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Posts posted by MMW

  1. No, he shouldn't.

    There isn't much upside to bringing Bench in. Let Flowers develop.

    Obviously he will come in at the worst possible time though, and kill any offensive momentum we have.

    guy but he was beat out by a sophmore.  Watching him play I see why.  Flowers is still developing and even though he is not what we all dreamed of when he signed he could get better where I think Bench has peaked.  

    Even assuming they are even at this point (which they are not) the logical choice is the let Flowers develop.  


    The thing is IMO Bench is a much better passer. I truly don't understand how anyone can look at QF and make a logical arguements that he is anywhere near SB.

    While I think its true that rate of improvement is much better for QF I dont know if he will ever truly develop as a passer. I think SB might be able to win us games this year. The argument that we should just settle with losses while QF develops for next year doesn't ring true with me. I think there is enough talent on the team for us to win some games and to keep QF in there to me is to give up on the season...

    He may be a better passer, but it is kind of like being the tallest hobbit.  QF adds a dimension and can escape when the pocket collapses.  It at least gives the defense something to think about.

    Given enough reps his passing may improve.  He has the potential to keep the defense off the field with his legs. 

  2. No, he shouldn't.

    There isn't much upside to bringing Bench in. Let Flowers develop.

    Obviously he will come in at the worst possible time though, and kill any offensive momentum we have.

    Bench is a good guy but he was beat out by a sophmore.  Watching him play I see why.  Flowers is still developing and even though he is not what we all dreamed of when he signed he could get better where I think Bench has peaked.  

    Even assuming they are even at this point (which they are not) the logical choice is the let Flowers develop.  


    • Upvote 1
  3. Look at this team objectively:


    We have a rushing attack.

    We have a young defense that really needs to work on fundamental tackling skills.

    We have an O-Line that needs some work on pass protection.

    We need a QB who can throw the **** ball.

    We are stocked at receiver for the first time since Skip got fired, but they are all young.


    When I look at 2013 and 2014 seasons, I literally didn't even see how we could get better to win games. My thought was "holy ****, they need to just drop half the players and start over from scratch." 


    I no longer see that. I see that we have playmakers at almost every position on the field except QB. I think we can win games with that formula... but the progress will be week to week. The DBs are too young and make too many mistakes, the O-Line didn't materialize with the linup that everyone wanted going into fall camp, and the receivers are showing their youth.


    All I'm saying is this... 


    Despite some of the STUPIDEST, stubborn play calling (you could tell Taggart was calling his pre-determined game plan instead of taking advantage of what MD's defense was giving us) -- I see specific places this team can improve upon to actually win some games this year. We will recover after this embarassing loss and win some games.


    I think a lot of people will silently agree with you but be prepared for the onslaught.



    ^^^ you do realize that we got the ball back early in the 4th down 11, right?  And our offense had just gotten done manhandling the Maryland D and getting a TD? 


    A TD from Maryland being happy to play prevent defense and let USF eat 8 minutes up. That's what they call a Pyrrhic victory. Couldn't afford more 8 minute drives.



    You might have a point if that drive happened in the 4th quarter and we scored with like 5 min left.  But it happened in the 3rd quarter and we scored in the 3rd quarter.  No team defense is "happy" to let it get down to an 11pt (2 score) game with an entire quarter still to play.  Even if we took enough 8 min on a that first drive in the 4th quarter, there still would have been 5:30 min left in the game with it being a one score game.  Again, no teams going to be "happy" about that.  There's enough things to complain about on Saturdays game without making stuff up.  



    Agreed, now we are complaining about long sustained drives in the 3rd that ended in a touchdown because they took too long.  


    I realize we were behind but that is how you come back.  It would have been great if the next drive took just as long and resulted in a TD.  We would have clearly worn them down and kept their offense off the field.  


    I think we should be patient and wait for Charlie Strong.  He i may get fired this year (or next) and we may fire Wille this year (or next) so why not give Willie more time and wait for Charlie?

    how many fans would be left in the stands with yet another year of this?




    I think the damage is on that front.  We have just the die hards in the stands these days.  


    We might all have to come to terms with us having to wait until Skip rolls off the payroll.  Otherwise we will be paying 3 coaches.  Think about how inept that looks.  You may say "no more inept than the product on the field" but if I am Harlan I am thinking long and hard before I make that call.


    If waiting is also what is required for a guy like Charlie - all the better.  Also, Charlie would be a big splash and even if we are still paying Skip I think the even the USF haters will think it is the right move for us.


    ^^^ you do realize that we got the ball back early in the 4th down 11, right?  And our offense had just gotten done manhandling the Maryland D and getting a TD? 


    A TD from Maryland being happy to play prevent defense and let USF eat 8 minutes up. That's what they call a Pyrrhic victory. Couldn't afford more 8 minute drives.



    This was not a Pyrrhic vicory.  Even if it was the 4th quarter it would be a questionable strategy on Marylands part.  


    Unfortunately, CWT made a poor choice by inserting Bench to fulfill some promise he made.  Bench proceeded to throw 2 interceptions - one he got away with and the second was catchable but still too high.


    Bench is a senior and should be head and shoulders better that a true sophmore at this point - he is not a playmaker and never will be.

    • Upvote 1

    Taggart just wanted to set up bench to fail. Now he can bench Bench and let Flowers take sacks on 4th down or throw bad balls all game. I think Taggart wants to get fired just to get a paycheck for nothing

    you may be on to something.  He definitely has set SB up to fail on more than one occasion.



    It seems the best way to set Bench up to fail is to put him in the game. 


    Also, he might not have been totally responsible for the interception (even though he threw it high to Bronson) it was his second pick in the series.  Remember, he got away with one when they roughed him.

