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Posts posted by CyberBull

  1. i certainly didn't get the cotton reference...  nor did i even see one.  I'm up for story time cyber  ;)

    Somebody correct if  I am missing some of the details, Shea Cotton will always be connected to "great food" for USF fans.

    Shea Cotton was the highly touted little brother of a former Seth Greenberg standout, James Cotton, at Long Beach State. He was a consensus Top 5, All Universe, can't miss phenom recruit that had appeared as as a high schooler  in Sports Illustrated, Sport and a bunch of other mainstream sports media outlets. The kid could play...

    Naturally, every school was after him but Greenie's relationship with the Cotton family made us rumored heavy favorite. Shea Cotton visited USF and it appeared for a while that Seth would pull one of the biggest coup of the recruiting season for South Florida.  Based on his comments in the Trib and the old version of Rivals, his comments made it sound like USF was his clear leader heading into signing day. All he had to do was finish his Alabama visit which was hastily put together at the last minute. 'Bama really entered the picture very late in the game.

    However this is where the story turns. Cotton went to 'Bama and eventually committed to their sleeze bag, cheating coach. When asked by a Tampa Tribune reporter, what was the major reason for picking 'Bama over USF, Cotton said, "I committed to Alabama b/c the food at Alabama was awesome and I like to eat".

    So we essentially lost out on a bigtime recruit b/c  Alabama had better food services....that and the money Gotfried probably put under Cotton's pillow during his visit to UAT.

    The post-mortem on this story is that All Universe Shea Cotton never did anything special at Alabama and eventually left school early for the NBA.  Last I read he was playing in Europe or South America for a couple thousand bucks per game.

  2. I haven't done a study, but it seems that when Rivals does rank a recruit with 3 stars for USF that player almost invariably becomes a major contributor to our team. So, I believe they do sort out the better players for the most part.

    What they do somewhat poorly is finding the gem in the rough, because there are so many players from all around the country that they can't be familliar with them all.

    All in all though, I think their Team Rankings are fairly accurate, but could be better with a bit more attention payed to players not on their radar who are given short shrift.  


    Why Insiders over Rivals. IIRC, I remember you writing that you were a insiders subscriber. How timely is the coverage?

  3. I just got back from going to the game. This is my first women's game in a longtime.

    I have to say that we had a great time. My two kids had a blast b/c they got jump, holler and mover around since the place was not packed.

    I got to sit next to a bunch of great Louisville fans who drove down from Valdosta that were just great to watch a game with and go back and forth.

    On the court...we have one hell of a team. What they did at UConn is no fluke. The team is athletic, plays as a team and has some pretty good shooter.

    We'll be back next week. You also can't beat the price: $5 /ticket and if your kids are Junior Bulls they get for "free" as part their membership.

    Go out and support the women's team b/c they are building something special on Fowler Avenue.

  4. It's amazing, in this day and age, that Steve Ellis would write that he could be hired because FSU needs a "minority" coach. I'm sure that will go over big with Dawsey. NOT!  ;D

    Florida State Seminoles  

    Posted on Wed, Jan. 05, 2005

    Heggins resigns as FSU line coach

    Other moves could follow as 'Noles replace former player, assistant

    By Steve Ellis


    Now it gets interesting.

    The departure of veteran offensive-line coach Jimmy Heggins on Tuesday leads to a possibly complicated question: "What's next?"

    The next step could be to hire George Henshaw, who worked under Bowden at both West Virginia and Florida State. Offensive coordinator Jeff Bowden, if he keeps some degree of coordinating responsibilities as expected, could benefit from Henshaw's experience. The offense struggled mightily during the 2004 season, and Heggins and Jeff Bowden have been the main target of frustrated FSU fans.

    Henshaw, a former FSU offensive coordinator now with the Tennessee Titans, said Tuesday night he has not been offered a job with FSU.

    "We've talked about other stuff," said Henshaw, who speaks to Bowden on a regular basis.

    It is possible that Heggins' departure - both Bobby Bowden and Heggins called it a resignation - will not be resolved by a single hire. Diversity is important to the university and its president, T.K. Wetherell. FSU also can be expected to be hit hard by other programs on the recruiting trail if a minority is not hired on the offensive staff.

    That doesn't mean Bowden must hire a black offensive-line coach - rare in college football - but would need to bring in a minority coach at some position.

    One possibility would be for FSU to hire former Seminoles receiver Lawrence Dawsey, now the wide-receivers coach at South Florida, or another black receivers coach. That position fell far below expectations during the 2004 season. A full-time coach at that position would benefit Jeff Bowden in regards to coordinator duties.

    But for FSU to hire an offensive-line coach and minority coach at wide receiver means that some other change must be made. This matter may not be concluded this week. FSU athletic director Dave Hart is out of town until Thursday, and Bobby Bowden is on the road recruiting. Wetherell said on Tuesday that he has talked to Bobby Bowden about his staff but would not discuss details.

