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S p e n c e

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Everything posted by S p e n c e

  1. I just dont understand why we would accept Schaeffer and not Charles. I dont have anything against either of them, but wouldnt any scholarships given to them come out of next years recruiting class? And they are both quality pickups with D1 experience, and could be impact players immediately. I just dont know why CJL would say he has no interest in bringing Charles in. Why not bring them both in next season?
  2. My early prediction is that it will be a low scoring game similar to TCU in 2003 when we lost 13-10. But that is assuming Julmiste is going to start, as some on this board suspect. If one of our other QB's start and are able to block out the 100,000 screaming fans and put up good numbers we could pull out a lucky win.
  3. So if he did come, his scholarship would come out of next years alotment of schollies? Does anyone know how many scholarships we will have available next year?
  4. I don't think we have much of a chance to win at Penn State period!! So my whole point is, if we are going to lose anyway, why invest any more time into a quarterback that clearly isnt taking us anywhere? If we are going to lose I would rather have one of the youn g QB's in there getting experience, cause unlike PJ maybe than CAN use thier participation in the game to gain knowledge or skill.
  5. He seems like a great candidate. I don't know much about McGee from WVU, but a huge upside to him is he has Big East experience. He knows all the defenses, thier strategies, gameplans and so on. I think this may play a big factor in his consideration for the opening. I know it has been said there has been no "timetable" set to hire a replacement, but I would think realistically it would have to be soon, within the next few weeks. Any rumblings as to when the job may be filled?
  6. It seems he would be a good fit, but I don't remember seeing his name among those in the running for the job. Is he actually in the running?
  7. You missed the entire point. Jake is stating that we have the best chance to win with PJ based only on the fact that he has experience in the system. I was making the point the experience is only worth anything if it translates into production on the field. ex-pe-ri-ence 1. The apprehension of an object, thought, or emotion through the senses or mind: a child's first experience of snow. 2. 1. Active participation in events or activities, leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill: a lesson taught by experience; a carpenter with experience in roof repair. 2. The knowledge or skill so derived. 3. 1. An event or a series of events participated in or lived through. 2. The totality of such events in the past of an individual or group OK lets break this down. " Active participation in events or activities..." alright, PJ has participated in events or activities so he meets this requirement. Now, "leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill: a lesson taught by experience" the second part of the definition (the most important part). PJ has clearly not used his participation in "events or activities" to accumulate knowledge or skill, this can clearly be seen just by watching him play. No accumulation of skills whatsover, he makes the same mistakes time after time. Which leads me to "a lesson taught by experience, as I said in the 16 starts he made with the exception of one or 2 games as Bien pointed out in another thread, ie the TCU game, PJ has not been taught any lessons through his experience or "participation in events or activities" so what exactly does his so called "experience" bring to the table this season? And why should that make him the clear front runner for the starting job as Jake states? If this were the real world, and you were working at a job say at Burger King, and they hired you because you had experience in fast food in the past, would that keep them from firing you because you are horrible at the job? "Well we really can't get rid of him he has experience" "Yeah, but he started a grease fire and nearly burned the building down" "I know, but he does have that experience, what are ya gonna do?"
  8. It was reported in several differant news sources, in running a quick search this is the first one I found. http://www.sptimes.com/2005/04/07/Sports/Bulls_QB_hopeful_out_.shtml Now to answer my question, if CJL will not allow Charles to transfer but allows Schaeffer to come here isnt that a little hypocritical of him?
  9. I also tend to agree, he will obviously improve, but the Yanks never seem to learn, they always sign players after thier prime. With the exception of A-Rod of course, despite his less than MVP performance of late. I have said for a long time now, they need to build around the core group of Yankees (Jeter, Posada, Williams, Rivera) with young talent. Although I have been saying this for several years now and with Williams and Rivera getting up in age, it is almost getting too late to do that.
  10. Get caught using steroids = Become Bitter California Lawer.
  11. I don't think we ever actually ran a "no huddle" technically, because we didnt run it right. The offense would line up rather quickly (as you should in the no huddle) but then everyone would look to the sidelines for the play staring over there for a good 20 seconds or so, and then PJ would go into the snap count. It kind of defeats the whole purpose of running the no huddle. I am looking foward to seeing what changes will come to the offense. I dont know how much of the playbook will change due to time restraints, but a lot of the intangibles like this and the actual play calling, among other things will most certainly change. Can't wait.
  12. First you question if Leavitt ever made the comment, and then in the next breath you are saying weelllll maybe he "made that comment to placate the media and grab some good will". You are the King of spin Bien. Wow. What is your obsession with protecting the coaching staff, you defended thier decision to stick with Julmiste even though it was obvious to everyone he was horrible, although you are stepping back from that stance now. You still continue to defend Hobbie who was at best a High School calibur football coach. And everytime someone mentions something about anything else that you dont agree with as I did above you try to spin an answer to come to thier defense. I have to ask again, is Bien latin for "Hobbie" or something? Who are you?
