't think I need to submit a resume as to my football knowledge, when you all would sit there and give me +1's for just spouting off tard billy crap like "Go Bulls! They's gunna win just CUZ I feelz it!"



    You prove my point of just being a Taggart hater by saying the pluses are Tom Allen and Rodney Adams.  Harlan didn't hire Tom Allen, Taggart made the call on that but that's fine, you spin everything Taggart does right into something wrong.  Who got Rodney Adams to transfer here?  Oh that's right, Harlan did because he does everything right.  Adams could have easily transferred to UCF when the tragedy with his mother happened. 


    It has been a terrible 2 years and first 3 games of the 3rd season, and that's on no one else but Taggart, but he's showing signs of improvement.

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  12. Please do. Nobody seems to want to show any X's and O's when it comes to Tags. It's all the players fault, refs fault, mine for killing an angel because I don't believe, etc. And yet my knowledge gets challenged and I make reasonable responses as to why this 1950's game plan doesn't work long term. 

    If I actually was a UCF fan, honestly I'd be suggesting USF lock Willie up long term. I can think of no better outcome if that was my angle.


    You seem new here, and you're entitled to your opinion.  I just don't get where you were when he was winning the last 3 games criticizing his game plan and his play calling.  Memphis and Maryland were on Taggart, this loss was not.  Any reasonable fan can see there has been tangible improvement since the Memphis game.


    You don't have to see it my way, but my resume with this team likely goes much farther than yours as I've spent 5 years during the Leavitt era inside the walls of the facility watching every practice, every game on the sideline.


    You want to be a Taggart hater?  Go ahead, I won't stop you, but you also hold no credibility around here either for the fact that you signed up to strictly bash on him.

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  13. Explain what you think the game plan was then. 

    I saw a team that got their main options taken away, and did not know how to counter. I also saw a number of overly conservative play calls on 3rd/4th down. That has nothing to do with execution. I also saw an offense, which Taggart invited criticism towards when he assumed all play calling duties, put up 10 points, 7 of which were mostly the result of a punt return. 

    from 4-8 to 6-6 can just be a matter of random variance. 

    Again, on here it's all his genius if they succeed, and all the players fault when they don't. And yet he's made countless more decisions that have proven unsuccessful than he has great moves. 

    The next time he makes a 'gutsy' call in a close game will be the first. It's proven time and time again in game theory that playing games overly risk averse works to a team's detriment rather than helping them succeed. 

    Yet Willie always wants to stand at 17. 

    I could literally make the exact opposite seem true but that would take too much time.  Plus, I just realized you're a UCF troll.

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  14. The only people that put this loss on CWT are the ones that want him gone no matter what.  I think they secretly hope we lose so that he'll be fired.



    If you think this loss is on Taggart, you don't understand the difference between gameplan and execution in football.  Some on this board are just ridiculous with the whole blind Fire Taggart thing after every loss.  We are on path to 6-6, a bowl game, and the ability to challenge for east division crown in 2016.

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  15. Planning a trip and it is unfortunate we don't have a time yet... although I understand it's a little early for an announcement (TV, etc).


    However, I'm wondering if anyone has heard anything, as tentative as it may be....REALLY hoping for a late kickoff.




    TV decides the time, they have a 12-day window to announce the time and a 6-day option to announce the network.  Expect them to release the time for the game on Monday around noon et.  Long story short, no one besides ESPN (or CBSSN) has any idea what time it will be. 

  16. As much as I hate ESPN (I can no longer tolerate Sportscenter), I have to say I'm thankful for it.  Yes, we screwed ourselves not signing that BE deal, but salvaging the fact that every American home game is required to be on some sort of broadcast ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU, ESPNNews, ESPN3, or sold to CBSSN.  I am able to watch every game as an out of state alumni.


    If the temple game is picked up by cable, I believe this will be the first year in Bulls history that every FBS game was televised by a national cable channel (with an HD option).

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