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Everything posted by G25C

  1. Regardless, I'm proud of the defense. They'd be playing better if the offense didn't go three-and-out in 30 seconds every other drive.
  2. Coaching mistakes: 1) Clock management 2) Not taking advantage of Temple not covering the slot 3) Run on first down every single time 4) Punting before the third quarter ended 5) Every pass play is either all-curl or all-go 6) #39 being allowed on the field And these jokers are millionaires or will-be millionaires.
  3. What a complete tank! And the punter STILL SUCKS. A 17-point lead, starting the half in plus territory, and the offense hasn't done a thing right since.
  4. A nearly nine-minute drive to finish off the game. We don't have a shot at winning until the Bad Boy Mowers Bowl.
  5. That's actually close to the line by Roberts's standard; he's typically 20-25 yards downfield. I know what you mean, though.
  6. That's the first play I've seen Nick Roberts make all year; it's about time.
  7. I'll take whichever Stoops brother that doesn't have a job at the end of the year.
  8. Willie's QBs > Charlie's O-Line, D-Line, LBs, DBs, and kickers And they've done a point better than Charlie's QB did against a trash Tulane program.
  9. Now they call PI? Cincinnati was doing it the entire first half.
  10. Put Chris Barr back on offense. Or let him play defense; he can't be worse than anyone in the current back seven.
  11. Feaking Tulane of all teams. One of the sorriest football programs in recent memories is doing this to us.
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