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The Great 8

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Posts posted by The Great 8

  1. Quote

    UCF 34-28. The reasoning's pretty simple: UCF has played more complete games this season. And I'd like to see a Group of Five team go unbeaten. It won't create chaos in the College Football Playoff, but it'll be nice to see at least one local(ish) team playing on New Year's Day. Wouldn't that be Peach-y?

    This is a significant reason for the hype behind UCF.

    It's quite annoying that we blew our opportunity to have gotten all this mindshare.

  2. 3 hours ago, Apis Bull said:

    We lost 1,418 yards rushing, 1,049 yards receiving, and 25 TDs with the loss of Mack and Adams.  It doesn't look to me that we have the same speed or field awareness that we had with those two.

    OK, we didn't go to 0 yards rushing, 0 yards receiving, and 0 TDs from their replacement.

    This is an example of that metaphorical "cliff" I've spoken about before. If Adams was here MVS wouldn't have as many yards. If Mack was here, Tice wouldn't. 

    They weren't replaced by slouches. Whereas Flowers might be next year (an actual potential cliff is coming).

    My assertion is that the lack of same speed you're seeing is primarily due to play calling. Not dropoff in talent.

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  3. 46 minutes ago, George Jenkins said:

    So would you rather they average 60 and be 9-1? Not sure if that's a sustainable pace for any offense. The end result is what matters.

    It's not the points scored. You can be a slow offense that takes ToP and scores in the 20's but wins all their games. Those offenses don't manage 1.6 yards per play against the second to worst defense in college football for extensive periods of time. Our offense did last night. This is partially due to ineptitude of play calling.

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  4. My stance is this: We should be even more effective, with another year of maturation of our starters. Instead, we're producing laterally - at best. Mack and Adams leaving doesn't account for the full delta. Couple with the weakened schedule and statistically we've regressed. Everyone's eyes should be telling you this too.

    Look at the offense when Mack was absent last year. We didn't regress much. He was "simply" somewhat explosive than DJ/Tice. It's not a fall off a cliff from him to his backups though. Similar for Adams.  His absence has allowed MVS to shine.

    Meanwhile, in the GCO the absence of Flowers would be sorely missed. That cliff drop-off happens from Flowers to Kean in the GCO. That'd be a much more fair reason to suggest a laterally performing offense is "okay" after a player moving on. "Thankfully", we won't have that excuse next year, hopefully Kean/Oladokun can perform better than Flowers in this vertical game that Gilbert and Co are forcing down our throats.

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  5. 12 minutes ago, mjadams said:

    What do you adjust for Mack and Adams? Two NFL talents?

    That's a separate debate.

    The takeaway here is this years offense has "similar" effectiveness to last years, against a much lesser level of competition.

    If you'd like to debate the merits of whether that's because of Gilbert/CCS arriving or Mack/Adams departing that's a worthwhile discussion. But, let's align on the above first. Agreed?

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  6. 11 minutes ago, Apis Bull said:

    Lot of selective memory on this board.  There was tons of ******** and moaning on this board after every freaking games last season.  Then it was the defense and special teams.  This year it's the offense and the special teams.

    Yeah, we expected an OC to come in and see "Gee. That's a great offense tailored to the kids playing it" and learn it. Instead of "Gee. I really like to run this one thing. Let's do it despite of the talent here at the moment."

    That deserves frustration. These grown ass men are paid a lot to maximize their talent and the only reason we're 9-1 is because of a soft schedule and despite what the coaches are choosing to do on offense.

  7. I'm thoroughly on the "CCS and Gilbert are idiots" wagon - because they're inept at adapting to a dynamic QB that doesn't fit their style - but I do think there's a chance their style of play works better with another QB. I haven't given up hope on our future.

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  8. 1 minute ago, NCBull said:

    I'm here rooting for a win and a possible conference championship.  Sorry to rain on the pity parade, "fans".

    Some fans want accountability and improvement over the season. Not regression and continued failures like still too many penalties, blocked punts, and regressed offense. Will CCS do anything about Burke or Gilbert without fans complaining? Doubtful. He probably won't do anything even with our complaining.

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