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79 Bull

TBP Subscriber III
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Posts posted by 79 Bull

  1. Flipping channels and caught a bit of the Notre Dame - Depaul game.  Heard the announcers say that ND's 3 BE mirror games were set for next year as Depaul, Pitt and another - had kids yelling and did not catch it.

    Have any BE AD's or officials spilled the beans on the mirror games?  Apparantly ND has.  I think we need Howie's searching talent to see what he can find.

  2. Ok...everyone's throwing out a lot of  "do something...do more" stuff relative to marketing, but I don't recall hearing too many specific ideas.

    What would you suggest?

    There are 6 billboards on Dale Mabry on stadium property.  All 6 have Bucs BS on them - 108,000 waiting, home schedule, etc.  THOUSANDS of people drive by their EVERYDAY and have no clue the Bulls play there.

    The Bucs do not need that advertising as all their games are sold out.  I have suggested this before and will again - get the Bucs to "donate" 3 of the billboards to advertise the Bulls schedule, ticket phone number, etc.  The Bucs will get a net gain from this because more fans at Bulls games mean more money in their pocket and they can probably write off the billboards as a donation to USF.

    In the least, the TSA could put up an Events sign listing upcoming events like they did for the old stadium.

  3. Do you all agree with that 12,000 number?  Seems like I would have noticed if there were only 12,000 seats full.  Maybe they counted in the 4th quarter?

    They don't "count" people.  The actual attendance comes from the scan/turnstile counts as people enter the stadium.  This is the method that the NCAA has established to meet the new minimum requirement.

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