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Everything posted by BULLheaded

  1. Ummm, well we are a full fledged member of the BE now so yes we would actually have a "say" on whether or not UCF becomes a member. Not the deciding factor but definitely can have influence.
  2. Great idea Griggsy....and to take it one step further since we can't really watch away games any more why don't we all to this for 4 hours while listening to the game on the radio in our cars. ;D Heck we'd even have the time to cross I-4 and ride all over the UCF campus with the flags flying.
  3. It really has made following the team totally frustrating. It seems the past four years was an easy routine....home games we went to the stadium and away games we met at the watch parties. In both cases we could listen to the radio after the game and either celebrate (or console ourselves) with the callers during to post game show. Now it seems this neverending chore of trying to figure out if we will actually be able to even see an away game in ANY venue and when we can the radio show is nearly over by the time we get back to the car. I feel like I'm being forced on a diet....guess it's brocolli only these days  >
  4. Is it me or does it seem like we have had fewer games on tv this year than we have any year since we've been 1a? Very frustrating! Glad we're in the BE but so far it seems like actually following the team has been much harder with so little tv and the loss of a couple hours radio time on game day.
  5. No complaining? My god what has this board come to! I think we need a new board administrator!  ;D
  6. fyi, on the radio leading up to the game they mentioned that CHill was taking snaps and CD was getting work at WR. Sounds to me that Hill is definitely 2nd string QB
  7. Hey ET, I caught the first half at Bedrock and was surprised you weren't there. Are you down in brazil?
  8. I don't disagree with that, and I really don't have a problem with being patient. The question for me is do we have the pieces in place to actually move in a positive direction. We have not seen this on the offensive side of the ball at all. Instead what I have seen is an offense that had MB and his ability to run around buying incredible amounts of time until somebody got open. That wasn't coaching, that was pure ability on MBs part. Once we lost him the deficiency in our coaches ability to run an efficient offense and actually coach the players has been obvious. In fact last year the defense was just awful, but we have seen the way our coaches have brought them along. On offense it's the same problems, year after year and player after player. So either we need to find another MB that can make up for the coaching deficiencies or we need to find coaches that can actually coach. right now we have neither one. So I suppose what I'm saying is that if I had confidence in the coaches then I'd have no problem being patient. Unfortunately I have zero confidence in their abilities and feel the are totally out of their league at this level and therefore I don't have any patience in sticking with something that I feel will just continue giving the same results year in and year out. And yes we need to let recruiting catch up....but it is obvious we need to work on catching the coaching staff up to our meteoric rise of the program as well. Everyone seems to be so willing to agree that while the players were great at their respective levels we need to keep upgrading. Why is it then that the coaches are looked at so differently. The players and coaches both did a tremendous job in our program but the level of play has passed both the past players and most likely many of our coaches by.
  9. yeah yeah, not quite sure your distinction between a re-building year and a building year. In college are you ever NOT in one of those two stages aside from once in a blue moon? either way the point still stands
  10. I agree with keeping Franks. Actually he is a perfect example, people give alot of credit to Andre and it's well deserved but I don't think it is coincidence that our running attack completely shaped up with the upgrade to Franks. I used to cringe everytime we ran the ball prior to Franks...that horrendous shotgun snap, qb/rb collision handoff followed by the consistent 1-2 yard loss. The upgrade to franks and we have a competent running game and Ponton looking like he is getting groomed to be as good or better the Andre. Ahhhh what it would be like to see this same efficiency and improvement in the passing game. Frey, I'm up and down with him. Sometimes the line looks great and other times pretty crappy but certainly your right that he isn't the disaster the others are.
  11. the word nightmare and the bolded comment do not belong anywhere near the same sentence. Assuming we pick up a decent staff we can only change for the better. It certainly can't get worse then what I've seen the past few years.
  12. What do you mean it is a rebuilding year? LAST year was a rebuilding year...PJ is a junior, andre is a senior, green has been starting for 3 years and payton is on his second year starting. The main "rebuilding" was defense and they are playing great. Geesh, it is COLLEGE, players get 4 years only so every year is mostly a rebuilding year and we are as experienced on offense as most other teams are. Good recruits or bad recruits what does it matter? If you can't coach them it matters not who you bring in.
