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Posts posted by jchem1995

  1. 4 hours ago, BDYZR said:

    Might be surprised what a few letters to the editor might do. As I told him, I've had a paper in my house everyday since I learned to read the Sunday morning comics in the '50's and that unless they stopped the put downs of USF at every opportunity, I, along with a lot of other USF fans, would NOT be renewing our subscriptions.


    Good job . Had the opportunity to see him and TJ on the sidelines. Gave them both a nice salute if you catch my drift.

  2. When I went to USF my physics prof ( Denver Jones ) had a tiny piece of paper on the tip of a pin. It was ever so slightly moving, he asked why? Answer it was black and the energy it absorbed gave it some potential to kinetic energy.  And I don't know about the desert because the sand is reflecting all of its own back up. Interesting summary article though.

  3. 12 minutes ago, KevinUSF00 said:

    I'm not certain that Louisville or Houston are better than USF. After seeing Houston last night, I think that game is certainly winnable. And I'd take our offensive players and depth over both Louisville AND Houston right now. The question is whether our defense is better than either?

    And a bigger question is how long will Ward be able to stay playing? a shoulder injury to a qb will not go away on its own. They will need to play him from now on.  I'm liking our chances more and more.

  4. 2 hours ago, Mike Stuben said:

    Side note: when we say a coach burned a red shirt, when a touted recruit comes here, to get them here, Coach might have promised they would play as a freshman (if that was important to the player). So, the coach might just be keeping their word to the player, even if fans don't understand.  

    This^^ almost said this word for word. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    These are a couple of articles that were part of JK's weekly Bulls Report in the print version ...

    Offense on best pace in USF football history

    'Trap game' not part of Bulls' terminology


    What I couldn't find online from the Report is a REAL small-yet-interesting stat ...

    Number of the day

    14 - Offensive toucdowns by USF through its first two games.

    11 - Offensive TDs for the Bulls in all of 2013


    Wow, I tried to forget 2013. Man that just sucks. That is a staggering improvement.  that's how we were sent to mid-conference.

    Top 25 after this week.

  6. Thanks Nebolsky.


    A couple of things I noticed:

    Towson seemed to throw the football pretty well at times.  I didn't see any adjustments from first to second half.  They had several bad throws to open receivers that were either dropped or hit the turf.  I sure as hell hope Woodie has something up his sleeve because the middle of the field was open most times.

    Mack looked like he was knocked out for a minute.  I bet he doesn't play.


    Q.F. needs to make better throws. They were really bad a times. If he does were're good.

    Kean is a gun slinger and his passes were almost perfect.  Need a passing game.

  7. 17 hours ago, JupiterBull said:

    Honestly, I thought he graduated.  Oft injured.  Would be cool to see him rewarded to sticking it out, and get some PT.

    Am surprised to not see Dukes or Salomon.

    I think Godwin not listed as starter is due to injury.

    And, where in the world is Jimmy Bayes?

    Hoping Cecil Cherry gets PT.  We have a TON of talent waiting for PT.  Great problem to have.

    Hoping Cecil Cherry gets PT.  

    Exactly this. He will be needed Saturday Night.

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