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Posts posted by OnTheBus

  1. 24 minutes ago, Vivadiscordia said:

    I love Q, but he's acting like a child. So you don't get used in the offense like you want to, it's not the end of the world. It's not even just himself he has to think about, but his daughter as well. Is it really that hard to just show up each week and earn a paycheck? The opportunity might not be ideal right now, but simply leaving means no opportunity. Add onto that how bad this looks for future teams, and how it makes him look like he's not a team player, and it's just plain stupid. 

    Q is a father and a man, not a 19 year old college player throwing a fit and hitting the portal because he couldn't get playtime. 

    Quietly removing yourself from a frustrating situation is much more responsible than throwing a hissy fit in the locker room. It's not like Q is going on Twitter rants. That would be acting like a child. Q knows his value. Q knows that being pulled off field two drives after scoring the team's first TD of the season is not how you grow an offense. Do I personally wish he stayed with the team this week? Yes. Is him leaving childish? No. Far from childish.

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  2. 29 minutes ago, NewEnglandBull said:

    This. I don't get this fascination that Q is a great qb on the pro level.

    If XFL is considered "pro level", I do think Q has what it takes to impress. Or at least he has what it takes to get the chance. At RayJay. For the city that loves him.

    But no, of course Q doesn't belong in the same sentence (or paragraph) as NFL MVPs.

  3. Looking over Twitter, it does seem like this could be a long-term situation.

    I don't blame Q, but I don't think withdrawing like this helps his case. Again, it's lose-lose-lose. He looses too. Hopefully it's just for a couple days to make a point.

    Or maybe there's actually a personal situation he needed to address. God knows he's had to deal with too many tragic personal situations in his young life.

  4. Drive is over. Q had I think two completions for basically no gain. Made several 6+ yard runs. Drive ended on a 3rd and long. For the first time, Q got cooking, scrambling around the pocket, making eye contact with receivers, adjusting the plan three times, before being taken down around the line of scrimmage when attempting to scrable.

    Vipers need to use more shotgun.

    Flowers is still in the next drive.

    Just cooked up a 23 yard sideline completion.

    Immediately cooked up another 35ish yard completion.

    Quinton Flowers runs it 7 yards, in for the Vipers first TD of the season.

  5. The commentators can't stop talking about Flowers. They say crowd is calling for Flowers. Booing after every incompletion from the starter. One of them just now said "The most popular guy in the world is the backup QB" before cutting to commercial. It's only 10 minutes into the first quarter, and the Vipers have a lead, but Flowers is getting a lot of love on the telecast.

  6. I truly don’t believe our roster is as depleted as some believe. It’s not as bad as what Skip left us with. The issues last year were poor conditioning, lack of motivation, a carousel at QB running a cookie cutter offense. All stemmed from coaching.

    Now, I’m not saying we are going to have a great year. I think we’re good for 4-6 wins. There’s a lot that needs fixing, but the underlying roster is in decent shape. The talent is there. It just needs to be trained, motivated, and utilized properly.

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