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Posts posted by slbpsi63

  1. I'm bringing a vile of holy water, rabbits foot, monkey paw, 4 leaf clover, lucky penny, horse shoe, gypsy tears, string of garlic, wearing my lucky underwear, a flamingo (assuming I can pick one up enroute), and will kick back a beer with Jobu in the parking lot before kick-off.

    We got this in the bag.

    you forgot to pick up a mermaids tear... They are more potent that gypsie tears!!!!

  2. Good to see mac still taking ginormous leaps with rampant speculation.

    FSU and Virginia Tech aren't leaving the ACC tomorrow. There hasn't been a peep out of VT that suggests they're looking to move. In fact, their AD pledged his loyalty to the ACC in May. Could he have been lying, sure, but I doubt it.

    And what the hell is ESPN desperate for? Total domination of the sport? They basically have it and they aren't going anywhere. They're bigger than they've ever been.

    Its not the domination of the sport that ESPN is after. As the B1g network has proven college football has been undervalued in TV contracts. As long as ESPN is the only real player it real remain that way. If, however, NBC is able to establish their network with another conference that draws good ratings then the competition for college sports will begin. This means that ESPN will have to increase payouts to keep their conferences and programming. This is all about ESPN maintaining profit margins far more than dominating college football. EXPN at themoment is the only real player in the game, they gain tremendously from that. NBC could possibly kill that bird, so it is necessary for ESPN to try to kill the BE so that NBC is left with nothing.

    I'll say what I've said each time someone has said this. Getting the rights to the new Big East is not making someone a major player against ESPN.

    I dont think its about making them a major player from day one, its about increaseing competition. For exampe, if the BE gets a deal at $15M per school, the Bi12 and SEC will immediately feel undervalued and may hold off signing their next tv deal to test the open market. I think its more about increasing the competition.

  3. $45 mil is a drop in a bucket to these major programs with big time TV deals. That would cover about 3-4 years of TV money that a team in the SEC, Big 12, Pac 12, Big 10 receive.

    No long term value in the big east unless we can get a big TV deal. which that isn't looking very likely.

    Lets say that the team earns $20M a year. Our initial deal equals $15M-$17M a deal. The $45M would offset the annual loss and the initial exit fee and the BE will provide provide an easier road to the 4 team playoff, thus triggering a larger payout for making the playoffs.

  4. I am playing it as an online dynasty game. I wanted to sim it while watching but you don't get that option online so I am doing it in coach mode. Also, can't change the opposing uniform in online dynasty so Rutgers has their red on. Up 10-0 late in the first, playing 15 minute quarters, but Rutgers is driving.

    Aren't we playing in Tampa? Shouldn't they be playing in their road whites?

    I meant red helmets vs their new chrome or black ones. The game even has it raining, which it might do. 3 minutes to go in the first half, USF up 13-7 but Rutgers is driving into USF territory. This is one of the more realistic games I've seen.

    its a simulation. there is nothing realistic about it.

    That makes no sense at all. You are using the wrong meaning of the word of which there are several.


    [ sìmmyə láysh'n ]

    reproduction of features of something: the reproduction of the essential features of something

    saying this is a close prediction to the outcome of the game is like saying watching porn is like actually having sex. I'll take the reality 100% of the time. Games are for playing not for predicting things. :)

    • Upvote 1
  5. I would go after a big name school to come to our league. Is it a long shot, HELL TO THE YES, but bet your ass I would still try to pull a big fish into the league! who to target, Lets debate it out!! If we had a legitimate top ten team( in rankings and FAN BASE) in the fold we will get ACC now, and provide us the momentum to propel the league in the right direction. Pay their exit fess and give them the remainder of the money to offset temporary losses due to their TV contract shrinking. This will give the rest of the conference enought time to build on the new success prestige due to use getting a perenial player. This will also give us an opportunity to kill it on the next TV deal and permentantly put this behind us. We need a Big dog, GO BUY ONE!!!!! Its just crazy enough to work.... :)

  6. Are you people slow? ND going to the ACC all but destroys the BE. The BE partnership with ND gave us a HUGE bargaining chip with NBC. Now what does the BE have? Not a single national relivant football team, a weeaker bb product to sell to who? Now ESPN will come to BE and say "see we told you sign with us or we will destroy you" and they have. The only thing that will save USF is if USF and UL get invited to the Big12 because now FSU and any other ACC teams cant leave with a 50mill buyout. If, and this is a big if, the Big12 wants a Florida presence we may get lucky and move but otherwise we are relegated to CUSA part 2 and will never be at the big boy table again. This year winngin the BE is now more important then ever and winnnig a BCS game.

    I also expect Navy and BSU to back out of the conference. Why would they stay with a sinking ship that wont be getting anywhere near the same tv money as they thought now? ND going to the ACC is basically a death blow to the BE and its relivance.

    I keep reading this post imagining you running around the room screaming!! LOL Relax. BSU was never going to play ND, unelss ND wanted them on the schedule.... BSu is not a full member so this has ZERO bearing on them. Navy.... ND will always schedule Navy. Calm down!!! the sky is not falling. Lossing a BBall team will not kills us.

  7. all this is is espn keeping the one piece of ND that they can. their olympic sports. big deal. sure it hurts that it won't be part of our NBC deal and it will cost us some but it won't destroy the conference.

    It will hurt our per team payout but it will still pay us a large increase over what we have not. Will it be a $17M per school agreement,no, but it will still be enough to remain competitive. I thikn we will end up around $12-$15M per school when the new TV deal is done. The problem is will it be high enough to warrant everyone giving up the rights? That I am not sure of.

    TV will make us sign away our rights for the length of the contract. not a big deal IMO.

    Dead on.....here:http://espn.go.com/blog/bigeast/post/_/id/36413/lucrative-big-east-deal-possible-without-nd Andrea nailed it. It will hurt but not kills us. ACC said they are not adding anyone else. This was a strategic move to reopen negotiations on their TV contract.

  8. all this is is espn keeping the one piece of ND that they can. their olympic sports. big deal. sure it hurts that it won't be part of our NBC deal and it will cost us some but it won't destroy the conference.

    It will hurt our per team payout but it will still pay us a large increase over what we have not. Will it be a $17M per school agreement,no, but it will still be enough to remain competitive. I thikn we will end up around $12-$15M per school when the new TV deal is done. The problem is will it be high enough to warrant everyone giving up the rights? That I am not sure of.

  9. I am playing it as an online dynasty game. I wanted to sim it while watching but you don't get that option online so I am doing it in coach mode. Also, can't change the opposing uniform in online dynasty so Rutgers has their red on. Up 10-0 late in the first, playing 15 minute quarters, but Rutgers is driving.

    Aren't we playing in Tampa? Shouldn't they be playing in their road whites?

    I meant red helmets vs their new chrome or black ones. The game even has it raining, which it might do. 3 minutes to go in the first half, USF up 13-7 but Rutgers is driving into USF territory. This is one of the more realistic games I've seen.

    its a simulation. there is nothing realistic about it.

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