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Posts posted by MMW

  1. I watched the game again and I am really liking this offense.  The blocking schemes have a lot of moving parts.  The line is solid in the run game and if the playbook stays open, I think we can make a run.  The blocking schemes along the line are crazy and there is so much motion in the backfield the LBs and DBs have to sit and make initial reads... those reads actually contribute to the success of the running game.  I saw us run a inside trap pulling the left tackle to take out a DT... it ended with a 9 yard gain.  A lot of good stuff and Flowers is developing into quite the dual threat.  His passing is getting better but his fakes and decisions are looking a lot better.  Just no more fumbles... ball security is important.  I'm stoked.

    This is how I feel too.  I like what I see.  It has been building for a while (too long).

  2. From the little I saw from a Woulard at practice he throws a really nice pass. Could be a interesting summer camp next year for starting QB job.

    Flowers has all season to show improvement in his passing game though.

    When it comes to guys that have never played a down in college, how much value do you put on "nice passes"?  

    I think Daniels was our entire offense.  He had too much pressure on him to make things happen and that led to a lot of frustrating interceptions.  It was a bad combination.

    I would rather have a team with a so so QB and a lot of other weapons than the Daniels situation.  Let's see if Flowers can continue to improve.  I am sure we would all like to eat some crow.




  3. The talent on the team has been so low over the years that I think it affords CWT a larger margin of error. I kind of view it that in spite of CWT play calling and QB decisions there is enough talent to improve. I will watch the Cuse game one more time and break down the plays but I am sure a large percentage of the plays were gloried run plays (screens fwd toss etc) and runs. I don't think we have the right balance of true pass plays to be a good team yet, but if we can at least keep moving in that direction maybe CWT can save his job. Things could look a whole lot better with a good QB in the backfield and by then maybe CWT has developed into a better play caller. One thing is for sure the talent is better and that is in direct response to CWT philosophy.

    I look forward to your analysis (not sarcasm).  I am not sure it matters if some of the plays were glorified passes as long as it keeps the defense from stacking 9 in the box.  

    Being a team that wants to win by running the ball, I think the passing is used to keep the defense off balance/honest.  To that end, even an incomplete pass accomplishes that goal I would think.  Every pass (especially completed ones of course) I saw as a way to soften up the defense - and that seemed to be the case.


  4. I'm still not quite sure that it was even going to be a flicker. I think it may have been the reverse with the option to toss it to QF just in case the defense sniffed out the reverse. If you look back, he nearly was tackled for a big loss until the toss back to QF.

    Who knows but it worked out for the best.

    I think it had to be a flicker.  I just don't see how that could have been and improvisation.

  5. How UCF has fallen so completely apart?   I understand a lot of kids graduated but that doesn't tell the whole story does it?

    Are the recruiting violations catching up with them?

    Is the bad luck catching up to them from their season where everything seem to go their way?

    They are not learning a new system, shouldn't they be at least a little better based on that?

    Before I get excited about revenge this season, I would really like to understand why they are the Keystone Cops all of a sudden.

  6. I have seen Flowers in interviews and he is a serious, humble and likeable so I am really rooting for him.  I think he is getting better and gaining confidence.  

    The screens to the sidelines worked on Saturday, in part, on him throwing a little bit in front of the receiver so he is moving up field when he catches it (instead of flat-footed).  I think that is something that the coaches saw and worked on.  

    They are no longer timid out there on offense and it is something I have seen building over the past couple of games.  

  7. QF was a deer in the headlights last year, and CWT was still putting him in games.  He was desperate for QF to be at least somewhat less than disastrous so he could use him.

    Or did you miss all that?

    You said that CWT wants a QB that is essentially a RB even though that has never been his philosphy based on the guys he has named starter previously.

    One thing is obvious is that over CWT's tenure the QB situation has been pretty awful and he has tried a lot of things and a lot of different players to rectify it.

    He was putting him in games because he was seeing the same things we were - that our QB's stink and Flowers was next up to prove himself.  Yes he struggled but I think CWT gave him a chance to get past the jitters.  He does not have a lot of options left so he will keep Flowers in now.  He can still develop and be serviceable.  Who knows?  He is a good kid so I am rooting for him to succeed.



