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Posts posted by Supersurch

  1. This offense just doesn't rely on OLs to pass block.  RBs and TEs have to block as well, especially on play-action.  And those two positions have failed in helping the OL pass block.  There were many occasions where the DL and LBs have been running (untouched) right pass our OL.  I truly don't think the OL are missing their responsibilities, but rather they are relying on the TEs and RBs to pickup those responsibilities while they help shore up other gaps.  And our TEs and backs have failed to either correctly pick them up or just flat out gets beaten.


    Pass blocking has been our team's Achilles heel IMO. 

  2. Hello all,


     I felt that now is the time for me to come back and post here. Thanks again to Brad for providing this outlet for us USF fans to vent. It has been a tough few years or so.  Right now we are near or at the bottom.  We need to continue to support this program. These are critcal times for this young program. I will never forget the 1st game against Kentucky Weslyan in 1997. Ever since, it seemed like we were growing as a program. Then Skip seemed to forget how to coach. Went from beating Clemson in bowl game with Leavitt's team to bringing this program to the ground. We can't blame our AD for what has happened. All Woolard has done was bring in the right coaches as it seemed during that time. Most of us were excited to steal Skip from ECU. We even had that huge pep rally for Skip intro speech taking the job. Can't blame Woolard for bringing in that excitment. Now we have another coach that is well respected. Taggart was an up and coming coach that a lot of people wanted. Our AD quickly hired him. And I believe it will be a great hire in a few seasons. Just give it time. Stop blaming Woolard. We have scheduled tons of 1 & 1 deals with big schools., thanks to Woolard. We have one of the nicest basketball arena's around, thanks to Woolard. He updgraded most all of the facilites. I went to school at USF during 1996-2000 era and I can tell you that the athletic facilites were terrible, Woolard has changed that to make our facilites top notch. He has done a great job with USF. Heath has the basketball program on the up with recruits and making the Big Dance and all. We will get through it. Go Bulls!!!


    I know that all of the great facilities USF has now pertains to the athletic programs, but this line returned a memory I'll never forget:  Did anyone else ever worked out at that dungeon beneath the gymnasium floor during those days (actually early 90's)??  What's that place called?


    It was like $50 to join and the place reeked of old rusted iron, so small you were literally working out on top of each other.  I tell ya', USF has it good now and the students and alums should be proud of how far we've come in such a short time.  Yeah, we stink in FB, but at least we have a program.  It will and can only be better.

  3. Who are you rooting for?


    Personally, I'd vote for UCF, so our conference could gain some relevance.  I'm not sure why a lot of our fans despise them like they are the measles.  I mean, I get it, they are close in proximity, their fans are obnoxious, yada, yada, yada.  But to be quite honest, UCF is good for the conference, in addition, good for USF.


    Tradition is starting to wane in college football, because of major realignment, program's indiscretion, parity in talent, and over capitalization of the sport.  There are more benefits than losses for both of our programs to strengthen this I-4 rivalry.

  4. I think it is important to clarify that the Times is charging for access to it's entire site, not specifically the blog.  We live in a capitalist society, which people seem to like except when they have to pay for something.  The Times has every right to charge, and we have every right to continue reading or not.  I don't understand being angry, they are a business trying to make money.  I doubt any of us complain when the company we work for tries to make more money so we can keep or improve our job.  I know I don't.


    I'm not angry, and I don't think anybody else is as well.  And this country is great because of capitalism.


    We're just saying that we are not going to pay for a golden banana when there are plenty of yellow bananas to be had for free.

  5. LOL!  I had a thread on this about a week ago. 


    Someone here suggested I use Google "Incognito" to hide my computer's identity.  It worked.  Didn't have any issues after that.


    Funny thing is...I went back to "not using" Google Incognito and it has been allowing me to view the site, so I'm not sure why that is.  I just recently cleaned out my hard drive of cookies, history, etc. so maybe the site is recognizing my computer as a new viewer??  I don't know.


    But you should be good using Google Incognito.

    • Upvote 1

    I think it depends on the number of hits they get from a specific IP.  I visit quite often.


    A pop-up appeared the other day saying I have only 5 views left unless I pay them $12/mon.  Today was my last view for life until they lift this nonsense.


    Just use a private browser (incognito window on say Chrome) and most newspaper sites think you are a new computer/IP.



    Brilliant!  You, my friend, are a genius. 


    Why didn't I think of that?  I guess just like why didn't I buy google stocks when they came out.




    Football isn't the only sport.


    Many think that it is.



    In football, we are no where near the top programs to be thinking "football" is the only sport.  We don't have as many boosters, community support, market appeal, and most important of all...money.


