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Everything posted by Bubbles

  1. Whether they hear it all of the time or not, it is NOT appropriate! Children are children and should be protected for as long as possible...they grow up too fast as it is. I know my husband is not perfect, but he does try to watch it around the kids.
  2. Good one, E.T. Wish I'd known that's what it stood for...then I wouldn't get so upset. Thanks!
  3. Yep, that's us!  He was picked for South Florida's Most Spirited Fan, but lost to an NC State person who was wearing an NC State sweatshirt.  We had NC State people telling us Mutt was robbed!  Oh well!  We dress like that at every game, so maybe we'll win at home sometime! Applepj and her husband (Coach) have matching hats/helmets too!
  4. * Eats It, I enjoyed meeting you in Charlotte! I have one small teeny tiny request....could you choose a different phrase other than "WTF"?? It's a little difficult to explain to children. Thank you!
  5. Hey, you're younger than Mutt!!! ;D Of course, he's waaaaay older than me!!! ;D ;D
  6. 1. NO, I hate even the smell of eggs! 2. Absolutely, unless it's Hawaii- too expensive for us poor teachers- of course, Smazza could pay for us to go!! 3. Yes, is there any reason not to go?? 4. Absolutely NOT!  Pro-players make too much, we don't need to pay college kids!!! 5. I'd say 4.5.  Thanks Brad!
  7. Today is JimUSFSig's birthday! Wish him well!!! ;D
  8. They had black long sleeved shirts, too. I got one for Mutt. And they did sell out of almost ALL Bulls gear!!
  9. We had a fantastic time! Thanks to everyone who made it a HUGE success!!! GO BULLS!!
  10. Now we said how much we really liked that stadium much better than RayJay. The seats were bigger and more spread out, not so cramped. The inside of Club access was very nice and we liked the little grocer's market with different types of food and snacks. Overall, we had a blast!!! Way better than Miami!!!
  11. 1. NC State Fans were classy. Southern hospitality at it's best. 2. Charlotte was a great city! 3. It was wonderful meeting other BULLS fans and seeing so much green and gold! 4. It was our anniversary Saturday! 7 BLISSFUL years with Mutt!!
  12. GREAT JOB HOT!!!! We were so proud of you! ;D ;D
  13. We always have a great time watching the film clips on the different players and sitting with the players and their families for dinner.
  14. I'm hoping for a little of the white stuff for the Bowl weekend. Not during the game, but maybe before or after! ;D
  15. I loved J.R. Reed too. Hopefully he'll come back home and coach at USF!!!
  16. I did! Under "random topic". BTW, E.T. what will you be retiring from?
  17. I'm right next to you! I'm at Mildred Helms Elementary!! applepj is laso here teaching 1st grade! Small World! And seriously, Mutt works at Seminole High School as a teacher and football coach.
  18. I will honestly tell you,  I don't like a lot of Mutt's work on this board.  BUT he does do awesome stuff outside of photoshop.  If he would actually paint something at home for our USF room, instead of playing around with photoshop at work, I could take a picture of it and post it. Zonald has actually seen some of his other USF banners he's made for real and that's probably why he recommended him.
  19. I'm a 2nd grade teacher in Largo. Happily married to the shoe making leprechaun who dances for whiskey...otherwise known as Mutt. No kids, yet. Right now our lives revolve around FOOTBALL AND USF!!!!!
  20. Thanks, SCM! Nice to have you around! Your fans were definitely a lot nicer than UCF and Miami fans! Ugghh!! Good luck in your Bowl and see you next year!
  21. Target has green USF knit caps in the men's section for $9.00!!! Mutt got one from his lovely wife! ;D
  22. I just heard an advertisement on 101.5 this morning on the way to work!
  23. May God Bless you, your wife, and your new little one! Sorry you won't be at the Bowl game, but we'll look for you all next year!! Congratulations!!!! ;D ;D
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