    • Upvote 1
  8. True enough.  However, I can't see him coming to USF anyway.  I am sure there would be other school vying for him.  Also do we want an "older" coach or do we want someone younger, who can relate to the players.

    I honestly don't see much market for Spurrier.  His best years seem to be behind him.  Way behind.


    It becomes more and more apparent that the other QBs on the roster really didn't matter.  Frankly, I'm thinking QF would have gotten the nod over AW or anyone else with a better arm.  Brad hit the nail on the head.  CWT wants a QB that can run the ball 10 to 15 times a game and only needs to throw the ball 10 to 12 times per game.  That is his ideal.  When CWT went to WKU he was a RB and they turned him into a QB.

    CWT wants a QB that is essentially a RB.  And that is what we got.  This is the ideal CWT offense, miserable though it may be for the rest of us.

    Yeah, exactly why he named Floyd and White.  It all makes sense now.

  10. I am really confused about this take responsibility thing.  It is like some people have never been in charge of a department or team before.  When you are the boss/coach/director that whole thing is yours.  Every touchdown, penalty, first down, win, loss etc.  

    Of course he knows that; anyone in that position does.   

    Complain about the play calling - I get that - parsing pronouns in quotes from articles seems a bit nit picky.


  11. But i deserve it...i heard something from a player that i believed to be true(and i dont want coach fired) and got a lil trigger happy...messaged Brad shortly after to remove the post to no avail....the spelling nazis can kiss my arse...lesson learned

    I would like to thank you for your post.  Especially since you made it in good faith.

    I also think the board's response was funny and full of snark, I would expect nothing less even if you were right.  

    If people don't post what they hear, what fun is that?

    • Upvote 1
  12. Those are not pass number those numbers are qb ratings. They take into account a QBs overall contributions to the team ie their impact. It's takes Iinto account passing and running for Qbs such as extending plays rushing yards etc. 

    Will dig up the link once I get Iin front of the puter if someone doesn't beat me to it. Went through this in some detail in another thread when people get int how they feel about the QB situation... 

    OK, I am just curous if they measure how having a mobile QB opens things up for the RB's.  

  13. No, he shouldn't.

    There isn't much upside to bringing Bench in. Let Flowers develop.

    Obviously he will come in at the worst possible time though, and kill any offensive momentum we have.

    Since rumor has it that Woolard will be the starting QB next year, we should give each QB full games to play and see which one performs best in the long run. 

    As for when Bench is put into a game, that is on the head coach. CWT makes that decision, not Bench. So only CWT is responsible, no matter what he says, since he doesn't want to take any responsibility for anything that goes wrong, especially when it's his decision. 

    We really don't know for sure if Woolard is any good.  We all hope he is and since he is on the bench he is our best player but he might be a bust.

    If Woolard stinks (regardless of who the coach is) we will be happy that we did not sit Flowers for Bench.  And no, I have not given up on the season, I think Flowers is better than Bench from what I have seen anyway.

    Also, I see we are comparing passing numbers up there but do they take into account the affect Flowers has on the running game?  


    • Upvote 1
  14. No, he shouldn't.

    There isn't much upside to bringing Bench in. Let Flowers develop.

    Obviously he will come in at the worst possible time though, and kill any offensive momentum we have.

    guy but he was beat out by a sophmore.  Watching him play I see why.  Flowers is still developing and even though he is not what we all dreamed of when he signed he could get better where I think Bench has peaked.  

    Even assuming they are even at this point (which they are not) the logical choice is the let Flowers develop.  


    The thing is IMO Bench is a much better passer. I truly don't understand how anyone can look at QF and make a logical arguements that he is anywhere near SB.

    While I think its true that rate of improvement is much better for QF I dont know if he will ever truly develop as a passer. I think SB might be able to win us games this year. The argument that we should just settle with losses while QF develops for next year doesn't ring true with me. I think there is enough talent on the team for us to win some games and to keep QF in there to me is to give up on the season...

    He may be a better passer, but it is kind of like being the tallest hobbit.  QF adds a dimension and can escape when the pocket collapses.  It at least gives the defense something to think about.

    Given enough reps his passing may improve.  He has the potential to keep the defense off the field with his legs. 

    so QF is the fastest hobbit?

    Hobbits are natural sprinters! Very dangerous over short distances!



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