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Everything posted by BULLfreak

  1. I'll be there with the wife and the little one
  2. Yes and no a practice yes a game no or at least it was that way when i was there
  3. Thanks guys.  It took me a lot of iterations to come up with that.  I went from a realistic looking bull, to a cartoonish bull, to a more artistic bull ala my avatar, but I settled on something iconic in nature. As for the helmets, maybe (with Brad's approval of course) they could be used as the helmet stickers..  Helmet stickers would be great I would love to put them on my BULL horned helment
  4. His USC condoms are going down for this. Old Pete should lose his job over this one! GO BULLS
  5. He was offered it last year, wasn't he, then he turned it down. I thought that was because he was trying to catch on with a pro team
  6. Well will get there faster if......................... I
  7. Wide Recivers Former Players Blackwell "knows the O" Cliff Dell "has done everything in the AFL time for the next step" Current Coaches Jeff bowden "good coach BAD play caller" Dline Earl Chambers "Valdosta State Dline coach and recruiting coordinator Tim Hatten "perl river CC head football coach" long shot What do you think
  8. its part of being a up and coming program Assistant Coaches come and go.
  9. got to love having a former player on the coaching staff
  10. I think we will move to a more TRUE spread and less option (due to Ford not coaching changes)
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