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The Sheriff

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Posts posted by The Sheriff

  1. Moral victories are for p******. 


    Imagine when you were single and in the bar scene. Did you feel good about yourself when you pursued the one girl all night, you're about to close the deal (it's imminent), and at the last minute after a few hours engaged in the chase, she says, "sorry, I have a boyfriend."


    You either win or you lose... we lost. It sucks. Moral victories are akin to jerking off after getting shutout at the bar. It's just not the same as winning/getting laid.    

  2. 20 hours ago, Gatorbull325 said:

    It's a goofy ass story. I took notice of USF when they had try outs and some buddies (I went to North Miami Senior High) of mine that went to USF  and tried out for the team. They didn't make it though. Then when USF beat Auburn I was like whoa, these boys can play now! . I didn't start actually watching games until after this story below. I am of Haitian Descent, so to me USF was the closest I would ever get to seeing an actual Haitian "American" Football team 🤣. Then I  started reading the ESPN blogs and then the Bullspen. After a while, I kind of started watching more USF games than UF games until one day I cut UF off completely. Even when I attended UF I hated the fans. After the "FireRonzook.com" I stopped being a fan. I'm  a BIG Tim Tebow fan, so I only watched until he graduated and that was it for me.  But yes, I always loved how USF showed love to Haitian players. We have a rough history and present. But one thing about us is that we will always laugh and be grateful to God no matter what the circumstances we deal with. My mother even has a charity and runs an orphanage in Haiti. (She  goes back and fourth) Truth be told, I'm actually enjoying my USF Journey. When we finally have success, we all will appreciate it more and not take it for granted. 


    Excellent back story. I still vomit in my mouth prior to thinking about saying anything positive about UF. I've seen your handle here for quite sometime. It gives me a little more perspective... and now that I'm spending more time in Florida due to work, I should probably be more user friendly to individuals with ties to UF (although that might change tonight depending on how things play out). By the way, good parenting goes a long ways IMO.  

    • Haha 1
  3. Found this nugget in an ESPN article... at the top of the article nonetheless. The writer never mentions USF in the article, however the fact the national media is paying attention (at least a little bit) should be concerning if you're in the Scott camp. Hopefully all of the noise dies down after we beat UF in Gainesville in two weeks.


    It's going to be Alabama-Georgia in the title game again!

    Ohio State's offense is overrated!

    Anthony Richardson for the Heisman!

    Fire Scott Satterfield! Jeff Scott, Ken Niumatalolo, Karl Dorrell and Scott Frost, too!



    Yes, it's only one week, but we finally have at least the start of some answers to the questions we've been asking for months. So let's overreact!


  4. I missed the coin toss... was buying some TV's for my parent's place during the rain delay. My thoughts...


    If you win the coin toss and you KNOW how good BYU's offense is (especially based on what they brought back), you delay the inevitable and give your most dynamic player on the team (you remember the kid who is a preseason All American kick returner) an opportunity to be the first person to touch the ball for your team to start the season. A big play exudes confidence to rest of your team and puts that linger of doubt in the players for BYU that felt the Florida heat in 2019. However giving BYU the ball and they house it after one play - well, we were a two win team last year. What do you think is lingering in the current players' minds that were here last season? 'Here we go again.' Does anyone remember The Natural where the shrink is talking to the NY Knights and Roy Hobbs walks out of the team meeting... Hobbs was a winner.


    Football is high stakes chess for the intelligent. That's why you see so many unathletic ESPN commentators stationed next to a former player that barely speaks audible, proper English. It starts with an intelligent coach. Is Scott that guy? So far he's suspect - however he is very well paid. When we beat UF in two weeks, I'll feel better about him. Just my two cents... 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Skingraft said:


    Had a TIA, hopefully will get home tomorrow. Head is pounding awfully.....

    Get better brother. You'll be in our prayers today. Most of the fan base was suffering from a TIA by the end of the first quarter. If you're still in the ICU, I'm not sure reading the message boards will be good for your blood pressure. On a good note, when we beat an undefeated UF in two weeks, this will all be forgotten. Positivity.

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