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Everything posted by RonyDBull91

  1. So you are saying coach had no faith in us converting and no faith in the offense to get down on that side of the field again. Sorry. If it was the first time Holtz has doubted his players I might give the guy a pass, but he has done this too much this year. We all love Maikon, but not going for it disrespected all the names on those jerseys and the school they played for. Don't just lay down and die. Ever. Exactly.
  2. Here's the thing, no one wants to suit up and strap up. Pads maybe, but for the band hell no.
  3. HOT sucks, they play the same thing over and over. We probably have the worst band in Florida. I yell "circle jerk!" When I see a circle of drummers practicing out there at the Fowler Fields lol.
  4. Skip's a joke, just like his son. I'm bigger and I don't/ never played football. He is a qb at Texas too. Guess Daddy and Grandpa helped him out there.
  5. Exactly, this isn't football where if you lose one game then you might be in for some trouble. Its tough to lose an opener to a hated rival, but move on. The team didn't play well last night, frankly didn't even show up, but the coaching is there and these players want to win. We barely beat Vermont to open last season, and look what happened. If I was a freshman playing my first collegiate game against an in-state rival, I'd be really nervous too in front of thousands of people. They'll be back.
  6. I never believed in curses until now.. what has happened to USF athletics? I know its one game for basketball, but still.
  7. Even as a Canes fan growing up, I think it'll be sweet to hand Miami another loss and a great win considering how atrocious this season has been. I just hope the offense can click with whoever is starting whether it is Eveld or Floyd.
  8. It's just one game. Losing to any non- conference opponent is bad, especially if that team is UCF, but it seems like it was just nerves Two of our large contributors from last season are gone and there was a lot of hype and expectations going into the game, something USF is not used to. If we play out of non-conference schedule undefeated it'll help our RPI for tournament consideration. We need to step up and play that in your face defense and start hitting wide open shots... not to mention getting those rebounds and hitting free throws (that's a big one).
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