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Everything posted by CyberBull

  1. All I have to say is that competing in bottom 5 league gives you no frame of reference of how hard it is to compete in a real conference.
  2. Is there anybody else left to fire? Outside of Mike Anderson at UAB and the Drunk at Southern Piss just about everybody else in the league is jumping ship. Mike Anderson is probably looking at moving on now that he has gotten his Blazers into the tourney 2-years in a row and Eustachy is in a no win situation. I would mention Calipari but we are not talking professional sports.
  3. The H.O.T. puts everyone to sleep. We'll have at least two bands coming into RJS this Fall that know how to get it done, the UCF always sound sharp and of course FAMU, assuming they can still afford to have a band. The artsy programs are just terrible.......just terrible.
  4. That d@mn thing reads like a eulogy... I think the term 'C-DOA ' was coined by McMurphy a couple of years ago. For as much as our C-USA memberhsip helped position us for an eventual BE invite, they really screwed us in football when we had those pretty good Blackwell led teams. Oh well it I guess it worked out for the best since they are not our problem anymore....
  5. It is my decree that commencing This October 12th, 2005, and Every year after That this message board will celebrate the anniversary of Boston College's Deceitful Treachery Removing the shackles of Non-BCSHood and Shamefullness of C-USA membership for USF. ------------------- "All Hail Boston College and May they become the New Temple of the ACC!" BC Accepts Offer To Join Atlantic Coast Conference
  6. Holmes has MIA the last two years. A few buckets in our late season run is not going to make all the missed open looks suddenly go away. We need a JUCO PG in the worst way if we want to have any chance to compete next year. Howard may be the next Bobby Hurley but even if he is we still need a backup PG b/c its rare that a true freshman point guard can play 40 minutes per game.
  7. What's the matter DimLight? Is your plastic toy conference championship trophy not holding your interest while real conferences playout their post season tournaments?
  8. Follow the link: http://www.usfbullspen.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=BigEast;action=display;num=1110512427 Since we are now Big East we should learn to hate all things ACC. Except of course for Boston College for whom we should erect a monument on campus and throw an annual celebration to commemorate their deceitful treachery opening an all sports slot for USF. Blessed be Boston College!
  9. We need better guard play. It has been proven by teams like Providence, Vilanova and St Johns that good guard play can help you win games in the rugged Big East. We need another point guard. I typically don't like JUCOs but in this instance we are in the need for some one with experience. We also need another banger like a walker or boggans. Finally we need an athletic wing that can kill bigger teams in transition and create havoc in the passing lanes. In other words, we need another Altron Jackson, sans the attitude.
  10. Motto for 2005-2006 Season: Garden Party or BUST!!!
  11. Nobody could of predicted the events of this week. After 3 seasons filled with frustration this was an un-bullievable jolt in the arm for the program. CRM has shown that his system works and that he can will his players to great things. Now he just has to recruit and build on these games.
  12. Then again didn't the Empire just build another deathstar two seasons (movies) later? A win tonight would validate the program and what CRM is doing. He still needs to recruit better. I've mentioned that before......right ;^)
  13. One more thing: I hate bringing his name up b/c of the animosity that surfaces, but Seth had recruiting up and running by year two. We somehow landed BB and Tron and we nearly had Dooling, Walker, Sanders, Cotton and Wise. In other words, Seth's failure as a coach was when couldn't recruit guys like I mentioned above to complement BB and Tron. It also didn't help that he was still learning how to coach in a big conference setting and that his x's and o's were a little suspect but anyways..... : It always comes back to recruiting. Seth had some early success but it never manifested itself to taking the program to the next level b/c he could not build on recruiting players that were as good or better than Tron and BB. CRM has a different more pressing problem.....he has yet to recruit impact players like BB and Tron. Even worse all the losing has made this place an after thought to play at for most Top Florida kids. Sooner than later he needs to bring these kinds of kids into the program b/c we have seen the last 3 years what happens when you don't have enough talent to compete. Imagine what is going to happen inthe Big East the next couple of years. CRM needs to start recruiting NOW ....this spring.....if he still wants to have a job at South Florida in two years. That is just the way bigtime college basketball works. If he can land a couple of blue chippers or kids that are considered undervalued much like Dwayne Wade was out of high school (he was still a Top 150 player) it would be a tremendous shot in the arm for the program and for his longterm job security. BTW...I guess I should preface my mentioning of BB and Tron. We need players who can take over games like they used to regularly. I wasn't referring to the selfishness and immaturity they often displayed.
