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  1. Yep, just like the TX schools who don't follow Title 9. Let them suffer until the absolute brink of extinction... I dont think people realize that most of the tech gains are due to federal funding. Apple hasnt done ****. They buy patents from the US Govt like everyone else. Google.....tons of govt funding
  2. Pull all federal funding from those schools immediately. Then fund any of the other schools with the balance and see how the tune changes.
  3. How does that help the ACC? They need to grow on the football side not BB.
  4. No breakaway. I wouldn't mind bringing it back compared to the subjective invitational we had. All FBS conference winners should go then use rankings to determine the rest. CFB needs more parity.
  5. I forget, was it a lawsuit or COVID where they took away sitting for a year when transferring? If they could re-implement that and maybe an NIL rule allowing you to only get money from your first school then it could curb things.
  6. Disappointing......to keep the train rolling we need someone to replace BB.
  7. I'd be all for a QF "dice roll" statue somewhere. Preferably over the visitor's entrance.
  8. All the more reason to extend eligibility in the NCAA. They could cut into profits of both the NFL and NBA.
  9. What's never going to happen? I didnt say they would combine.
  10. That is a massive cost and who would watch that over CFB? Nobody would have any rooting interest in the Jacksonville Jaguars minor league team. CFB really has an advantage and I imagine that is what private equity can see with the super league crap.
  11. If the NFL is willing to play ball after all this time it means they are starting to get nervous. The NCAA should try to undercut the NFL and keep kids in their prime athletic years in college and start paying them. They have more dedicated fan bases in college and they should use this advantage over the NFL. Imagine if kids coming out of college were between 25-28 instead of 22? The NFL would basically become the senior tour. They would have to eventually develop their own minor league system that would compete with CFB driving up costs and potentially cutting their ad deals if they start to decline because of age of players\loss of viewership.
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