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Posts posted by CyberBull

  1. It was a thought I head today looking up in the boxes with the bionculors (sp?) I was looking at the ESPN crew and guess who was in the box right next to them, the president of our beloved university.  She has made the statement that she wants USF to become one of the top 50 research instituions in the country, if its one thing I can say about her, its that she is not content to let USF sit as a Mid-major commuter school regarded as less than the other three big named schools in the state.  

    With that being said I had to feel she was probably a little embarassed today, the school she is president of got it handed to them, today, on national tv, in front of a very very poorly attened game.  I looked at the beginning of the 4th and guess who left early?  

    Now with all that, we just got done with our worst record ever, I'm not saying that CJL needs to go, not at all.  But I am saying that if it was a normal business changes would be made.  I have to think the OC and QB coach will need to update their resume and something needs to be done about the D obvisouly.  I have to think something has to change, somebody has got to go.

    I realize I am preaching to the choir here but we will stop being a "commuter school" when our "fans" show up win or lose. that is the difference between us and UF and FSU.

    We have been spoiled by our success yet at the sign of our first losing season fans bail? What kind of support is that?

    You complain about the talent on the field but what kind of impression does it leave on prospective recruits when you are hosting the 21st ranked team in the country and we get about 15K for attendance?

    It is easy to blame the players and coaches b/c they deserve some blame but we forget about ourselves as being part of the problem.

    Oh btw, I don't know who are marketing 'guru' is but he needs to be gone. I have yet to see anything come from his staff....

  2. Wow....with a hire like that the SEC, nevermind the Big East should kickout one of it's teams to let the Fighting Pirates from ECU into their BCS league. Truly a monumental hire, one for the ages. In my book Holtz is up there with the all time coaching legends of the modern era. He is a great motivator and his teams always find a way to win. Nice job ECU!!

    Hey wait a minute.....what do you mean it's not Lou Holtz? Who the hell is Skip Holtz? Is that lackey still coaching?

    I guess his daddy pulled some strings to get him this gig and by the same process he can get Skippy to finally move out on his own.

  3. UL got a new coach!

    man look at them now!

    UL has nearly three times our athletic budget.

    Oh btw, UL went through the same thing two years ago when everyone was complaining so much about the talent JL Smith brought in, that they ran a good coach out of town. We all remember Ragone getting killed b/c of his underclassmen OL and we should also remember JR Russell dropping passes. On defense their LBs over pursued and their DL didn't keep their gap responsibilities. Of course all those kids are now Jrs and senior and look at them now. Sound familiar?

  4. JL needs to take some action in the post season. ie FIRE THE OC and QB coach ASAP!

    I am not a Hobbie and Smith fan, but if we fire them who do we get to replace them with?

    How much are we going to pay our new offensive coordinator? do we pay him more than what we pay Kravitz? Frey? Burns?

    That wouldn't be hard to do considering we are underpaying these guys by Big East standards.

    So let's say we do pay the new offensive coordinator big bucks....what message does that send to the coaches that have been here since the beginning?

    So perhaps you may say "oh well...see ya". If we clean house completely do we waste a  year in rebuilding recruiting connections? Do we waste a year while the new coaches bring in "their" kind of players and learn the existing players weakness and strengths?

    Look....I am not particularly aiming this at you but some of guys are so torn up about our disappointing year that you are forgetting that making wholesale staff changes comes with a price.

    The obvious price is the money required to pay assistants and if we do that the head coach deserves a raise b/c he is now at the bottom of the BE in salary. This is only going to get worse as Pitt and 'Cuse are going to have to pay nearly $900K plus to hire their new coaches. Even Schino makes more than LEavitt...which is sort of sad if you ask me.

  5. Do NOT blame the fans.

    You sound like Vince Naimoli......expecting the fans to come out FIRST, before the team gives them a product to go see. It doesnt work taht way my friend.

    I'm about tired of the "we had trailers" excuse. Bottom line is this, when we had Blackwell, we(the coaching staff) got lazy in recruiting. They sat on their laurels so to speak with Blackwell, and failed to recruit an adequate replacement.

    These 2 "rebuilding" years that we're going through couldve been avoided with a young QB learning UNDER Blackwell.