  13. I'll take you one step further, if we have the same offensive staff next year Leavitt ought to be tarred and feathered. It doesn't really matter who we get, unless it is someone that has been groomed well enough at the high school level to play D1a ball then they will be a bust. Our staff is completely incapable of preparing anyone to play offense. Heck, even if we get lucky and find a qb pre-packaged and ready to go we're just as incapable of preparing receivers to catch. We should be focusing our recruiting efforts on a new offensive staff otherwise we'll be watching the same show with different actors year after year.
  14. one plus to this game being moved is we now play the weaker competition first. Hopefully we can come into this game on a win streak and build enough interest to keep the attendance decent. On the flip side, we're comming off a two game losing streak with a potential hurricane looming so I would be surprised if we would get 25k had we kept the game scheduled.
  15. and yesterday all anyone could do is complain how we were the last ones in the state not making a decision and that we always take too long.  :
  16. I said the same thing but was corrected lol. So I figured I'd bend a little
  17. We got a shipment of new furniture at work the other day and had to assemble everything ourselves. Well, they forgot the instructions so all we had was schematic diagram to figure out where everything went. Well, the furniture wasn't particularly complicated to put together but we had zero help in deciphering the diagram and no-one with experience to teach us any better. So, you can imagine the the clusterf#ck of professionals trying to figure out how to assemble the **** thing. Kind of made me think...this must be how things are going on at the bulls practice. Hey PJ, Denson, CHill, Grothe, here is the playbook now you figure out how to execute it! Coaching? lol, ok...PJ, you pass....payton, you catch....got it? Ok, now lets beat Pitt!!
  18. I can't really add anything to that, I agree completely. On the positive note about the D, I really have been impressed with their play this year. Actually I was never really concerned about the D last year since they were so young and our coaches have a great track record in developing the players, somehow I just felt confident in the coaches ability to bring them along....pretty much the exact opposite of how I feel about the offensive coaches. And this past game, yes they let a couple big plays happen but how long were they out there on the field? I've gotta think that after the first 5 minutes of the first half the offense MAY have had what? a total of 2 or 3 minutes on the field? Seemed every time they got the ball it was either 3 and out or worse 1 and fumble or 1 and interception. You just can't ask a defense to practically play an entire half and still be fresh enough to play at the top of their game...especially a speed oriented D.
  19. since evreyone likes the black unis, what would they look like if used our gold for the numbers instead of white. As they are there is none of our colors at all with the black and white.
  20. bien, you totally caught me off guard on your posts (both here and the "other" site). I was actually expecting to hear you defend the coaches and blame the everyone on the field, including PJ, for the lack of execution. This may a first that I strongly agree with most of your points. I'm not willing to take all blame away from PJ but I do think the receivers have compounded his problems. The thing is, I just can't help but think the coaches are not capable of teaching the proper fundamentals and techniques they need to properly execute on the field. If we had a quality OC and assistants then I think PJ and the recievers would be able to play at least well enough to supplement our awesome D and we probably would have won at both Penn St and Pitt. Miami would probably still be a loss but I really feel we let those other two wins get away. Top that off with an obvious lack of ability on Smith's part to create and call plays and you end up with what we have...a disaster on offense. I most likey disagree with you about changing the QB though. Unfortunately since it seems likely that we will not be changing staff, it may be our only hope to just keep changing QBs until we get lucky enough to find one that can make up for the coaching faults. Hell, this goes for WRs as well.
  21. I think that is kind of stretching things a bit lol. but if I could I would tinker with the shield logo anyway. I would remove the USF as well as that black bar and instead just have the bull in the gold part of the shield. The bar and the initials just busy it up IMO. Either way, I do agree the black unis look great. I just prefer us to use our colors for the "color" part of our uniforms.
  22. I agree with Mike. USF admin gets a HUGE cudos from me! They really could have just ignored the snubbing from espn but instead we got a great event. I like hearing the interest in the students as well. Also, 1,300 people at a last minute event of watching a blown up internet feed is pretty **** good IMO....of course was that tickets sold or tickets used? ;D
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