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Posts posted by swamprat

  1. Some of our fans are low brow. No thought process. They want instant gratification. It's stupid.

    - Trust me. Judy and Doug know this situation blows and the fans aren't happy. If it makes you feel better to email them, go ahead. However the repeated idea tank of how they can get their attention is dumb.

    - The department is committed to winning. They went out and got one of, if not the hottest mid major coach on the biz. It was considered a coup. For whatever reason ( and I don't care right now. There are another 15 threads dedicated to this topic) it hasn't worked out. However canning the guy now, midseason does nothing good for the program move on.

    - The loss to Louisville sucked. However it's an undefeated team with one of the best QBs in the country. It's not like Prairie View drove the field on us to win that game.

    - The idea of dumping tickets after two bad seasons is sad. We're not UF or Alabama. Our program depends on boosters and ticket holders to make budget...

    I agree with points 1,2, and 4. I would comment on point 3, but the others need to be emphasized, IMO.

  2. I've pretty much gotten a rope around my expectations. USF is not now, nor will we ever be (just like our basketball program), a top-tier-fourth-plus-the-big-three seat-at-the-big-people's-table teams. We will get the recruits that UF/UM/FSU pass on. Oh, there's the occasional game where we punch above our weight limit, but going forward in our mix-n-match conference , a bowl within driving distance is a banner day. However, I won't be giving up my tickets to spite the university or to 'send a message'. My donation is minimal and my seats are marvelous. So, we're scraping bottom, as do all teams at some time. It just happens that we're here for this and it can not be sugar coated as anything we want to be associated with. Should we shut down the program? Fire Skip (which a school of this caliber can ill afford...if this were Ohio State, USC, 'Bama...different story). But, if not renewing your tickets makes you feel that you're making a statement, I'm certainly not one to argue against it. But I would hope that you'd manage the expectations regarding the impact of your 'message' with the reality that a few more vacant seats in Bandwagon City Stadium might not be the strong statement you believe it to be, especially in a year when the fine folks from Tallyhassle won't be renewing their USF season tickets either. :FIREdevil:


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