    The fact that the coaching staff had NO CLUE what kind of offensive talent they had until game 3 of the season, proves what I'm saying. They just kinda sat back this offseason, and went into game 1 expecting to spread it out - like always - and throw the ball around the field. Then a light switch went on and we became a smashmouth offense who runs the ball 70% of the time. Dont you think a better prepared coaching staff wouldve realized this in spring practice?

    So in closing, we werent prepared to replace Blackwell, we werent prepared to start the season, and my worst fear is that we're not prepared for the Big East.

    Let's all hope and pray that our team is just young..........and not young AND without talent.

    You are **** right it doesn't work that way. This is NOT professional sports where we can go out and address our needs through free agency or trades.

    Instead we have to recruit players that: fit our system but most importantly want to come here. In other words, when a hot shot QB or OL visits campus and he is shown a 3,000 sq ft weight room and then compares it to any other ACC or SEC program, it is going to be almost impossible to sign that  player.

    This "excuse" no longer applies and you can tell by the quality of recruits we got last year and have already assembled this year that the new facilities make a big difference. Some of you guys don't realize how good we have had it since day one. Try being a Memphis fan whose 50 year futility in football is finally going away. How about temple or rutgers? Vanderbilt? Instead you are ripping a coach who gave you a winning record last despite being in rebuilding mode. How is that for gratitude and loyalty.

    I also don't buy your "getting lazy" comments. Did you miss us going down to the wire with bigtime QBs the last 3 off seasons? Our coaches did everything right with Ingram, yet he still got duped into going to UF. So your "lazy" comments are full of crap.

    Regarding not knowing what kind of talent we had.....well duh!

    In case you didn't know Hall didn't make it on campus until August. It took him all of the fall practice and the first three games to feel comfortable and know the offense. There have been collaborating quotes from Leavitt, Franks and Hall over the last 4 weeks.  It's no coincidence that once Hall got going our offense showed signs of life?

    Furthermore, Spring practice and live game action are a completely different story. Banks looked great in Spring and Fall practice scrimmages yet when the lights came he could hit the broad side of a barn. Look sometimes players have all the tools in the world but things don't work out. Look at Ryan Leaf's short lived NFL career. Now I am not comparing PJ to Leaf in any form, but the coaches thought he would perform better. He has improved over last year but not enough to be where we want to be.

    The bottom line is that we need fans that can keep an eye on the big picture and realize that building a program takes time. Sometimes I just shake my head when I read comments like yours b/c it truly baffles me how some fans don't realize the big jump in competition we have undergone the last three years.

    What would you people have us do? Fire Jim Leavitt? Then what? Get laughed at by firing a young up and coming coach who was expected to somehow overcome working a trailer for 8 years while underpaying his assistants?

    I have no problem making a change in coaching if it makes a difference.  However, making a change just for change sakes is the best way to become a bottom feeder program.  I agree with the general consesnsus among ALL OF US BULLS FANS that there needs to be some changes in staff and/or offensive philosophy but some of you want to fire everyone. If we do that then we'll just become like the bottom feeders in ORlando who are stuck overpaying a has been coach for respectability.

    Oh more thing, in case you didn't "get it": we could won the game on Saturday, yet if you were a big time recruit at the game how inclined would you be to sign with a program that it's own fans forgot to show up for an early Saturday afternoon game? Who are you going to blame when that kids signs elsewhere?

  6. Leavitt is as frustrated as the fans are about the collapse of our defense. That is his trademark afterall.

    I thought a reporters job was to report the news and not become part of the story.

    BTW, HTB....coaches coach and fans watch. Unless we are going to wire every year seat at RJS so fans can send in their play calls and suggestions, I think we should let the coaches do their jobs.

    Furthermore, pinching inside wouldn't of done anything. USF was getting beat off the line of scrimmage or was getting killed by Williams individual effort.

    If anything else we did a better job in disarming Memphis's offense than Louisville. It has been our first bad year ever....we don't need a newbie reporter trying to become part of the story.

  7. i thought we would get a ton of talent in here since than

    but it simply didn't happen

    imagine how bad our offense would be without hall[/quote

    Imagine how good our offense would be with a real good QB like UL has in Lefors and Brohm.

    We leave to many yards on the field. If we can just get a guy with some accuracy and the knack for playmaking that will make all the difference in the world.

