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Posts posted by jchem1995

  1. 6 minutes ago, T said:

    Sitting at home. Outside the community on this board, no one knows enough about the program to care. All people hear is a 10 second spot on how we beat a lowly (insert AAC team here) followed by 5 minutes of coverage for every other team in the state. Right now, we are out-of-sight, out-of-mind. The vast majority of people that I talk to have no clue just how good this team is, or could be.

    While I don't think more radio/tv coverage would have an immediate attendance impact, I believe that it could, over time. Over the years USF football should be ingrained as part of the Tampa community's sports discussion. More discussion adds validity to a quality program in people's minds. Brand recognition 101. We have a quality brand and no one knows about it. 


    T I like what your saying. wdae is home of the gators, lightning, bucs, rays and bulls on the their sister station.  There was a failed attempt to have a USF radio station but bugger Mc fuzznuts would back had us every time he had to mention USF. It failed and now, as you mentioned, out of site out of mind.  I wonder if USF could use some clout with its advertising dollars to . I agree with BDYZR.  I draft a letter by weeks end telling TBT why I had to stop my paper nearly two years from ago. Hey hit 'em where it hurts.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Gobulls90 said:

    CWT was asked about this at the radio show last night. You could tell he wanted to say what he really thought about people complaining about going for it, but he paused and said "we're moving on with humble hearts". 

    Awe snap he still had to answer that q? How about our media and fans just say thank you coach for winning a ball game.  Is this pod cast so i can listen? 

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  3. On 10/9/2016 at 7:36 AM, Boomer said:

    So WDAE 620 just cancelled the Tom Jones and Rick Stroud morning show and are now replacing it with the nationally syndicated Mike & Mike show. 

    I hope this is temporary - bad local media coverage is better than none. 


    I just heard the news. I actually wanted to hear about the Buc game and was sooo pleasantly surprised to hear Mike n Mike. I hope it was due to poor rating and nothing else 'cause DickJones is just that. we need someone who is pumping us not dumping on us GO BULLS.

  4. 41 minutes ago, Supersurch said:

    Auggie is a coverage type MLB with good zone coverage skills.  His other strength is pursuing runners side to side as his speed is decent.  But send a 300 lb guard right at him and he is neutralized, especially if the refs allow those guards to hold onto his jerseys and shoulder pads.

    I don't know if anybody else noticed, but just like last year it seemed like the refs just won't call any holding penalties against FSU.

    They don't call anything on the darlings. Just like like offensive lineman went head first into Donnie . Clearly targeting. Said it to them on the way in at halftime. Usf coach behind him was shaking his head yes but didn't approach ref.  

  5. 1 hour ago, OcalaBull2 said:

    Marlon Mack only needs 95 yards to break the all time school rushing record. Should help to be a good motivator.  I'm thinking we'll come out strong against Cincy. 

    Yes and finish strong. Our D will rebound no doubt. GO BULLS

  6. On 9/24/2016 at 3:00 PM, The Great 8 said:

    We never should've signed up to play FSU again. Now it's clear how much of a fluke the win was. Should've held 1-0 over them forever. What're we 1-3 vs FSU and 1-5 vs Miami? Thrilling. 

    Um Tennessee just got their first victory over Florida in 11 years, so...1-10, btw miami would want no part of USF.

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