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Everything posted by TarHeel_Bull

  1. How am I making escuses for Holston or Peters??? I said that our guards are playing poorly because our bests guards aren't on the court. That's a fact.
  2. THANK YOU. Finally someone else who understands.
  3. If you didn't think that we played very good defense then I really don't know what you expect from this team. They rebounded very well and forced Houston into my bad shots. Our guard play is so bad because 2 of our best 3 guards are injured. I think that McMurray had a **** good game, but he has nobody to back him up so he is forced to play 38 minutes a game, and the defense solely focused on shutting him down and making his teammates make shots. We lack depth at guard due to injury, but I am looking forward to seeing Holston and McMurray on the floor at the same time next year. Again, everybody on this board points out every little negative thing there is, but either is oblivious to the positives or purposely denies them.
  4. He inherited a team with 3 players coming back
  5. I completely agree, but I feel like people are pointing out everything that we are not improving at instead of the things we are, such as free throw shooting down the stretch, solid defense, and three point shooting. That's just how I like to view things, but I understand that a lot of people think the exact opposite way.
  6. Completely agreed, but I'm just saying that if they play like this for the rest of the season, key word if, then they have a chance to win 10 games.
  7. They lost by 6 to the second best team in he American, and it was only a 1 point game with a minute left. There is definitely improvement in every aspect of the game except for passing/turnovers. Defense was fantastic, they shot well from the free throw line, and they shot well from beyond the arc. I completely agree that these turnovers are a huge problem, but everything else is looking optimistic.
  8. CPA you also said that Flowers was awful as a quarterback and a leader, do you still think that today?
  9. You were also calling for Tom Allen to be fired earlier this season and look how much success our defense had this season. Learn to not overreact to everything bad that happens and look for some positives in things, or else nothing can go well for you.
  10. I said that he is our 3rd best guard because he is. He is the hardest worker on the court that I have seen this year, but I never said he was good. If we play like we did today I truly think we can win ten games this year.
  11. I never said he was good, but how do I lose credibility due to this? He is a hard worker that lacks a lot of pure talent.
  12. Players who will be on this team when we win 10 games: Everyone except for Cousins, Nunez, and Morillo since they are seniors. We will easily win 10 games next year, and if we shoot like we did today we may win 10 this year. The reason why Bodway is the 3rd best active guard is because 2 of our best 3 guards are injured, not because he is inept or in over his head. While most of these players are recruited by Antigua, the reason is because most of them left before he even got here, he came into a team that had 3 returning players. Just be patient if that is even possible for you to do, it seems like this is a far rarer trait than it should be.
  13. First of all, I just want to make this clear. You are saying that any walk on athlete should never be mentioned when talking about a team? He is a player on the team and currently the 3rd best guard we have so of course he should be mentioned. Just because players come from a different country doesn't make them any better or worse than players in he U.S. Potential means that we have the keys to be successful, not that we are successful. This is a team that has barely played with each other before, but the turnovers are still unacceptable but can be fixed when a team gains more playing time together. You were also calling for Taggart to be fired earlier this season and look where our football team is now. You would think that people on his board would learn from the past but I guess not.
  14. First of all: Do you even know what you are talking about????? Are you saying that international players can't play in the U.S.? Most of our women's team are from different countries and they are a top 20 team. Our guards suck because our best guard Holston is injured and out for most if not all of the season, Roddy peters is out for the rest of the season, and Jake Bodway is injured. We only have 3 active guards on the roster right now, and one of them never gets playing time. McMurray has proven to be an excellent shooter, and we get an actual point guard coming in next year. If you watched the game today then you would know that we have the talent and potential to win day in day out, if we stopped turning the ball over 20 times a game. The only players that is overhyped on this team would be Morillo and Roddy Peters, who was coming off from an injury. There is no doubt in my mind that Antigua deserves a third year, and I expect that if we have no/minimal injuries next year we will be able to play in the NIT tourney at least, and if we stop turning the ball over so much I see no reason why we couldn't reach the NCAA tournament.
  15. Yep. This team would have a winning record if they stopped making stupid passes and turnovers, that's the one thing that is really holding them back, but they haven't improved on it at all so far this season.
  16. Down by 3 with 7:49 left, no turnovers in a couple of minutes and look what happens.
  17. Tied at half vs a 9-2 team, should be shooting 2 free throws before the end of the half on a play that McMurray got injured on, but whatever. He was able to get up with help and jog/limp off the court on his own.
  18. The thing I love the most about this young man is that he always finds a way to extend the play. Our offensive line played awful today, but flowers always seemed to have a way to get out of the pocket, make 3-4 guys miss, and throw the ball downfield. It seemed like it was impossible to sack him tonight, and that is the most frustrating thing for a defense to face.
  19. Same can be said for us, flowers missed a lot of wide open receivers as well
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