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John Lewis

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Everything posted by John Lewis

  1. Advanced renderings will be coming in the spring. Those will show the "true renderings".
  2. Still have to make a decision. Have to work the MBB game on 12/22.
  3. The lure of multiple CFP Playoff berths helps the visibility that much more. Certainly can happen with Byrum here.
  4. Correct. We have the ability to provide 24 months notice of our intent to leave RJS without penalty.
  5. Has a bit of a Legion Field look to it from that picture.
  6. When the clock struck 0:00 in the 4th quarter. I literally watched every second of the Iowa-Michigan game. If you're of the belief that FSU is basically Iowa, then I would vehemently disagree with you.
  7. I am serious and I do believe that it can be accomplished.
  8. I thought they were already discussing the 5-7 model for next season since the PAC 12 is no more.
  9. I'm not so sure about that. Having 2 1 loss Conference Champions in the Top 4 helps the committee's selections. Putting in a 1 loss conference champion who lost the only good team they played would not have worked. This is just my opinion, but I disagree that no one one watch FSU vs. Michigan in the Rose Bowl.
  10. 100% down for a home and home vs. Syracuse. Would prefer it to be a conference game again.
  11. I am assuming that the Tulane loss/Committee's bad call on G5 Champion cost us the Fenway Bowl.
  12. That is USF’s record vs. Syracuse. The Flowers games were the last 2.
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