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Posts posted by charsibb

  1. 3 hours ago, Boomer said:

    There are still GPA requirements (above just passing the classes) that you have to maintain at the community college in order to get accepted into the specific college.  My son had to retake one class in order to bring his GPA up to get accepted into the college of Engineering.  Can't remember exactly, but i believe it was a cumulative average for the math and science requirements that had to be at least a 3.2 maybe.  Wonder if these have gone up as well.

    As I recall, Engineering had higher entrance requirements than the school as a whole. I'd assume that relationship still holds, even as the school's standards have risen. Any newly minted Engineers in here can corroborate?


  2. 1 hour ago, Apis Bull said:

    Michael Kelly @MKellyUSF Jun 30

    Thanks to everyone who made yesterday such a memorable day for me and my family. Loved visiting with the coaches and staff. And special thanks to all of the Iron Bulls and supporters who attended the reception and press conference—loved seeing you 💚💛! #BullSpeedAhead #GoBulls🤘Dg8Tkk0V4Ac8RBt.jpg



    Somebody needs to get some GREEN threads for the family.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    It’s harder than ever to get into USF. Some worry about the downside.

    TAMPA — It’s a joke among some alumni: No way would I get into the University of South Florida today. Not with USF’s shiny new rankings and growing clout as a college destination. Not with its rising GPA and SAT averages.

    And especially not now, as the USF System begins to consolidate its Tampa, Sarasota and St. Petersburg institutions, creating one university — under one tougher admissions goal.

    It comes down to this: After years of effort, USF Tampa has been deemed a preeminent university, a lucrative state honor based on hitting goals on metrics like graduation rates. As the USF System unifies, leaders want USF to stay preeminent and keep those bonus dollars flowing.

    To do that, incoming fall students across all three campuses — not just Tampa anymore — need to average a strong academic profile: a 4.0 weighted high school GPA and a 1200 SAT.

    Rest of article

    I wouldn't be able to get in today.

    Students who want to graduate from USF and can't get in driectly from high school still have the opportunity to go to community college - a MUCH cheaper option. The state still guarantees entry into USF after completing a Florida AA degree, correct?


  4. I agree that one of the main Head Coach (aka CEO)'s jobs is gladhanding, and that CCS sucks at it.

    But delegating is also a CEO job, and I don't see where CCS has delegated the glad-handing either.

    So he better step up and do better, or delegate it to someone who can do it right. Either way, the glad-handing needs to get done.

    Maybe Kelly can coach 'em up and get CCS straightened out on this. And, just maybe, CCS will see that relationship as a good thing.

  5. 5 hours ago, CousinRicky said:

    I'm just not clear on how you have a vice president if you don't have a president.  And how do you have deputy directors of athletics if you don't have a deputy director?  I know it is just titles and the jobs are what they are.  Just doesn't make sense to me.

    Back in the day, Merrill Lynch Japan had literally 100's of vice presidents. It was virtually an entry level title. Here's an example I found, of a guy who made it by about 27. It was pretty much a meaningless thing. Remember, if you can't give (real) raises, give (bogus) raises and promotions


    A lot of folks used to carry a handful of different business cards with different titles, depending on who they were meeting with. Titles are in the eye of the beholder, lol


  6. 1 hour ago, NewEnglandBull said:

    She should move there...$36k is pretty bad. I get it she is still getting to play a game she loves but a recent college grad in business would be making more. 

    She can always go back to business (c.f. LRS), I'm glad she's having success doing something she loves. 

    Oz would be awesome too (no pun intended), I lived in Melbourne for a while, and that place rocks when it comes to sports.


  7. 3 hours ago, OcalaBull2 said:

    The 4th comment is actually in this link, not that one.


    Which I think is a bad idea. Never put a deadline on a negotiation unless you're in complete domination and are trying to force submission/ capitulation. That's not us. Wish it was, though...


  8. 10 hours ago, NAS Gone to Paradise said:

    There isn’t any amount of money 💰 that would get me out of retirement.  TJ doesn’t need to work.

    No he doesn't. But he might feel the need to clear his name and get some redemption/ vindication.

    No better place for him right now than USF. Hope we land him, and land the big fish with enough donations to keep us all happy.



  9. 44 minutes ago, Bausfkid said:

    I just got an advertisement from USFAA this morning regarding the trip to Chicago to see the game at Illinois.  What a waste of money, time and effort.  No one is influenced by advertisement. 

    Gonna have to disagree here. Being in Philly, you've probably heard of Wanamaker. I use his quote nearly every course.

    "I know half my advertising budget is wasted. I just don't know WHICH half."

    Advertising works, we KNOW that. We just don't know exactly how well it works. Human nature has a way of fouling up our nice neat formulas.


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