  14. I knew I should of prefaced that rivals link b/c I just used them as an example. I could of used other lists such as Bob Gibbons, Insiders.com etc... The point is that most of us realize that getting highly ranked recruits does not guarantee success. However, your chances of winning markedly increase if you can get your fair share of players on that list. It's like picking a stock. You are not guaranteed a good return on your investment but your chances of doing well is greater than stocks that are not rated as high. I agree that developing talent is very important but in the league that we are entering EVERYONE is highly touted and ranked. That is the minimum requirement. Teams that win have solid coaching and players that take the game seriously. For USF we are in dire need of upgrading our talent level just so we can stay on the court. For example, Rivals at some point had us connected to 5-star recruit Keith Brumagh (sp?). The kid is great talent from Deland that CRM has been recruiting since Day One. However, even if things fall our way, the stars align and we get some major cosmic karma going our way and the kid sign with us.....it's not a big deal in BE terms. These kind of kids sign with BE schools all the time. Many of the top teams have 3 or 4 4 and 5 star kids in one class and nevermind an entire roster. CRM maybe a great coach, teacher and mentor but unless he improves his recruiting he is not going to be here long enough to use his strengths to his advantage. The lifeline of any program is recruiting. If you can't consistently recruit well you are not going to win.
  15. How often do 200th rank recruiting classes compete inthe  Big East? The point is that there is a direct correlation between recruiting well and winning games. Follow the link to the Rivals Top 150 recruits. The majority of the teams listed are perenial winners. Do you see a connection? 2005 Top 150 Recruits CRM seems to be a better X's & O's man than Seth but that is meaningless if he doesn't have enough talent to compete. Recruiting matters. Those who don't think so are just setting themselves up for disappointment. Afterall the goal is to win championships......right?
  16. I think that quote speaks for itself and perfectly illustrates why we can't accept mediocrity for too long. Four years is enough to get a program going in the right direction.
  17. If Coleman screws up again I am sure he we be dealt with accordingly and fairly. Our country is all about second chances. Otherwise why does a ethically challenged coach like George O'REally get another job at supposedly respected academic center after he falsified his curriculum vitae? I
  18. Just for the record I have never seriously suggested that CRM can't get it done. However, the clock is ticking and if he doesn't score some BE quality recruits this Spring or at the very latest by next November's early signing period I am ready to move on. If we fail to secure some top notch BE talent this calendar year we are going to be hurting for at least another 3 or 4 years. Unlike certain fans that post on this board, I am not rooting against him b/c that is basically like rooting for yourself.
  19. We haven't had a true point guard with all the tools since Chucky Atkins. If Howard can fulfill this role then I can handle the losses while he learns and grows into a BE point guard. I guess the big question is if CRM brings in a JUCO PG as insurance.
  20. I hope everything you say comes true...however we still more players including a guy to distribute the ball. The USF Rivals site had a great article on incoming freshman Chris Howard who is slated to play the point.  A lot of potential but there but once again not proven. I want CRM to succeed but IMO.....the blind faith some of you guys are giving him needs to be earned. To date, other than the big win last Saturday there haven't been many positives over the last two seasons. BTW the last big conference transfer we had who had a significant impact was Jesse Salter from FSU. Yet he never did live up to his high school press clippiongs and projected greatness. Good player but not great. Ironically enough, the transfer from the school in Oviedo...James Harper....was just as effective as Salters despite not having all the accolades.
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