    • Upvote 1


    cook was a beast yesterday


    size,strength and speed!


    usf held their own with fsu


    Fullwood was a major disappointment.  I am sure the coaches are addressing it - it was the reason Cook scored on that long run.



    Tajee looked horrible on that td run but outside of that I don't think he did that bad a job on defense, did he? Did a pretty nice job on punt returns also .... and his "attempt" at a tackle on that run must have been addressed immediately. He mentioned having to wrap up in a post game interview ...




    You are probably right, I am still recovering from that play.  Give me time...

  9. We lost this week so we are not going bowling and firing the coach mid-season.


    If we win next week, we are going undefeated and we errect the Taggart statue we have in a closet somewhere - until we lose in which case CAN HIS ASS!


    I think we look much improved and we keep CWT.  The kids seem to by buying in.

  10. What I saw yesterday was very much improved.

    We moved the chains against a very talented defense. Probably the most talent we see all year.

    The team overall looked more athletic. I like what they have done with the strength and conditioning. Even my kids noticed.

    The defense (particularly the d line) looked more dominant than I've ever seen them. They were getting pressure with just 3 and 4 man rushes.

    Our special teams improves every year. I think people forget how bad they were.

    This team will win some games. Let's see how they hold up as the season goes on but I like the progress.

  11. recruiting rankings are a joke. just look at who Taggart is battling to get some of these players. heck just look at our transfers.



    Texas, Stanford, UCLA, NC State, Wisconsin,Kentucky, TCU


    Holtz would land one or two who had good offers. the rest he would "steal" from middle tennessee state, etc



    Again, I know next to nothing about these kids but I noticed this pattern as well.  A 3 star that we compete with Toledo for is not of the same calibre as one who has offers from UF, Auburn etc.  


    It seemed that Skip brought in more of the former and CWT brings in more of the latter.  


    I also noticed a slowness on the field and a lack of athleticism that used to be one of the hallmarks of the program. 


    I guess we will see but if the team is more aggressive, athletic and competitive I would like to continue the experiment.






    He makes some good points, but if 3 seasons is enough to declare Holtz' time as "a shambles" (and I don't disagree), then 3 seasons ought to be enough to declare CWT's direction as pass/fail.


    I'm still rooting heavily for Willie, I really like the guy and I like what he's doing to turn the players into accountable men on & off the field. Doesn't hurt he's a very solid recruiter too.


    Go Bulls!


    I sent him an email pointing this out and the fact that Holtz had 2 years of recruits, not 3.




    Please elaborate.  They both took over just before signing day, does that count as year 1 or 0?



    Willie was hired Dec 8th.  Signing day was Feb 7th.    


    Skip was hired Jan 14th.  Signing Day was Feb 3rd.


    Assume a week to get settled in and Skip had 2 weeks.  Willie had 7 - 8.



    So you are counting the 5+ weeks extra CWT had as an entire year?    That doesn't sound equitable.  Is that what you are saying?



    Obviously not saying he had an extra year.  But he had more time to assemble something.  The larger point is that people crucify the guy for ruining USF football because of his recruiting.  I just don't see how a person can do that in 2 years.



    You can see where I am a little confused about what you are saying.  At this stage of their coaching careers they have both had 2 years worth of recruits.  


    After this year is over they would both have had 3 years.  Just like what Jones was saying.


    Like I said, I am not one to judge recruiting prowess but the concensus here is that he is better.  




    He makes some good points, but if 3 seasons is enough to declare Holtz' time as "a shambles" (and I don't disagree), then 3 seasons ought to be enough to declare CWT's direction as pass/fail.


    I'm still rooting heavily for Willie, I really like the guy and I like what he's doing to turn the players into accountable men on & off the field. Doesn't hurt he's a very solid recruiter too.


    Go Bulls!


    I sent him an email pointing this out and the fact that Holtz had 2 years of recruits, not 3.




    Please elaborate.  They both took over just before signing day, does that count as year 1 or 0?



    Willie was hired Dec 8th.  Signing day was Feb 7th.    


    Skip was hired Jan 14th.  Signing Day was Feb 3rd.


    Assume a week to get settled in and Skip had 2 weeks.  Willie had 7 - 8.



    So you are counting the 5+ weeks extra CWT had as an entire year?    That doesn't sound equitable.  Is that what you are saying?





    He makes some good points, but if 3 seasons is enough to declare Holtz' time as "a shambles" (and I don't disagree), then 3 seasons ought to be enough to declare CWT's direction as pass/fail.

    I'm still rooting heavily for Willie, I really like the guy and I like what he's doing to turn the players into accountable men on & off the field. Doesn't hurt he's a very solid recruiter too.

    Go Bulls!

    While we have hashed this out several times in the past I guess we have several hours until kickoff today and a couple days until the Bulls play.

    In the article his statements are factual. CSH inherited a team that had gone bowling for several years and turned that trajectory into a downward spiral. Conversely CWT inherited CSH BAD team and has the trajectory nudging upward. No arguing with those facts...

    I say this as devil's advocate because I tend to agree with you opinion-wise, but the measurement of this makes it difficult to prove. The stuff we tend to agree he's better at are more intangibles until the product on the field shows it can produce. Right now, the on-field facts likely wouldn't support an upward trajectory.

    I think Jones (and I) would agree with you about CWT - "Now, Taggart might be a lousy coach. So far, the Bulls haven't looked good under his direction. But he might be a good coach. It's way too early to tell."


    But Skip's track record is pretty clear based again on his trajectory.


    ^ my point with the Skip comparison is that he can't have it both ways. He seems to be okay with declaring Skip a catastrophe after 3 years, but in his 3rd year now, it's "way too early" for Willie? Scales don't balance, and I think he'll be right there with a pitchfork if this year's team falls pathetically flat.




    CWT went undefeated in his 3rd year.  Oh, wait...

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