    Blackwell was a great QB for us b/c his pocket awarness covered up many OL mistakes and defenses had to honor his threat to run at all times by putting a spy on him. However, as a pure QB he wasn't that great. He was not very accurate and was fumble prone while running with ball.

    The guy was simply a playmaker and you can't teach that...

  8. 1. fire OC hobbie

    I think Hobbie will be reassigned

    2. fire QB coach smith

    there were rumors of him leaving after Blackwell's last year ans we were all worried now we want to chase the SOB out of town. Fans are funny aren't they. The bottom line with Hobbie and Smith is that we have to some how find better replacements and figure out how to pay for them.

    3. find solid QB (grote, hill, denson)

    no argument here, but don't leave out Julmiste. He may not of shown much but if for whatever reason none of the new guys distinguish themselves or can pick up the offense quickly enough PJ may still be our best chance to win, unless we want to just concede the season from day one next year.

    4. drill fundamentals of pass catching

    Plenty of talent in the WR corps. Green, Chambers, Peyton and some of the redshirts have plenty of ability. The real problem is getting repetition in games. Remember that players like JR Russell at Louisville had the same hands problems as Peyton and Bain. Now look at him. What I would like to see is for our receivers to bulk up so they can get off the line of scrimmage next year when face press teams like West Virginia, rutgers and UConn.

    5. change system (use TE, improve situational playcalling)

    great play calls w/o execution equals bad plays. If yesterdays fake punt would of been blown up by Memphis then instead of being a great coaching move it would of been beat to death this morning. Everyone remembers the decision to go for it against TCU last years .....right?

    6. find O linemen to replace those leaving (toweect.

    We don't have to find anyone. The replacements are already on campus. Dile, Griffin and Walker were recruited and offered by everyone. By all indications Dile and Griffin will be ready to play next season and Walker has looked good in the limited time I have seen him this year. This is not to mention that John Miller will take over at the center position and he actually gives us more athletic ability at the postion, albeit in exchange for size and bulk. Don't forget about DeArmas coming in this year and we are in the hunt for some other bigtime OL.

    finally get some emotion and consistancy

    Young teams get too high and too low. What we really need is for some leadership to arise from one our LBs such as Ronnie McCollough or Ben Moffet. We also need a head hunter that has size and fundamentally sound. I am not going to knock Javon Camon b/c he gave it his all but we definitely need to upgrade at the Safety and QB postion.

    total make over on passing side of equation

    I think we are already seeing this transformation. The Iformation is hear to stay as is the QB under center. Now we just need the personel and proper execution.

  9. Dear fans,

    While the players and coaches really appreciate the support of the fans that bothered to show up this Saturday, we need to realize the realities of major college football. One, fans need to show up at games regardless of the record. Many on this coaching staff came from Big12 and Big10 programs where supporters of the program only needed to know what date and time to show up for football and basketball games. Now we realize that football is new for many of you so we are giving you a free pass. However, don't think that fickle fan support has not been noticed by the coaches and players.

    Secondly, this past year was a rebuilding year. If you read the preseason quotes in the Tampa Tribune you should of known that this was going to be tough year. We have a lot of talent but  did Louisville two years ago and look at them now. So please don't act surprised or hold the players and staff responsible for your unreal expectations. Nobody on our staff has said that South Florida football has arrived.

    Similarly, never question the heart and effort of these kids.  Please don't tell DeJuan Brown he wasn't giving it his all, as he tried to talk the coaching staff into letting him try and play with a cast on his wrist.  Perhaps we can arrange a mixer with some of you unsatisfied fans with our offensive linemen who have been playing through pain all year. Perhaps some of you can shadow some of our coaches through one our routine 17-hour days.  Some of our coaches have been with us since the beginning yet their reward for all their hard work is a below average salary.  Coaches have lives like anybody else thus their services cost money. If you want to retain your best coaches or attract new coaches you have to be able to pay them. That is not just greed talking but everyday life.

    Finally, when I hear some of you gripe about our lack of QBs on the roster,  it is really perplexing. Have some of you already forgotten that we used to recruit out of a double wide? Do you realize how hard it is to recruit any good player never mind, elite QBs? In addition, talented offensive coaches are just as hard to recruit.  Perhaps if fans would have supported the program at a higher level the program would not have been stuck in the trailers as long as we were.Things are changing with the new facilities. We really, really appreciate the new building but all this facility does is bring us up to a level playing field with programs that have had facilities for years.

