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Everything posted by Doc

  1. A couple of big plays for SEMO ties it up at 18-18. TO Bulls.
  2. Sloppy. Unforced mistakes, serving into net. Yuck. Down 12-8.
  3. SEMO gets 3 points to tie at 20, Bulls now ahead 22-21, set 2.
  4. Get to wear my horns for the first time this season! Volleyball girls here in St Louis for a tournament with SLU, SEMO, and Evansville. Game tonight against SEMO then two games tomorrow sandwiched nicely around our football game. Go Bulls!
  5. I'd fire the coach for that play at the end of the half. Sorry. Unacceptable mistake. Either run up the middle and call TO if no score, or a quick bullet pass; no fade, nothing wide, and certainly no standing around in the pocket looking for something to develop. If you call a passing play, it has to be a quick timing route. Maybe the ACC, with all their vaunted academics, can teach Pitt how to count. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving team.
  6. Nice memories! I still have the sign, despite the UC administrators' attempts to have it destroyed in Memphis during our last cUSA tourney -- the only time we beat Huggins.
  7. Yep, that's me. Good catch, Flip. Must be from the game in Dayton.
  8. For what it's worth, the cover for the Athlon CFB guide in St Louis has players from Oklahoma, Texas, and NOTRE DAME on it. This has typically been BXII country, and although Mizzou left the conference, nobody seemingly changed the template at Athlon. I assume the other covers across the nation cater to the local teams. The BXII is developing the model as the place to go for unequal revenue sharing, and you might as well throw in BYU into the mix while you're at it for a good fit. Not a good model for long-term stability if you ask me (or ISU or KState), but with everyone scrambling for the last few seats on the "playoff" lifeboat, the BXII is the hot ticket right now. Check back in 5-10 years...
  9. Interesting how the super-regional losers finished exactly 9-16, even Hofstra (deservedly so). Makes me wonder if the voting is set up to intentionally have this result where the final 8 have to finish 1-8 and the final 16 have to finish 1-16.
  10. . . .And then Oklahoma twice on Sunday. The first two on Saturday are not impossible, but Oklahoma is far and away the best team in this thing.
  11. Oklahoma pitcher mowing down the number 1 team in the country. Something like 13 of 15 outs by strikeout so far. Looks like our girls are every bit as good as Cal's.
  12. Not too bad with rain this morning. Stopped for now. Skies are gray, but not too ominous-looking, so I'll be surprised if they can't get the games in.
  13. I receieved neither certificate nor jacket. After complaining, they said they would fix it. That was six months ago. Still nothing.
  14. Our girls can hang with this team and any other in the country. Didn't play a complete game this time, but none of us thought it was going to be easy. LSU up on Cal 2-0 with a big 2nd inning still in progress. As for our fans at the game, we certainly helped neutralize any homefield advantage Oklahoma may have had. Certainly not an overwhelmingly hostile environment.
  15. Rolled into the stadium at 8:30 local time, and there are already over a hundred cars in the lot. Plenty of Bama fans setting up tailgates. No other USF sightings yet -- Sheriff is about an hour away.
  16. It's 12:15 AM here in St.Louis and now heading out to OKC. I-270 south to I-44 west. Weather clear at present, bright moon to light the way. Pack of victory cigars in tow, World Series here I come!
  17. Woolard deserves a solid A. In order to improve our brand (and thereby land in a strong football conference, since that is $eemingly all that matter$), South Florida needs to become more of a household name. How do you get that? I suppose if your school found itself in the next 2-3 national championship football games and actually won (winning those "lesser" BCS bowls doesn't seem to matter anymore) you might turn some heads (although many would cry "fluke" and await the day you're no longer on top and be quickly forgotten). Or, you can be like just about all those strong brands they flash on that Capital One College Cup commercial, or whatever it's called, and earn a reputation for all-around athletic excellence (many of those schools haven't done anything in football for decades). That means building quality facilities, competitiveness in those "olympic sports," and exposure on a national level. We are getting very close to that, and the day is not too far away that "South Florida" can appear on those lists and nobody would do a double-take. It would be expected. Brand name schools are supposed to win at softball, or volleyball, or soccer, or track. I know there is a chicken/egg argument to be made here, but regarding what is under Woolard's control, I believe that he has taken an approach that will give us the best possible chance of entering and remaining in the national consciousness, and that is a far cry from the not-too-distant days of having to explain who "South Florida" is everytime the name comes up.
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