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___ Eats It

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Everything posted by ___ Eats It

  1. Bonds head in Pittsburgh was normal size. Bonds head in SF is the size of the spare tire on a Humvee. Roid use is obvious.
  2. We'll see if you still think that way when Bonds can't run anymore because roids have caused his joints to break down, and he signs on with an AL team to DH and pad his already-suspect HR total. ;D
  3. Nope... one series only. The Padres and Dodgers are visiting Fenway this year.
  4. I've yet to read an article from a source outside of San Francisco that states that Bonds is the greatest hitter of all time. I've read TONS of articles that make that claim for Williams.
  5. Actually, Randy Johnson was my #1 pick. Bonds has been benched since the 2nd week of May. MAYBE I'll put him back in at OF now that Johnny Damon's knee is acting up again.
  6. This is getting boring. Let me summarize how this year has gone so far. 1. Red Sox lead the AL East for 7-14 days. 2. Red Sox hit minor slump, Yankees take over 1st place for 1-3 days. 3. Smazza posts something negative about Boston. 4. Red Sox win again, Yankees lose to Devil Rays/Royals/Indians. 5. Red Sox take over first again for 7-14 days. 6. Smazza is nowhere to be found until Step 2 happens again. *yawn*
  7. Good thing they aren't playing in Fenway. The Fenway Fanatics would rip Bonds to shreds.
  8. They really are a fun team to watch. Fedotenko has come alive here in the last two rounds. WELL worth the 1st rounder we gave up for him!
  9. Thank GOD. I want to be in that Arena and feel the vibe. Heck, if they play like they did on Thursday night while they're up in Calgary, I could be seeing the Cup-clinching game here in Tampa! ;D
  10. I got a ticket for the NHL All-Star Game in Tampa in 1999 about 5 minutes after the puck dropped. I got a $75 dollar ticket for $30 bucks.
  11. How are the Kings doing in the Playoffs? Oh yeah.
  12. Now THAT is Lightning Hockey! A true ass-whipping, Tampa style!
  13. I bet you'd love to see that. You'd love to see Britney Spears get it on with Pam Anderson too, but guess what? It ain't gonna happen! ;D
  14. Homing devices on everyone's weiner! ;D
  15. I'd get the Barry Bonds bobble-head doll, but I don't have the money to build an addition with 24 ft. ceilings to house it.
  16. It might be time to put him back in the lineup on my Fantasy team. I've had him benched for over 3 weeks.
  17. On a side note, did you see Vinny's deke and pass to himself behind the Calgary net? That was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen him do. He's a hell of a player when he's physical and plays with confidence.
  18. Stop the Presses! Bonds hits # 669 last night! Oh, and I saw that he was batting about .100 for May and his slugging percentage fell from about 1.100 to .100 for the month. Great showing Barry. Way to get that bat off your shoulders! I guess FedEx finally showed up with the "vitamin supplements" you've been waiting for! :
  19. Bullo probably didn't know what a snap shot was until he read about it in Hockey 101 in the Times. Bolts can win this. They just can't skate like Brian Boitano and hope it'll happen. Let's see some EFFORT on Thursday, guys!
  20. A couple of bright spots: Vinny at times played like a man possessed. He was hitting and crunching everything in site, creating turnovers, and generally being a one man wrecking crew. Problem was, when nobody's there to pick up the turnovers you create (because they're all skating like they're in a coma), it doesn't matter. We outshot Calgary, and really only gave up one quality goal. Iginla's was awesome, but it was off a broken play, the first one was fluky. and the last one was a 2 man disadvantage where they'd already given up. Only Yelle's top-shelfer was quality, and even THAT could have possibly been prevented if the D was banging people around the net like they should have been. Habby didn't play awful. His D let him down. Stopping Iginla on the breakaway was huge. If Fedotenko (I believe it was him) would have followed through in chase and banged Iginla after the shot, he doesn't get the rebound and score. Our D needs to be MUCH MORE AGGRESSIVE! Our guys weren't afraid to get rough at the end with the game out of hand. All I heard was that Calgary gets dirty if they're down by 2 at the end of the game. Well, looks like we can do that too, and we don't need to send the goons out to do it. Fedotenko got his shots in at the end, and Stillman launched himself at that dude in the corner and knocked him back to Alberta. I was liking the passion in most of the 3rd. We controlled it for the most part. Note to Bolts: THIS IS THE STANLEY CUP FINALS. Stop making like Dorothy-freaking-Hamill and get off your asses and SKATE!
  21. C'mon BOLTS! Get off your F%#king asses and HUSTLE!!!!
  22. You can camp out whenever you like. I believe the line for the next game forms the minute the previous game ends. They will kick everyone out who doesn't have tickets before the start of Game 1, meaning you can't just stay in line and get Game 2 (I believe). A word of advice. Plan. Bring sleeping bags, coolers with food, a grill, magazines, etc. People are going camping with NOTHING and then go "Oh, gee, I'm hungry" after 6 hours. You probably won't get tickets unless you're in line like THE MINUTE the game ends. There are enough crazies out there now who have basically nothing else to do but camp out to save 51 bucks.
  23. No he's not. He didn't play against black people. : That was sarcasm.
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