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Everything posted by Southshore26

  1. http://espn.go.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/6870978/university-central-florida-likely-get-ncaa-inquiry-letter Read it and weep.... or pass out laughing as I did. ;D Thanks for playing boys...
  2. By no means was I trying to support GOL.... just didn't appreciate Steve stirring up crap that's weeks old in a lousy attempt to create unneeded drama.
  3. Silly me, I thought we were ranked last year in the top 25? If you're stupid enough to really think that that ranking was relevant than further discussion isn't needed. You beat no one with a winning record. You beat a UGA team that was under .500 and QUIT. They didn't want to be at that game and were just going thru the motions. Had your team played anyone with some talent last season you would have been thoroughly beaten. Enjoy your obscurity... UGA quit because we broke their spirit on the field of play. UGA quit before they got off the plane you idiot. That team didn't give a crap whether they won or lost that game. It had nothing to do with your loser of a program.
  4. Silly me, I thought we were ranked last year in the top 25? If you're stupid enough to really think that that ranking was relevant than further discussion isn't needed. You beat no one with a winning record. You beat a UGA team that was under .500 and QUIT. They didn't want to be at that game and were just going thru the motions. Had your team played anyone with some talent last season you would have been thoroughly beaten. Enjoy your obscurity...
  5. +1 +2... Happy he found an opportunity that fits for him and his family.
  6. http://www.cfnews13.com/article/sports/2011/july/287094/UCF-head-coach-George-OLeary-concocts-unusual-plan-to-fill-Bright-House-Networks-Stadium-this-fall#.TjXvrcH-RAk.twitter UCF will never be big time... ever.
  7. Ok... let me rephrase... What logic did you use to come to that conclusion? Better stated, how are you able to identify how a teenager who hasn't stepped foot on a campus will preform 4+ years from now?
  8. There's having an opinion and then there's putting your foot in your mouth. How do you have any clue as to how good either USF or Tennessee will be next year much less the 4 - 5 years after that that you just guaranteed? Both schools are in the second year of a new head coach... How do you objectively make that statement?
  9. So you two believe that the way you govern this website will in some way teach USF fans a modicum of respect? : Really? Seems Triple and 26 are taking their job of moderator a little to seriously. This is news, news deserves it's own thread no matter how irrelevant YOU think it may be. ??? Who cares what they say, it won't change, and you won't change what we say, but it's news. Thanks for posting here.... we're glad your part of the community.
  10. Trip didn't move it.... I did... and no, it didn't need it's own thread. Try striving to be better than the UCiF crowd... just because they do it doesn't justify it.
  11. Something doesn't smell right.... how did we get lumped in with FIU and UAB?
  12. Sounds like Kantor got a bit premature.... he's got a knack for that.
  13. I don't see this ending well for UCF.... Personally I hope GOL loses his job over this. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jT0nKEOQGYTNZm9d6GKvf11RsTFA?docId=121a900d9dc84f3797c55ccbff5d584c Ex-UCF player testifies in teammate's death trial (AP) – 3 hours ago ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — A former University of Central Florida wide receiver testified on Monday that teammate Ereck Plancher gasped for breath, fell to his knees as his eyes rolled back into his head and struggled before collapsing during his final workout. Anthony Davis said that UCF coach George O'Leary ordered all water and trainers out of the indoor fieldhouse during the practice on March 18, 2008. He also testified during the wrongful death trial in Orlando that the coach was yelling obscenities at Plancher as he told him to get up after falling during an obstacle course drill. Plancher's parents say in the wrongful death lawsuit that the UCF Athletics Association is responsible for their son's death. They are trying to prove that coaches pushed him excessively at the practice despite knowing he had sickle cell trait. Attorneys for athletic association said Plancher died from a congenital heart defect and that water and trainers were available during the workout. Davis said he had to help the 19-year-old Plancher during one of the drills and also helped carry him off the field after his collapse. He described the workout that included weightlifting, conditioning exercises, an obstacle course and sprints as "intense." The 25-year-old described O'Leary as angry when he ordered water and trainers off the field. "He said it in a mean voice," Davis said. "He was mad and upset. It felt like he was punishing us because we didn't do the obstacle course right." Attorneys for the school asked why Davis never mentioned that water and trainers were called off the field during a statement he gave a month after Plancher's death. Davis said he was asked to tell his story and was not specifically asked about water or trainers. He also said that he felt intimidated while making the sworn statement because Manny Messenguer, a friend of O'Leary and a longtime UCF supporter, was in the room. During the morning, Douglas Casa, a certified athletic trainer and director of kinesiology at the University of Connecticut, testified that UCF trainers did not respond properly when Plancher was struggling. Trainer Robbie Jackson told Plancher to control his breathing and stand up straight because "the air is not down there." "It was below the standard of care," Casa said. Casa also said UCFAA did not follow National Collegiate Athletic Association guidelines concerning athletes with sickle cell trait. He said that once Plancher tested positive for the trait he should have been counseled about the potential risks during physical exertion. Attorneys for UCFAA said Plancher was told he had the trait and counseled but there is no documentation of that happening. An autopsy found that Plancher died from complications of sickle cell trait, a condition that causes blood cells to become misshapen and disrupt the body's vascular system when it's put under extreme stress. Plancher went into cardiac arrest and later died at a hospital. Also Monday, Judge Robert M. Evans agreed to the UCFAA attorney's request to take the jury on a site visit to tour the weight room and indoor practice facility. Attorneys for the Plancher family objected saying weather conditions could not be duplicated. The temperature was 72 degrees with 50 percent humidity the day Plancher died. However, Evans said the tour was a reasonable request and a way for jurors to see the facility. Copyright © 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
  14. Having seen two games in your stadium.... your stadium is **** and a horrible place to watch football of any kind.
  15. Shouldn't Chickillo be in school on Wednesday? LOL.... yes.... but I've seen parents pull their kids out of school for lesser reasons. Heck... they'll probably excuse the absence or make it an official school field trip so he's technically there. Apparently, the club or restaurant he's going to has deep UM ties... it's a tradition thing.
  16. when he do that? It was on FB: Josh Newberg Chick is crazy. Tuesday at 7:20pm · Anthony Chickillo shutup lil man Tuesday at 7:22pm · Josh Newberg quit being nosy. nobody was even talking to you. Tuesday at 7:29pm · Anthony Chickillo way Tuesday at 7:32pm · Joshua JStat Grady Stay in tampa for ya fans retard !Tuesday at 7:46pm · Josh Newberg He's big time. Tuesday at 7:47pm · Frankie Williams lmao "way" Tuesday at 7:47pm · LikeUnlike Joshua JStat Grady crazy man Tuesday at 7:48pm · Joshua JStat Grady gotten too big for tampa Tuesday at 7:48pm Josh Newberg He's gone "miami" on all of us. Tuesday at 7:48pm · Joshua JStat Grady yea left us all Tuesday at 7:49pm · Mama... they were talking about where they were going to do their NSD appearances.... Chickillo is doing his somewhere down in Miami at a restaurant or something... Grady at AHS.... Grady was telling him to do his here for his fans.
  17. I'll cosign this too..... Add me to the list.... Goose just put on your black and gold already... the joke is getting old. :
  18. It's not the same as a regular season game... This is UCF's superbowl and RU is going thru the paces... Heck, Schiano even considered not coming... Albeit for 30 seconds. This is kind of like Alabama and Utah last year...
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