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usf97 last won the day on January 2 2020

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  • Birthday 06/22/1974

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  1. I'm not necessarily a Mike Kelly fan. When he was singing the praises of Coach Strong when it was obvious the program was trending in the wrong direction he came across as oblivious. Then he turned around and gave Jeff Scott an extension and it appeared this guy had no clue. He's still a politician and relies on others (search firms, Dabo Swinney) to make all the big decisions for him. Just became apparent to me yesterday that clearly the trustees gave him a larger time horizon and possibly payroll budget to work with than previous ADs. Likely because of the embarrassment of conference realignment. In hindsight, if you knew he was looking 5-10 years down the road and was only thinking about things like indoor practice facility/OCS/AAU/possible ACC invite....then the ridiculous mass extensions make a LITTLE more sense.
  2. So now that Kelly has fired Coach Mohl, his managing style is becoming more apparent. He extended everybody knowing he would likely fire many of them before seeing the ends of those contracts. It doesn't seem to play a role in his decision making going forward. Just wants the appearance of continuity. So paying Brian Gregory $400k for the next 2 years or Mohl or Jeff Scott. On one hand, it appears foolish. But if that lost money is built into your cost of doing business, takes a lot of the pressure off. If the donors/school have given Kelly that leeway, makes the extensions make much more sense. Kelly appears to have made 4 good hires (Erik Jenkins - Track, Alex Golesh, Shepardson-Volleyball, Amir Abdur Rahim) and 1 bad one (Jeff Scott). Kelly Fortifies Bulls' Head Coaching Roster for Foreseeable Future - USF Athletics GOUSFBULLS.COM All 14 head coaches under contract through at least 2023.
  3. Does it really even matter? At the end of the day, its a business. It's guy soap operas. Note the 1941 Alabama Football Championship National championship claim[edit] In the 1980s, Alabama claimed the 1941 championship as one of its claimed/recognized national championships.[1][31] As such, Alabama claims a share of the 1941 national championship, with Minnesota, due to each school being selected national champion by at least one selector.[1] Specifically, Alabama was selected national champion in 1941 by the Houlgate System.[1][31] The Houlgate System was a mathematical ranking system devised by Dale Houlgate that was syndicated in newspapers between 1927 and 1958 to determine the national champion[32] and is recognized by the NCAA as a "major selector" of national championships. Alabama lost 2 games and finished 3rd in the SEC below Tennessee and conference champion Mississippi State (8-1) who defeated Alabama 14-0 that season.
  4. We are 0-2 (97' & 98') against Georgia Southern.
  5. Not sure BB is making $1-2 million playing at USF. Seems to be what Rhule is saying good portal QB's costs. "Make no mistake that a good quarterback in the portal costs, you know, a million to $1.5 million to $2 million right now, just so we're all on the same page," Rhule said Wednesday while discussing the state of the program with reporters. "Let's make sure we all understand what's happening. There are some teams that have $6 [million] or $7 million players playing for them." Nebraska's Matt Rhule prefers developing players over portal - ESPN WWW.ESPN.COM Nebraska coach Matt Rhule says he would prefer to do things "the old-school way" by finding and developing his own players rather than turning to the transfer portal.
  6. Triple B is going all Hunter S. Thompson on us. "with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.”
  7. Could they afford the naming rights? They fell on hard times several years back but still have a location in Kissimmee.
  8. No one cares about the MWC but it can provide some entertaining football. I would say over the years, I have watched more late night Boise State, SDSU, Fresno State, Wyoming (if they are in a snow storm) football than anything in the PAC-12. Similar to how App State is fun to watch.
  9. Would be funny if Stanford, Cal, OSU and WSU get more exposure due to all the realignment and end up in that 10:30pm EST window more often than if the PAC-12 had stuck together.
  10. Just to put USF in perspective to other institution's' boosters. USF is #76 and this only includes public schools.
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