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Everything posted by FIUpantherMOM

  1. Yeah, our running game was non-existant. It wasn't there last week either. Perhaps that means the door is open for my son, and then perhaps we will have a running game. ÂÂ
  2. We're not a bad SunBelt team. We are a young SunBelt team. We are a young DI-A team. We are a young NCAA team. Heck, we are a young school. We will have our bumps and bruises along the way, but we are not a bad team. We are a team that is looking for an identity. Unfortunately so far this season it seems that our identity is becoming the "unable to convert on PAT's team."
  3. Thank you very much. As a FIU parent I appreciate the respect that you guys seemed to have developed for our team after last night. It is for certain that we had little to none going into the game based on the predictions I saw here on your board. We still have a long way to go. But it takes one game at a time. You guys know that all too well. Thank you again. I hope that your trip to The Cage next year (or it may be in 2008) will be a pleasant one but that you go home with one in the "L" column.
  4. That's an incredible picture. I knew that he was close to being tackled when it happened, but this photo really puts it into perspective of just how close. I hope you don't mind, but I have uploaded that image to my computer so that I can send it to Chandler. He will love it.
  5. I was not able to see him stepping on anyone, so I can't comment on that. But the smack talk goes on everywhere (including the message boards). It is part of what makes the game so much fun. My son talks it with the best of them. I do too. But there is a fine line between talking smack and being unsportsmanlike. Again, I can't comment on the incident of which you speak since I didn't observe it.
  6. Thanks for the kind words about Chandler Williams. He is my son's roommate, and I will be sure to pass this along to him. He is definitely special.
  7. Thanks. I am very proud of one of my newest babies, Chandler Williams. He played his heart out. They will be alright, as soon as the coaches make the changes that must be made. Good luck to you guys.
  8. Both of our special teams need work. Good luck to you on the remainder of the season.
  9. I agree. However, two weeks in a row we have lost a by a missed extra point. Our running game has gotten nowhere. Time to make some changes. One good thing may have come from these mistakes though. Perhaps, being that Devon has had some really good weeks at practice coupled with the non-existant running game so far will equal him being given a shot. We'll see. Good luck to you guys. I think Grothe is going to be a good one for you.
  10. Great game, guys. Congrats. But it looks like we both have some work to do this week. Good luck on the rest of your season. The banter was fun.
  11. Nice catch and run. Our tackling was horrible on that. He should have been dropped 10 yards deep.
  12. We have absolutely no running game.  They need to put my son in  Special teams is killing us. Thank God for the penalties. I am able now to watch the game on the computer, thanks to one of my FIU backers. He provided me with a link that got me onto ESPN360. Does anyone have any idea how many people are at the game? I am seeing A LOT of empty seats.
  13. I would love to, but I am in a hotel in Daphne AL and can't get on there.
  14. TOUCHDOWN!! Call my "bluff" all you want. I have the stretch marks and c-section scar to prove he's mine!!
  15. It sounds like special teams play on both sides is horrible so far tonight.
  16. One quarter in the books. GO FIU!! And I will be here through thick and thin.
  17. Way to go Chandler!!! (That's my son's roommate)
  18. Yes. I am going crazy here. I can't even get the game on the radio via the internet (my company has all the good sites blocked). I am desperate.
  19. Would you be willing to share that link with a FIU mom who is distraut because she can't be at the game?
  20. Pissed? No, that wasn't the case. Not to put all of my son's business out there, but he was lied to by Coach Kravitz. It happens in recruiting. We have learned that now. But it was a bunch of crap. Basically he was told that when all the talk about Javarris James possibly switching his verbal to Miami that plans for Devon to become a Bull were put on hold. Devon was told that if Javarris didn't come to USF that he would be in. We decided that was not the ideal situation for Devon. If they truly wanted him then they would have got him. But after Coach Tony Nathan (now at the Baltimore Ravens) came to the house and we visited FIU's campus, we decided that was the best place for Devon to be regardless of what happened anywhere else. USF came calling after James kept his commitment to the Hurricanes but we rejected the advances. We have no hard feelings whatsoever toward USF. We wish them luck, except for tonight.
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