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Grateful Dad

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Posts posted by Grateful Dad

  1. There's only one way to get experience that I know of.  Play.

    But if we do have to play PJ to ease Matt in, then the first quarter should go to Matt and the second to PJ.  Matt earned it.  PJ has had enough time to improve.  He is a known quantity and cannot take us to where we need to go.  If Matt lives up to his potential and does not get injured, he could lead us to the next level.  Just don't turn on him when, occasionally, his youth and inexperience shows.  Hell, at least with Grothe I can attribute mistakes to youth and inexperience.  To what should I attribute PJ's mistakes?  Bad OC coaching?  I am tired of making excuses for him.  I am ready for this team to move up.  As I see it, we only have one quarterback who can do that for us.  I am squarely behind him.

  2. Just excellent!  He is our future.  I know he is young and inexperienced and therefore he is going to have miscues.  But he has four years to get seasoned and if he lives up to his potential he will be the quarterback to let the rest of the country know about the Bulls Nation!

    And you gotta love the quote about almost crying after the touchdown in Brett's other article.  This is one old guy who loves seeing kids' dreams come true. :)

  3. The next jackass I see wearing an FSU/UF/UM shirt to our game will be wearing my beer.  Consider yourself warned!

    Why not take the Genshaft approach?  Carry an old Bulls shirt with you and ...um...adamantly suggest that the butthead trade you shirts.  On the spot.  This could be very interesting if it is a female. ;)

  4. Here's an interesting marketing ploy for a game....First 5,000 fans that are wearing FSU/UF/UM/OCCC cap, they trade it in for a Bulls cap.

    I'm linkin' it.  Also, I only bought Bulls gear for my kids.  They wouldn't DARE wear another team's gear while they were living with me.  And they still don't.  The first thing my grandchild in KANSAS will wear is the Future Bull infant onesy that I bought him/her.  Scheduled to be born in two weeks (in Witchita), I will see him/her and the Kansas game.  Maybe even in that order.

    Go Bulls (and Grandbull)!!

  5. That really is garbage.  While we all want the opponent's clock cleaned each play, we don't wish for tragedy.  Sounds like some sadistic Journalist projecting his sickness onto others.  Best wishes for the kid.  It's a shame.

    Winning at all costs, if the writer is correct, has been taken too far and is not the sign of a fan, it is the sign of an obsessed sicko.

  6. Looked for you before the game for my two autographed calendars.  Found four or five of your compatriots, but they didn't know where you were.  Actually, they were so pretty I forgot your real name (Jenna??).  Luckily, my wife of thirty years still has that effect on me! :)

    I would love those two calendars next game and will pm you my cell phone number.

  7. grothe was accurate

    and should start

    my only fear is that he gets hurt trying to run for a 3 yard gain in that stupid offense

    we need to pass more with grothe

    he is young and will make mistakes but in 2 years he can be a great qb

    i hate the gimmick offense

    ****, Steve.  That was right close to being a positive post from you!  Put down the Merlot and take a nap.  I think Grothe can make a believer out of even you!! ;)

  8. Basketbull, I know what you are saying and I agree to an extent.  These are kids, not pros, and they are kids with feelings.  I have been as brutal as some in the past (calling him Justmissed) and really, that is selfish.  But it was out of frustration -- not so much at him, because he probably was doing his best, but at CJL, for not seeing it when we all could that he was not our future.  We are so passionate about this team that, at times, we can be little brutal.

    I, too, appreciate that he is a good kid with a good heart.  But he is not our future and was given more time than he should -- at the team's expense.  It is time to move on now.

    I don't want to squat on anyone's dream and I don't agree that it is OK to denigrate and humiliate a kid who is trying.  I shouldn't have done that.  But that is in the past and we have a bright future ahead of us.  And the truth is, it is not with Julmiste.  It is with Grothe.  No one is saying that he is a reincarnation of a hall of fame quarterback.  He is, however, our hope and future.

    So as one kid's dream dies, one's is born.  Such is life.

    The king is dead; long live the king.  Now let's get on with FOOTBALL!!!

  9. We have tickets way at the other end of the stadium and I was flabbergasted at the amount of students in the student section.  I haven't attended too many games, but I know I have never seen it like that.  There is not enough room for them now.  If it weren't for the students at this game, the attendance numbers would have been embarassing.  Looks like between Grothe, the huge student crowd, and all the little bulls kids I saw dressed up in fan gear we are looking at a big time future for a big time program.  I am proud to be part of it.

  10. When was the last time one of our QB's threw a  47 yard TD pass?

    You know, those are the "sexy" plays and all, but I liked the short throws better than his deep ones. The deep ones were good(like MikeG said, the bomb to Edwards was more Edwards making a play on the ball than Matt throwing the perfect pass), but the short ones were crisp, ON TIME, and IN STRIDE.

    I know Shoop.  I was was just trying to point out that with PJ we have no vertical passing game.  Smith would not even call the long passes last season because he had no confidence in PJ.  

    With Justmissed in, we were third down and 27 and ran the ball from our 4.

  11. Those that think Julmiste will EVER start again, were we watching the same game?

    You could almost SEE the whole team get an extra "pep in their step" when Grothe came in. He commanded the huddle, and you could see the confidence his offense had in him.

    Forget the stats(even though they are very lopsided in his favor), it's the attitude of the team that you have to look at here...

    I am with you on this one.  And CJL hedged a little in the interview after the game when he was asked that question by the reporter.  He said it wouldn't be fair to comment on that right now.  He wants to look at the film, yadda yadda.  Meaning to me, "not until I have time to personally break the news to Pat".

  12. Matt is turning out to be the QB that I knew he could.  His long pass to Edwards was right on the money between two defenders.  A redshirt freshman.  The sky is the limit if he is given good coaching and some time.  Another Marquel?  Maybe, maybe not.  But it is not "definately not".  And that is what we had for years before he came in.

    Tonight we got to see our newest TE or WR.  He started the game as quarterback.

    Congratulations, Matt.  I knew you could do it.  I hope you are as proud of yourself as your dad is of you!!  OK, that's probably impossible, but enjoy it and work real hard!

  13. Maybe he hasn't said enough to any reporters that they could piece together a show.  Or maybe he said "@%^#$ the shows".  Or the listings are screwd up.  Recon we'll see when it is time for the show.

    Thanks for reminding me, though.  I have them programmed into Outlook calendar, but forgot to check it this morning.

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