  13. PJ may be more experienced but he is FAR from the most talented. So you are saying experience should trump talent? Why is that? If you can convince me Julmiste's "experience" is going to help lead us to victories this coming season I would agree it would make sense to put in the experienced QB but that clearly is not the case. We are not going to have a great season no matter who starts, so why waste the time putting him in when we can start getting experience to the talented players? Look at it this way, Say we go 4-7 this season. Would you rather go 4-7 with Julmiste at QB or go 4-7 with one of the other 3 at QB? Because short of a miracle that is about where we are going to be at this year, maybe we can pull off 5-6, or pull a big upset against a Louisville, WVU, or Pitt and go 6-5. But if we can pull off a couple of upsets it will be because of a team effort, not because of the experience PJ brings to the table. It makes no sense to start PJ, it is time to move on. If we start Hill, Grothe, or Denson instead of PJ he will have 4 games under his belt going into the Big East opener. And most likely whomever starts our record going into the Louisville game will be 2-2 will losses against Penn State and Miami, and wins against UCF and FAMU. Now you cannot tell me that any of those 3 starters after playing those 4 games would not be as effective a quarterback as PJ would have been if he had started going into Big East play. Of course they would. Move PJ to another positions NOW while you can, and try to utilize his athletic ability.
  14. I think it would be hypocritacal of CJL to allow Schaeffer to transfer here after not allowing Florida LB Taurean Charles to transfer after being dismissed from the team for throwing a beer keg. CJL said he didnt want to accept a transfer that was released because of off the field problems. Schaeffer's off the field problems were much more serious than Charles'.
  15. I cannot believe we are debating who has the best QB and are actually trying to make a case for Julmiste LOL
  16. So Jake what is your explanation of why he sucked in the 16 starts he made over the past 2 seasons? Next excuse please. Same old PJ, to quote Meatloaf, "There ain't no Coupe Deville hiding at the bottom of a Cracker Jack box." What does that mean, it means Julsmiste is what he is, a bad QB. He is not going to go from a terrible QB to our offensive savior during this offseason. And anyone who was holding out for that to happen can let that dream go after seeing his performance at the spring game. As I have said before, I would rather lose games this coming season with Denson, Grothe, or Hill at the helm because they are the future and at least they will be getting some game experience they can use and improve upon, and maybe next season everything will click in the offseason and will turn into the QB we have been waiting for. PJ has been in that situation for the past 2 offseasons and has not improved, and after Saturday it is obvious he is not going to, so why keep on going with him? It doesnt make sense.
  17. Steve you are right about pitchers using steroids, I am sure that there are quite a few who have. But there are a bunch who dont also. So say Bonds plays a 3 game series against the dodgers, and the dodgers have one pitcher on thier starting rotation that used steroids. That would only account for one game that in your words would "cancel out" but that pitcher normally wouldnt pitch an entire game maybe 6 or 7 innings, so you would have the 2 remaining innings plus the other 2 games in the series which would be an additional 18 innings against a non juiced pitcher. So in a 3 game series 7 out of 27 innings would "cancel out" to use your logic. The other 20 is still CHEATING! And all of this would only apply if the juiced up pitcher was scheduled in the rotation to start in this series. The rotation may work out that he doesnt even face San Fran because he pitched the night before and isnt due to pitch again for a week. I cannot believe you are defending Bonds to this extent Steve, it is madness. Using the logic above say Bonds plays 1200 innings a year, out of those 1200 innings he played 200 against juiced pitchers, that still leaves 1000 innings where Bonds had a clear advantage. It is not fair Steve it is cheating. I am not saying what other players did in the past is right, cheating is cheating. And as for your "small ballparks, juiced balls, and bad pitching" theory, why do these advantages only seem to apply to those who are suspected of using steroids? Why isnt Carl Crawford hitting 60 HR's, or Craig Council? Or a Jay Gibbons? You would see HR's and power numbers jump across the board but you dont it is only the select few who are suspected of using that you see the surge in Power numbers. You are dillusional.
  18. The choice of music at times is strange. Not that I dont like the music, but when you play the beginning of Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama" and then on the next stoppage of play you are playin "In da Club" by 50 Cent, then you move on to the theme song from 8 Mile, and back to some other rock n roll song, it doesnt really make any sense. I remember the first couple of games in 2003 at the opening kick off they played GnR's "Welcome to the Jungle" and I thought that was a great song to kick the game off, but I don't really remember hearing it much since then. And when they did play it they would start the track like 6 seconds before kickoff and would have to shut it off right away. They should have someone up there who knows what they are doing, start the song a little earlier, let it play for 30 seconds or so before kickoff to get the crowd into it, isnt that the reason for the music in the first place?
  19. I think with a miracle at QB we have a shot at this game, but for all of those that are so confident about us coming out of this game with a win remember we lost to Army last year. While it is true this game is winable I would not get my hopes up. What I am really hoping to get out of this game is a starting QB. If for some dumbass reason PJ does start this game, I hope if he gets killed out there CJL comes to his senses and pulls him, and lets one of the other 3 QB's have a shot.
  20. I tend to agree with USFBull, unless due to time restraints CJL opts to keep the same offensive playbook for this coming season. I hope this is not the case, change will be good for this offense. Also just for the record Bien, Julmiste did not "win" the TCU game for us, that was one of the 3 or 4 out of 16 games that he played well, but that win was in large part due to a terrible TCU defense and the emergence of Andre Hall who had a huge game.
  21. Screw him, we have 3 top 20 nationally ranked QB's in thier respective recruiting years, and could possibly land another top QB prospect next season. Let him go to 1AA, he had his chance to wear green and gold.
  22. Business interests LOL Unless the "business interest" was some rich alumni paying him off to leave then it is a bunch of BS, he was forced out.
  23. Guy seems to have hit the nail on the head to me. The game was an embaressment. Ask Mike Hobbie, i'm sure he would agree since he was forced to resign the day after the game. Sorry Bien, I know he is your Kemo Sabe, but he was worthless, and someone with some power at USF thought the same and got rid of him. So this kid can't be too far off base than can he? If you don't think that spring game was an embarressment, then you must have not been paying attention.
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