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79 Bull

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Posts posted by 79 Bull

  1. I think these 11am games and losing (of course) will really hurt the season ticket sales for next year.  What will be gained by having WVU (and maybe FAMU/UCF) on the schedule will now be negated by this year's schedule changes and performance.

    I would not be surprised if season tix actually decline come next year.  Come August when the count comes out, we will all be discussing how shocked we are with the lack of support.

  2. Guys, this press release says absolutely nothing except that there will be a game called the whatever Classic at RayJay every year.  USF and FAMU just happen to be the teams for the inaugural game.  It says nothing about USF and/or FAMU always being a participant.

    I am sure the papers will ask all the questions we are and there will be an article clearing it all up in tomorrow morning's editions.

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