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Bulls On Parade

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Posts posted by Bulls On Parade

  1. One problem with a stadium built into the ground would be flooding so pumps would be a couple million also but I do like that type of design.

    I would also like to see them use the extended shades on the top to help trap sound, that with the built into the ground design

    and it would be louder than ray jay even if it only held 50k.

  2. If anyone wants to watch the WKU-UK game...http://espn.go.com/w...spn3/id/560258/

    The teams had similar talent though with an edge to UK. The difference was coaching. You should also watch them play at Alabama this year. Lost 31-0 but it was much closer than that.

    What is impressing is to see how each year WKU got better the first year with CWT they lost 63-28, the next year lost 14 to 3...

    I think this was a solid hire.

  3. If your assessment is correct, this isn't necessarily a problem for a head coach. The key is that if a head coach is lacking in some area, he should have assistants that are strong in that area. Tony Dungy knew he was a quiet and calm guy. He always had key assistants that were fire and brimstone guys. The fire coaches get calm assistants. I would strongly recommend that Skip assign clock management to one of his assistant coaches.

    Smartest post all day.

    The assistant coach issue is really killing us, we are full of inept coaches who share the same weaknesses as Holtz.

    Did Holtz manage games this poorly 2 years ago? I don't believe so. He looks lost and confused on the sidelines, I think a lot of that has to do with poor distribution of duties and the inability of certain staff members to do their jobs.

    Don't hire your friends if you can't fire your friends, coach.

    I see one person understands what I was saying.

    But totally wrong on Heath comparison

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