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Everything posted by mutt

  1. Welcome P&BAtt. (Now in my best Hogan voice) "WE WISH YOU WELL...BROTHER"
  2. Send this to everyone you know. Let's fill the stands this season. GO BULLS !!
  3. That's a LOAD OF HOO-HA!! You should see my closet !!!
  4. They could wear pink friggin tu-tus just AS LONG AS THEY WIN!!!! ;}
  5. It didn't say anything about bringing cowbells...
  6. I have been (and bought) everywhere for U S F merch. but how is it that I see merchandise for East Illinois whatever School in Tampa Bay area and still struggle to see U S F ? ? ? However, I did notice that our good friends at Cracker Barrell are carrying U S F stuff... I'd guess slowly we're creeping in... BTW, Will someone let me know the second they see a U S F singing beer bottle opener.....? ; )
  7. CJL keeps saying PJ is gonna start... I think, or at least hope he's bluffing.
  8. Look for the BULL BACKERS Picnic after the festivities !!! (more to come later)
  9. I only caught the very last 3 seconds of it... needless to say, I wasn't too happy about that... Is there gonna be a reshow of it sometime?
  10. Laying the ground work for the "Told-you-so" mentality. Have a little faith, CJL can work it.
  11. I'm with ya on that one... we went by and DIDN'T SEE SQUAT... :'(
  12. Hopefully people will get motivated this season... BULLS WIN BIG EAST !!! it'll happen.
  13. Coach & I sneak our "BULL-BELLS" in for every game... They make a helluvalot-o-noize!!! They're killer.
  14. What's gonna happen is, We're gonna whoop their booties so bad, they're not gonna wanna come back for another stomping. NAH!
  15. I know about Amabel's trip, and we reserved our four, But I still want to find out any and all info about the Miami game. When do the tickets actually go on sale? How is the seating? How many think they are going? And of course, How bad of a whoopin are the canes gonna get?
  16. Whadda bout the rest of the games?? Sunshine Network? CH 47 ?? anybody know??
  17. Sorry. I'm insanely stupid about everything I own. One thing tho, I have 2003's playbook signed by all of the coaches and about half the players. The more crap I collect, the more I want. My mother-in-law is knitting my THIRD green and gold muffler... (I live in Florida). I have boxer shorts embroidered with the "U" logo (let me tell ya how easy it is to find green & gold undies). On-line I've been searching for anything and everything to out-do myself, from real BULL horns to put up in my house, to green and gold tartans from Scotland. ...Yes, I'm a sick pup and I can't stop.
  18. I have My "BEAT PITT (again) " shirt ready to wear this season... It'll happen!!! GO BULLS !!!
  19. Is there a HeartBreak Hotel in TPA? He's gonna need it.
  20. I was talking to a friend about baseball and how fans come into play. Certain people (Cubs fans as a point) grow up with the tradition of their team in their lives. Chicago babies are born, they root for the Cubbies and they die. Period. The Devil Rays only have big attendance nights when they play teams with a heavy following, (Yanks, Sox whatever). The main point of the conversation was even though the Cubbies have been losers for what seems like forever, the fans are always there. Always. (Much like the Rays), USF really hardly has a history, and equally no fan base. Unfortunatly we ARE a commuter college and there isn't any "college town" feeling. Also, two-thirds of ALL Floridiots are from somewhere else. Of course it is going to take wins for us to gain respect, but what good are wins without any fans? NOW, We are in the unique position to create something greater than one losing season ...TRADITION. The BULLS are going to have higs and lows just like any other team in any other sport in this nation, It's up to us to decide where our loyalties lie. Sure there will always be fair-weather fans, But there will be at least one fan out there, wearing my Green & Gold. Always.
  21. *sorry* If I could... I Just have heard that Penn St. is in the sticks, and there isn't much to offer in hotels and such. From what I understood we would have flown into Philly, stayed somewhere else (Hershey I think) and driven an hour or two to the game. I'd say Pitt cause they are in line to get an a$$whoopin from us this season.
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