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Posts posted by UCF_rustbucket

  1. 21 hours ago, bulloni said:

    The idea isn't pass happy, its to force the defense to leave a weakness each time that will be obvious to the QB by the time he's snapping the ball. Need a QB with a strong arm because the receivers route's will be so far away from the line of scrimmage regardless of if they are going deep or not.

    Exactly. Often times people think it's a pass heavy offense but that perception might just come from the wide open bombs that are set up by lots of running plays and spreading the field.

  2. 1 hour ago, USF968 said:

    Am I crazy for thinking we have a chance at the PAC 12? If 4 are added with SDSU, SMU, and Tulane.

    It's definitely a greater than 0 chance. But that would be an extreme outlier. I know that the LA schools are also an extreme outlier for the B1G but those are Blueblood first domino move type of schools. I wouldn't let geography restrain me from taking the best schools but there's eventually a limit. Would the PAC consider a 2nd MW schools instead or Rice (who I think is a worse candidate than USF) for the sake of having a tighter pod with SMU and Tulane over USF? Maybe.

  3. 8 minutes ago, USF_Bullsharks said:

    Couple of notes - 

    1. If considering OUT as SEC, there are no B12 teams in the top 25 - this singular fact could point to a stronger ACC long term instead of conference failing rhetoric. 

    2. Virginia generated more revenue than FSU and Clemson

    3. Oregon and Washington produce more revenue than USC/UCLA

    4. Indiana? lol 

    EDIT: Realized no private schools are here. USC and ND would probably make the top 25

    The failing ACC rhetoric isn't because of anything to do with the Big 12, but rather the growing chasm compared to the SEC and B1G. If those 2 leagues take their pick of ACC teams once the GOR is ending, I think the only ACC team left on the current top 25 list is likely Louisville.




    But also, Indiana?!?

  4. 18 minutes ago, Brad said:

    I'd like to see USF focusing on inroads to Miami.  It was working for a bit.

    There's gonna have to be a lot that happens for that to even become remotely possible. They have a 5-1 lead over y'all and view both of our programs as small time so I don't think much inroads were made. 

    However much better than us that USF felt after whooping us 4 years in a row, multiply that by 20 for how the Big 3 feel about either U_F school. A couple of UCF fans also suggested we focus on becoming rivals with either UF or Miami but there's like 50 plus years of catch up that's needed. And even then their fans won't care.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, belgianbull said:

    UCF doesn't wield that kind of power in the Big 12. FSU ad Miami do wield that kind of power in the ACC.

    Besides we didn't block FAU joining the AAC, or UCF ( about a decade ago) joining the Big East/AAC.

    I think if the Big 12 decides we are a good addition UCF will likely not be able to do anything about it

    Just the vibes I get from our President and AD, I don't think they'd block USF. It would get us back our closest geographic rival. 


    But also like you said, even if we wanted to block you we don't have that level of influence in the new Big 12. If the majority of the schools felt you were a fit, it'd be hard to us to argue against expanding the conference foothold in FL.

  6. 13 hours ago, Jim Johnson said:

    It certainly seems like the Big 12 told USF at some point that it needed to improve it's facilities.  It doesn't mean the B12 said "build it and we'll invite you"... instead it may have been "we didn't pick you because . . ."

    No one will ever (EVER) officially say this happened.  But it's definitely within the realm of possibility.


    I'm just as dubious of Twitter randos. I don't quite believe his claim of "build it and we'll invite you" but I lean more towards your same thinking of "we didn't pick you because" and as a result, USF built their game plan on how to address these things. Some in motion after 2016 and others accelerated in 2021 only after the surprise Big 12 dominos. Still of the belief that there's no super secret agreement in hand, just that USF knows now what it needs to do to be the top option for whenever the next P5 expansion happens.

    • Like 2
  7. 38 minutes ago, Bull Matrix said:

    With USF I do believe it is an easy fix. Why you ask ? It is because USF now has a lot of positively going on these last few years. Wins usually come last so I do believe we are getting close to the winning part. 

    Even if you disregard any recent developments, just look at the advantages that have been there for a while like the location, size, and athletics budget and any competent coach should have this program back to bowl eligibility at worst in a short time. I have no clue what CJS was doing all this time lol because we're not even questioning his ability to win a conference title, man couldn't even get more than 2 wins a season with so much talent a stones throw away from campus.

    • Upvote 2
  8. 37 minutes ago, Bull Matrix said:

    Exactly. Either big 12 has no idea what they are doing or they have some kind of ace up their sleeve. To me it is like the PAC 12 basically played the big 12 by announcing the agreement while big 12 is having their media week lol. Well played. 

    No one thinks this lol the PAC 12 has no agreement. Saying you verbally agreed to the framework of a GOR doesn't mean anything without a tv deal to actually sign it with.

  9. 6 minutes ago, GoBulls84 said:

    I wouldn't discount ESPN agreeing to shorten the length with devious intentions. The best way to cut future payouts would be to eliminate one of the conferences you're paying out to. We saw it with the Big East. They couldn't get the Big East to agree to the deal they wanted, and instead of risking the Big East getting a bigger contract elsewhere, they sabotaged the conference. I wouldn't be surprised AT ALL if ESPN agreed to shorten the deal for a few more millions in the short term, with the intention of pushing a handful of programs to the SEC/Big 12 and letting the others either go to B1G or flounder with the G_ conferences. Then instead of paying 14 teams $30 million or whatever a year, they're paying maybe 4 of those teams $50 million a year and letting the rest figure it out somewhere else (or take a smaller payday in a G_ conference).

