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Everything posted by bullman3

  1. Who dod I send it to. Send an email to let me know, or post it here.
  2. Okay, I found the tape of the USF - FSU game, who do I send it to?
  3. If Woods had of been on the team now, he would never have been tossed off for just stealing a parking decal. The program now tolerates a lot more then it did back then.
  4. Unless the BE splits up, a 9th team would have to be for football only. There is no way we could have 17 bball teams, 16 is enough. If the BE doesnt split, and umass is willing to upgrade to 1-a, they could be invited as a football only, and stay in the a10 for others. Although they dont bring a whole lot to the table as of now. uconn did a great job upgrading, so i imagine umass could as well. Memphis should have been invited instead of depaul. They are at worse equal in bball and memphis would have gave the conf. 9 fb teams. I guess the thinking though was to have 8 fb and 8 bball schools to allow a split and to allow both to maintain automatic bids.
  5. CJL was getting heckled like I have never heard before. I heard people all around me heckling him about the lack of discipline etc. Hopefully CJL heard it and realizes the fans arent happy, and hopefully DW heard it as well. Although I havent seen an AD with kahunas to do anything since PG left.
  6. No, your players just get kicked off the team,and out of school for falsifying school documents, including your star quarterback. ÂÂ
  7. Richmond? Give me a break. We should be light years ahead of Richmond. 13th largest university in the country losing to a team like this. I just dont get it. Teams like College of Charleston, Richmond, Niagra, St. Joes, etc all with better programs then us.
  8. Why is DW so **** private about future foes in football. Is he paronoid or something?
  9. You will spend that much time, waiting for a commuter to harrisburg, then the flight, and then the drive to penn state.
  10. Pittsburg is 150 miles from penn state. My plan is to fly to pitt non stop, stay the nights in pitt, drive up to penn state on sat, watch the game, and go back to pitt, hopefully for either a pirates or steelers game on sunday.
  11. Had we beat army and cinci, we would have had 35,000 people at the game, including 4,000-5,000 students. We blew it against those two teams, none of which are very good, and our support reflects the product that is one the field this year.
  12. I attended the mens bball game Friday night, as I have the other games this year. Friday's announced attendance was 2200 or so, but the actual was more like 1,000 or so. My question is, how did we get to this point? Why wasnt something done before now. It was clear over the past 5 years that our average attendance was dwindling to record lows, and NOTHING was done about it. This years pathetic attendance numbers arent a all of a sudden phenomenom, it has gradually gotten to this point. Obviously our aweful season last year contributed, but this has been happening now for the past 4-5 years. The AD is clearly at fault. I think they believe in the status quo. Did they not have the guts to fire SG, was the focus of the dept on football and they didnt notice the dwindling support for bball? There is a huge difference in the atmosphere now in the sundome. 1,000 fans is a long way off from the 5,000-6,000 fans we had each game just a few years ago, and a really long way off from the 7000 fans we had per game in the early 90's. This is really embarassing and I am disappointed we let it go this far. It is like watching a particular stock price, slowly go from $120 per share to $10 in a two year period but never deciding to sell until it reached $10, hoping that it would just go back up. Our AD watched this program plummet and never decided to sell. Football gripe - I am not sure if there is any correlation, but, I have noticed that since PG left as AD that our FB team has become a lot more undisciplined and things that were heavily punished back then, arent now. The players are a lot more undisciplined in the past two or three years. I know PG was a no nonsense type of guy and the program reflected that. Hopefully DW recognized some of the things that are going on and fixes them quickly.
  13. The thing is, PJ is a third year player and he has shown he can't get things done. Talent isnt going to suddenly appear with a guy who has been practicing the system for 3 years. It is clear next Sat will be PJ's last game snapping balls for USF.
  14. They could have had me for $10,000 and would have had the same result!
  15. Best part is they paid 1,000,000.00 to go winless!
  16. Of course you throw the ball back. Uf doesnt have nets either, and the ball gets kicked way into the stands, and it is always thrown back.
  17. We must win the uc and um games to get a bowl. There are too many cusa teams above us, and going 4-4 will not get us in. We must go 5-3 in the conference. The Pitt game is less of a factor then winning the two conference games.
  18. On a good year! Our goal for each season will be to make the BE Tourney. That will define a successful season. Think about it, only the top 12 teams go to the Tourney. What four teams will be worse then us year in and year out? Possibles, Rutgers, WVU, Depaul, Villanova or Providence?
  19. WOW, its a miracle. Sunshine acknowledging our existance. I heard a couple fb games got picked up by them too. I guess our deal with florida sports net or fox sports net, or whatever is falling apart, so we are now getting involved with sunshine. I wonder if they will also get graber and keck or if we will get someone new.
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