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Posts posted by OnTheBus

  1. 1 minute ago, NewEnglandBull said:

    This! Further, why come on the board and continue to argue about it? What is your goal? Getting attention? Trying to change people’s minds? None of that is happening. If you don’t like it contact USF Athletics. Instead, these people are pissing on our game day...one in which we waited months for. 

    These days, people actively look for a reason to be offended, to justify and amplify their own personal opinions which they consider morally superior. And it doesn't matter what you are arguing for/against at this point. People from across the political spectrum do this. And even on topics outside politics entirely. This is simply the discourse in 2020. People want to complain. They feel legitimized by it.

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  2. Passion and energy shown by the players on the field. Proper execution of offensive plays. Actual tackling. That's what I'd like to see, but not what I'm sure we will get.

    But really, anything better than Willie T's first blowout FCS loss is good for me. I have low expectations. I'm viewing this as a similar situation to the empty roster cupboard that Willie inherited from Skip Holtz (who amazingly is now my 2nd least favorite Skip in the world of sports).

  3. 9 minutes ago, DJBulls said:

    Exactly...the claim that irreversible lung damage by 18-22 year olds was indeed...not backed up by data...

    I feel like you’re making up “claims” they supposedly everyone was saying and then dismissing those non-existent claims with a lack of evidence in either direction. No one was suggesting there was widespread irreversible lung data among the very specific demographic of 18-22 year olds...

    As this is off topic though, and you don’t provide any actual data, I will depart the convo.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Brad said:

    Make info requests of each other via PM, stay on topic here.

    Well, I must say, I don’t think it’s wise for such broad claims about the virus to be made with no sourcing beyond one’s own opinion... it’s that kind of reasoning that has kept this country from seriously dealing with the virus. If you’re going to make “factual“ claims about the virus, it’s responsible to back them up with data.

  5. 3 hours ago, TallyBull said:

    Not sure we will ever play football again. Enjoy it on ESPN Classic. What makes anyone think things will be different in the spring? Or next fall? Or ever? Despite what you’ve heard, there’s  no guarantee we’ll ever find an effective vaccine. And even if we do, viruses mutate.  #FearPorn

    My point is that we can’t hide from the virus forever, but that appears to be the current strategy. 

    Maybe, just maybe, if everyone who thought that the virus was just #FearPorn back in March took this seriously back then, we wouldn’t be in the current predicament.

    We’re not gonna miss our in college football because of the virus itself, we’re gonna miss out on college football because this country didn’t seriously try to get the situation under control.


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  6. 1 hour ago, Rizman said:

    How about just freaking play.  Kids get it they will be in shape to beat it.

    I think they should and will play, with the proper precautions, but it’s not just about the “kids” being able to “beat” the virus. We’re still learning about the range of long term effects of the virus, and they aren’t pretty.

  7. 36 minutes ago, puc86 said:

    I am not you are being unreasonable by not recognizing my logic and reason is infallible and I have provided far more support than is the typical retort of but time and I wish things to be different than reality.


    So you want me to be more objective, fair and argue in good faith? I do not think that is a very good strategy for a propagandist. Step one look for the most exploitable parts of an argument or poster and create a characterization, step two paint the target with that characterization, step three attack that characterization, step four turn the target into that characterization, step five win. See in zero of the steps is there room for reasonable honest dialogue, the goal is to win the argument and not to have the nicest most fruitful conversation, you are asking me to internet wrong. 

    Seriously folks, just start responding to Puc by throwing back his prior comments on being a propagandist in his face. Just make that the default response.

  8. 8 minutes ago, puc86 said:

    my opinion and feelings are as fair as anyone’s and typically given with more support and reason than most.

    Also you:


    So you want me to be more objective, fair and argue in good faith? I do not think that is a very good strategy for a propagandist. Step one look for the most exploitable parts of an argument or poster and create a characterization, step two paint the target with that characterization, step three attack that characterization, step four turn the target into that characterization, step five win. See in zero of the steps is there room for reasonable honest dialogue, the goal is to win the argument and not to have the nicest most fruitful conversation, you are asking me to internet wrong. 

    It's not about personal insults. Brad's policy is about personal conflicts derailing threads. You and several others are rehashing a 2007/G5 vs P5/CJL debate for the millionth time in a thread about USF's 2021 prospects.

    Now I'm not Brad, but that strikes me as a personal conflict. Somehow, this thread devolved into another thread about Leavitt. I do believe that's what Brad was trying to prevent with his message last week. Lets stop derailing threads with decade old narratives.

  9. Puc, maybe instead of taking out your frustrations on being left out of the P5 on your fellow Bulls fans, how about you go to a P5 forum and let them know how you feel. Because all you're contributing here is a headache.

    Jesus ******* Christ. This was Brad less than a week ago:


    With fewer and fewer threads, yet more and more personal conflicts, we will start up The Bulls Penalty Box again.  This means a multi-day suspension for those that initiate or participate in personal conflictsso the rest of us can carry on intelligently and amicably. 

    I think now is a good time to start with this policy Brad.

  10. Didn't we literally have to have a big talk about this in late January?

    The circular BS that goes on around here makes the place less accessible to the people who want to focus on USF athletics.

    Take your garbage, insults, and propaganda to another part of this forum, away from the limelight. It's cancerous. It's detrimental to building a healthy community.

    Unless your opinion of a healthy community is one where abuse each other for their own amusement. In which case, this place will slowly die, and all that will be left are the same 5 people stuck in an infinite circle-jerk.

    brybull1970, the last time we had to have this community-chat, you repsonded by posting two BS threads with the intent of ticking off Speedybull. One of those was a fake announcement about conference expansion, that was promptly deleted. If you can't see how you are part of the problem, I'm sorry for you.

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