    Good point. I agree with the core message, if ESPN does something it'll be purely for their own benefit and not out of the goodness of their hearts lol they'll cut a deal if the long term math has them winning by dumping some bottom feeders.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, Bull Matrix said:

    I’m talking about a better long term deal for both sides. If ESPN holds the ACC hostage that may eventually come back to haunt them…

    And breaking a deal with ESPN would haunt the ACC. There's really only 2 major players for being primary partners in football media rights. If ACC sours their relationship with ESPN, that would give Fox all the leverage next time to get their own money saving deal with the ACC since ESPN will sit it out. Unless the ACC wants to be on apple or Amazon. I just can't see what ESPN would gain from beefing up the money or shortening the current length. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Bull Matrix said:

    Couldn’t all the teams in the ACC agree to renegotiate a better TV deal?? They have all the eastern markets so I find it hard to believe that they will fall down 

    All the ACC are pretty much in agreement they'd want to renegotiate the deal. But the TV partner has to agree. ESPN has no reason to renegotiate when it's got the ACC locked in at great value for 13 more years. That was the tradeoff they agreed to for investing in the ACC network, ESPN wanted this longer deal to get their return on investment. 

  12. 16 minutes ago, TallyBull said:

    Correct. The legal dispute is whether they can break the GoR or not. Some say yes. Some say no.

    To resolve the legal dispute, they agree to terms. FSU gets more money, which is what they want, but they also agree to stay in the ACC. The others keep the conference going for another decade, which is what they want, but with smaller payouts. That’s all I’m saying. 

    Do FSU, UM, et al have landing spots in better conferences? Who knows. That’s the bluff/leverage these schools have against the rest of the ACC to renegotiate the GoR. Sure, the other schools could sit back and do nothing, relying entirely on the strength of the GoR (figuring FSU can’t leave even if the Big Ten or SEC would take them). But what if FSU sues under some clever legal theory? Do the other schools want to defend a lawsuit that could drag on for years, even if they’re right? And what if they’re wrong and FSU wins? That’s a lot of uncertainty.

    Just my two cents.

    The word was that after the whole "magnificent 7" thing came out is that they couldn't find any way to break it though. Which to Cubanbulls point takes away their leverage to make big demands. The ACC will give them some merit based revenue split because even whining without leverage is a bad look for the conference, but not enough to make a difference for the TV deal. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Bull Matrix said:

    Can’t be that bad. We are playing in the AAC not the SEC or Big Ten so we should expect USF to compete within two seasons imo. Heck if USF would of had a decent defense under Scott even he probably would have got USF to a bowl game 

    Offense was solid with an occasional flash of punching above that. You could definitely have reached bowl eligibility with that offensive output if the defense weren't wet paper towel strong lol If Golesh can elevate the defense even to just average or below average instead of terrible, you're cooking with oil and win 6.

    • Upvote 1
  14. 28 minutes ago, GoBulls84 said:

    I don't doubt that Deion is lobbying for it. He grew up and played college football in Florida. He spent a significant amount of time in Texas. I'm sure he'd love to be in a conference with teams in both of those states. But the idea that he's the deciding factor in this move? A football coach who's likely to be there 4-5 years at most being the deciding factor in the university changing conferences in a move that would affect them well beyond that? I'm calling BS

    I think admin would listen to what he has to say about a potential move but still make their own final decision on it. Sort of use him as a representative not just for himself but for their future football coaches as well.

  15. 1 hour ago, BDYZR said:


    Another thought along this line, IF conferences went to a performance based payout, what would stop a team from negotiating with another conference? Right now it's happening, aka conference realignment. Individual teams are negotiating backroom deals to change, so if the mid pack teams don't like their place in a conference maybe they THINK they would be top tier in another.

    Just rambling thoughts...

    It's a good question. Ultimately depends on what the university values most. Dumping teams that are full members is unheard of. But squeezing them out like this where they see a different option as a better fit might be the way.

  16. 26 minutes ago, Bull94 said:

    Sources have said that ESPN is laying the groundwork to sell its channel directly as a subscription-streaming service in coming years.

    bye bye carriage fees

    Aka, the secret sauce that made trash bags like Maryland and Rutgers attractive for the B1G. It was never about their actual fans/viewers, but being able to slap carriage fees for the B1G network in those 2 massive markets.

  17. 38 minutes ago, Bull Matrix said:

    Lol won’t be long before USF has their own rust bucket. Hope you know we are just giving you a hard time because it is all fun & games lol. Don’t take it too personal. After all, I do believe USF helped UCF turn things around as they used USF’s success under Leavitt as motivation. Hopefully USF is now doing the same thing and can hopefully finally win a conference championship some day lol. You see, us USF fans have fun ragging on ourselves too 

    There's 2 reasons I don't go out of my way to rag on y'all here. The first is I just wanna talk general football and doing that will just get me kicked from the forum lol. The second reason is that you have your own fans here ragging on the program more than I could 😂 so they've got it covered.

    • Haha 3
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  18. 32 minutes ago, michibull said:

    Wouldn’t this be the ultimate middle finger to UCF, they pay us to go to B12, we use the money to build a new, quality, state of the art stadium that helps us get into the ACC!!! One can hope. 

    Eh lol the buyout is a drop in the bucket for what this costs. Each of the 3 is paying $18M and the AAC will probably take a cut. But let's assume they don't and that's only divided among the 8 legacy AAC teams. 18x3/8 is 6.75. money is money but nothing significant. Especially with how slowly it'll be paid out.

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