    Overall, DW is doing a good job.  Can't fire him because who is going to come work for an organization that fires people based on pleasing unrealistic and overly-emotional fanbase?


    Can't fire CWT either...same reason...who would want to come and coach our not-so-popular and not-so-good of a team knowing he will be on a short leash (more like a twisty tie?)  There will be more appealing job openings after the season. 


    USC (if Kiffin gets fired) might have more of a shorter leash, but c'mon...it's USC Trojans.



    WTF??  Having competitive athletics with a diverse and GROWING fan base is now deemed as unrealistic.  You sir are one of the very minor few, thankfully, that think this way.  You, GaUSFBull, slick1ru2, HeldAccountaBull, Triple B, etal, should begin forming your DW love-in to applaud the facility upgrades that came 5+ years after UCF upgraded their own, which included an indoor practice facility and an OCS.  Frankly, the late upgrades are the only thing DW can point to as an accomplishment as AD, however, I and many others feel that it would have been accomplished sooner and more impactfully with an AD who properly viewed mens BB and football as the money sports that fund all others.



    We do have competitive athletic programs. 


    The "upgrades" is not the only thing DW has done right.  And no, I am not a DW "lover."


    Based on your reply, you and the so-called "others" are unrealistic.  Sitting behind a message board calling for people's head based on irrational emotions over a "football game" does not make you and "others" true fans or die-hard fans, or whatever it is that you guys call yourself.  People's livelihoods are dependent on their jobs.  Good people.  Your livelihood is not dependent on winning a football game...at least I hope not. 


    Football isn't the only sport.


    Many think that it is.



    In football, we are no where near the top programs to be thinking "football" is the only sport.  We don't have as many boosters, community support, market appeal, and most important of all...money.


    Overall, DW is doing a good job.  Can't fire him because who is going to come work for an organization that fires people based on pleasing unrealistic and overly-emotional fanbase?


    Can't fire CWT either...same reason...who would want to come and coach our not-so-popular and not-so-good of a team knowing he will be on a short leash (more like a twisty tie?)  There will be more appealing job openings after the season. 


    USC (if Kiffin gets fired) might have more of a shorter leash, but c'mon...it's USC Trojans.

  9. Marcus Shaw- Another great game. He's come to play this year. Think he might break our rushing record this year.

    Nigel Harris- good athlete and made a lot of plays.

    DeDe Lattimore - going to be an excellent NFL player. Always around the ball.

    You know what else, I can't remember the secondary being beat this year. Don't hear their names it's a good thing. Not great passing attacks to date, but these corners seem to be doing their job well


    Shaw is a good runner...but it is obvious why he had been so deep in the depth charts during his career here:  1)  pass blocking  2)  fumbling.

  10. Will be nice to one day Not say well there is next season. I'm ready for a winning season


    We, including me, have been so spoiled.  We are like the suburban kids with two working parents that buy them anything they want out of guilt for working too much.


    We had winning seasons after winning seasons.  Going to bowls after bowls.  Beating marquee teams on a yearly basis.  And now, all you and I want is to just win a game.


    Good thing it is just football.  Tomorrow is another day.

  11. If he wants to run this power running/play-action pass game...he must start recruiting high-caliber offensive linemen.  Pass blocking on play action plays require not only strength and skill, but technique and an understanding on who to block, especially on blitzes.


    When I say "high-caliber", I mean in both physical tools as well as intelligence.

  12. Let's stop firing people and let's (all) take this for what it is...a rebuilding process. 


    It doesn't matter if we had Johnny Manziel at QB...our OL cannot protect the pocket very well.  In addition:  I love Marcus Shaw.  He is a good runner.  Shifty, speedy, and catches pretty well.  With that being said...his Achilles heel is pass protection.  I don't even think he could protect his own lunch money if Pee Wee Herman tried to steal it. 

  13. Define "clean."


    Edit:  Criminal violations or NCAA violations?


    No money under the table, passing grades given, sleeping hostess programs, raping of ball boys, or any other major violations would be my main concerns.  But I would expect a clean program to be one that would adhere to the University's code of conduct, just like any other student body would have to in the university.


    So even the minor violations would have to be dealt with accordingly...not brushed away under the rug.


    I realized there is no such thing as a "clean" program out there.  It just seems like only the most successful ones are the ones that cheated in some major form or fashion just to win a NC.  Or perhaps they are the most scrutinized, because of their popularity. 


    In any case, would you as a fan and an alumni take the high road and be okay with a season like this season or would you rather win a NC (and be a part of the success) irregardless of how it was won and then just turn a blind eye to the misconduct?

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