    All in all, it has been a tough season. We played more young players than we ever had and these groups of kids have a chance to be special in a year or two.  In sum, if you are going to publicly challenge the integrity of the players and coaching staff and hold us accountable to your unrealistic expectations then all I ask is that you return the favor. I challenge you to fill the lower bowl every game next year. That in turn will make recruiting easier, bring more money into the program and most importantly not embarrass the university, our future conference and YOUR ALMA MATER on national TV.  If we want to be a big time program then we have to act like one on and off the field.

    Actually it's not even your choice. I KNOW that the team will get better next year. The question remains whether YOU can keep your part of the bargain.

    Best wishes,

    The Coaching Staff*

  10. I have to agree with smazza on this one.  I just think we don't have the talent to give a complete game next week.  I will be the first to eat crow if we beat them but they have consistently gotten better over the season and we have not.  Their QB has matured while ours has managed the art of the hail mary every time we want to throw long.  

    By the way Hobbie, that play doesn't work anymore.  It is about as much a gamble as playing roulette.

    I think we have enough talent to grind out a win against Pitt. Going out and doing this is another story.

    When we can't hit open receivers to pick up easy yards, we  can't expect to convert on too many 3rd and longs.

    Palko will  probably be the best QB we will see  this year, including Lefors and Brohm.

  11. Ah! Scouting for his little boy! How nice! This Palko kid is a good player, but yet another one with a poor attitude. Very egotistical. I hope when we play him, we rock his world!!! LITERALLY!!! >:(

    I love Palko's attitude.  He has great leadership skills in the 4 games I've watched him play and he is a grinder. Not the fastest guy in the world but if you give him an opening he will make you pay.....see West Virginia last night.

    You need your QB to be a little cocky and arrogant.

    We have never had a vocal QB that would will his team to victory. Blackwell and Barnhardt were leader by examples, PJ is similarily quiet but hasn't been good enough to lead by example.

    Of course with that being said, I hope we clean Palko's clock next week.

  12. Maybe the term "inaugural" refers to an annual game hosted and financed by the  Tampa Bay Sports Commission (TBSC) and FAMu just happens to be the first opponent. This of course assumes that USF will always be the host team.

    This could be a way of woolard getting the community involved and getting the TBSC to help with dollars needed to bring a higher caliber team in the future.

    Then again, if this is true why would they have not announced this during the press conference?

    Forgive me for not being more excited. A permanent date with any Division I-AA team is not very exciting. It's bad enough we now have SOS killing UCF on our schedule.

  13. Sheriff, USF will never be the rival of UF.  UF has only two real rivals, UGA and FSU.  Even UT is not a "rival" of them.  There is a difference.  When you enter the President's skybox at FSU, there is a mural on the wall.  It shows a FSU defender tackling Spurrier.  On every Gator jerser, on the front were the words "You can't win" (something like that)  

    USF could beat UF 10 years in a row, they won't be your rival.

    !!Warning.....Warning....Idiot alert....Warning.....Warning!!

  14. I think both Pitt & Memphis are playing BETTER than USF. As much fun as last evening was, remember - after all - it was ECU.  Fortunately for us it was a conference win, unfortunately Memphis got-it-goin'-on & Pitt ...well... they are Pitt. ;)

    Why are we so quick to discount what we have done?

    Memphis and Pitt are scoring a lot of points but they are also giving up a lot of points. It really depends how well PJ plays. If he plays like he has the last 2 games then that sets up the play action and plays down the field.

    If PJ plays poorly then we have no chance.

    I like our chances or running the table. Mostly b/c our we are getting more consistency from our youngsters manning the LB and DL.

  15. It's amazing how much better the coaching seems when you have a dominating running game.

    Hobbie is still calling those useless, go nowhere reverses. It would be better for all involved if Julmiste just took a knee and gave the opposition a free 5 yards instead of running the thing and potentially getting one of our guys hurt. If anything else it may save us a yard or two...

    Other than that, it was good dose of Hall setting up play action down the field. I also liked the quick slants to Chambers. We haven't run those since Rubin's junior year. It was also refreshing to see Derek Carter get a couple of passes thrown to him.

    The I formation looks like it may be here to stay.

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