    Heggins told reporters that it was strictly his decision to leave. Heggins steps away from a position that paid $113,200 annually in base salary and apparently has no pending offer. The 49-year-old said he was exploring opportunities in the coaching profession, including the NFL, where he has made contacts attending camps of the Chicago Bears and Philadelphia Eagles in recent seasons.

    The veteran coach has been rumored for weeks to be on his way out. Although Bowden praised the offensive line following the Gator Bowl and repeatedly pointed to injuries as a reason for offensive-line problems this past season, Heggins' departure was imminent. Bowden had lamented over penalties and sluggish starts that could be attributed in part to the line.

    Heggins has coached FSU's offensive line since 1992. He coached five All-Americans, including one consensus All-American - Alex Barron - who earned the honor twice. A number of his players have played in the NFL, including Walter Jones, Tra Thomas, Clay Shiver, Todd Fordham and Todd Williams.

    Heggins' 25-year association with FSU began in 1974 when he joined the Seminoles as a running back after making all-state in his native North Carolina. He played most of his career at nose guard and was a member of Bobby Bowden's first bowl team at FSU. After coaching stops at South Miami High and East Carolina, he joined the FSU staff as a graduate assistant in 1981. Coaching stints at Western Illinois, Eastern Michigan and Southwest Louisiana followed before Heggins returned to a full-time position in 1985 and remained on the staff until this week's decision.

    "I've enjoyed my 19 years at FSU, and right now I think it's time to move on," Heggins said in a statement.


    Man....that is offensive!!

    Why would you want to work in a town where the media is so cognizant of your color and ethnicity?

  5. I am starting to wonder about the validity of some of these articles, are they true or are they just advertisements on here to get us to sign up for another site?  This is like the 3rd or 4th time a thread has been started or a question has been raised in a thread and we were instructed that if we wanted to find out more visit yada yada yada.com and pay $9.95.  I don't remember this in years past, this was always a site you could come to find out what the newest recruiting info was not a place to be directed to a pay site that is holding the info hostage.  

    I wish some of you guys would not get so bent out of shape at premium content. I just posted the information, b/c it was hot off the press news....big news...if you ask me. The name alone was big news. However, if you want more information you can google around the internet to find out more about the guy or let somebody else do your homework and pay rivals.

  6. USF needs an internet presence on more than just one board, in order to show that there are fans out there.

    I just happened to notice today that Insiders now has a real USF message board. Before, it just defaulted to the main Insiders board.

    I'm sure that other school fans who go only to Insiders for their message board needs, will think that there are no USF fans when nobody posts on it.

    So, here is the link to the USF Insiders boards, in case anybody is interested in posting there:


    One quality site with great content and message boards would present a better online image. Think of the FSU rivals site. They merged with the old insiders's site to form one top notch site. From a fan's point of view this would easier than following two boards.

    Of course, this is just idle chatter since the decision is obviously Brad's and Dave's to make.  

  7. Thanks Bien, I figured you would reply to this post.  However, I was and still I'm concerned about recruiting.  Looking at rivals, most teams have over 8 recruits/commitments, we only have four.  How many did we have this time last year?

    We need to make a better showing in the football field in the BE.

    We have never had 4 committments of this caliber before the January. FSU and Miami traditionally are fast finishers. Now I am not saying we are at their level, but many...and I mean MANY....of the kids we are chasing have USF in their top 2 or 3 with the competition only being none other than the Big 3 or other traditional powers.

    Let me ask you this: would you feel better if we went out and got verbals from a bunch of lightly regarded prospects like UCF, or would you rather be heavily in the mix with recruits that Miami, Florida and FSU are after?

  8. This is the best Chritsmas gift ever! Wildrover is right on, the key is that UM agreed to come to our place for a game. Props to them, the Gaytors wouldn't do it.

    Interesting quote RH....

    Leavitt and Urban Meyer are friends so I wonder if we can get UF down for a game.

    Something to realize about this game is that Leavitt and Coker are good friends. I remember reading in the Times that one of the first messages on Leavitt's answering machine was from Larry Coker when USF upset Pitt.

    Then again, considering the reverence that Leavitt gives Coach Synder at K-State, one would thought K-State would be willing to travel to Tampa despite our efforts to arrange a game with them.

  9. Our 4 losses this season:

    Team        03 record      RPI

    Richmond     20-11                        74

    MVSU            22-7                          121

    Mich           18-11                        73

    USC             23-10                       27

    Overall record of teams we lost to


    I get what you are saying but it really comes off as trying to rationalize our losses.

    We lost to Jerry Rice University....which is unacceptable for any C-USA team....and we almost lost to a Division II team. Not good....

    IMO, Harvery brought up a lot of legitimate points. People may perceive them as being negative but its just the truth.

    We will fortunate to win 4 conference games this year, 5 if we are real lucky. If we do win 5 games I just pray that the wins come in large part due to the efforts of Marius, Dennis and other players who will be here next year.

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