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Posts posted by Supersurch

  1. We need passionate, football-smart guys.


    I've said this before.


    Year in year out, we are unable to get the all around kids, the ones with physical talent as well as high football IQ and passion for the game.  We either get kids with a lot of physical talent, but no FB intelligence and no heart, or vice versa.

  2. That being said, we still ran for over 100 yards....


    You are correct...let's be a little more specific.


    I don't think the o-line is that terrible.  What they did poorly in and has done poorly in is pass protection especially with blitz assignments.  I think it is more of a fundamentals and familiarity with the scheme than them not being big and talented enough.


    A few times the guys were just letting rushers in untouched as if they were depending on someone else to block.

  3. Bulliever...that was a heartfelt story and you are absolutely 100% correct regarding what's truly important.


    With that being said, you also know that year in year out, there are a handful of our beloved fans that don't appreciate a single thing besides winning.  I've stopped debating over topics many years ago, but I still enjoy coming to the board.  As long as this board exists (or any other sports-related message board) there will be whining, complaints, and best of all the meltdowns.  Even when we win.


    Let's pretend that we came from behind and beaten this team...this board would still be in meltdown mode having only escaped with a victory.  


    Time changes, not people.

  4. It's not physical talent alone that makes you a great or even a good player...it's your football intelligence, coaching, and most importantly the teammates around you with the same attributes that will make you a decent player. 


    USF has always been able to get talented players (not top 100), but the physical attributes were (are) there, comparable to those high valued kids .  But football IQ??  IMO, it is definitely inferior to what top programs are able to get.


    Alabama, LSU, Florida, FSU, etc. get top players across the board.  Players with great/good physical attributes, but also understands how the game is played and most importantly situational awareness.


    You can run the 40 at 4.29 all you want, but if you can't hang onto the football, then whats the point.  Or if you can't catch with your hands, what's the point?  You can be a 300 lb DT and bench 225 lbs 37 times, but if you can't get to the QB or stop the RB, then what's the point?


    Same goes for the other way around:  you can have a smart, knows the ins and outs of game situations, and an understanding of your opponent and teammates, but with a noodle arm, runs like a snail, and weighs 155 lbs...what's the point?


    There is one ingredient that can negate all of these attributes...moxy.  I'm no Grothe lover, but that kid had moxy.  Wasn't exceptionally fast, wasn't exceptionally strong armed, but good football IQ and a lot of guts and leadership.  Won many games.  Didn't make it professionally after USF primarily because of his short-comings, but he has proven he can play with anybody and make others around him good/great players.  His teammates rallied around him and gravitated towards him because he was a winner. 


    If we can't get top 100 or even top 150 kids, then we have to find kids like him.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Yeah, that tire needs to be changed right now.  The kid is rattled.  The game is too fast right now for him.  Can't go through his progressions fast enough...therefore just slinging it.  The pressure from McNeese's defense is pretty good right now...or rather our protection is pretty bad.  Eppes and Shaw not protecting the pocket very well doesn't help either.

  6. I am looking forward to the reaction here after the game.  The way I see it, there will be 1 of 3 outcomes:


    1) we win by 25+ and everyone here starts talking about BCS and going into Michigan St and winning

    2) we win by less than 20 and everyone here wants to fire our DC, get a new QB, and say we will go 4-8

    3) we win by less than 7 and this board just blows up  


    This board, like all boards, will blow up no matter what.  Go Bulls!  Let's just win!


    Fwiw Hem I'm not trying to pick on you. I think of everyone here you'd probably be the best person to match me at a game. I imagine you're like me and get ticked off with people who sit on their hands and have no involvement in the game. And give you dirty looks when you stand and cheer for the defense

    Don't think you're picking on anyone. I just get so sick of the pessimists on here who can't wait to be right and begin trolling.

    Predict 3-9 with blowouts (over and over again on all threads that can possibly relate), and then if it does happen..how cool does that make you? You should be sad that we've had another bad season, not "I told you we'd suck! Haha I was right!"

    Get out there and expect to win every game, cheer for your team (this is YOUR team, everyone else already wants/expects you to lose...why add to that?), get loud, stand up, and be sad if we lose...not apathetic about the season before we've even played a down. You can call it "realistic", I call it a piss poor attitude.



    I couldn't agree more. 


    If you absolutely love this university and its' programs, then why bash it, why say we are going to win only 3 or 4 games...or even be:  quote on quote "realistic" about what may happen???


    I mean, do you tell your child that he is not going to make it as a football player or soccer player or anything else for that matters that he strives to be??  Because you are a realist???  I know I'm stretching a little here comparing the love you have for a football team to a love you have for a child, but positive attitude and positive outlook is contagious.  Same goes for negativity...real or not.


    And I know it's a free country and you are free to say anything you want, but seriously??

    • Upvote 2
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  8. 1st...I'm looking for better coaching.  How well are these coaches with game management, making decisions under game pressure, and personnel management.  Is CWT and company a "I'm sticking to it, no matter what" kind of coaches or "let's make changes depending on game situations."


    2nd...I'm curious to see how patient we as fans will be with the new offense.  I don't think this is a sling and shoot no huddle offense, but rather a methodical, pound it, game managing-type offense...which can be boring if you are a type A personality.

  9. I don't care who takes snaps. 


    This will be the first year in our history that we have a head coach that specializes in offense.   Our best offenses have relied on a single star to carry the load since the beginning. 


    Marquel, Andre, Matt, BJ, and now we have an offense that might just make a couple guys look like stars.


    I'm getty like a school girl because for the first time in recent memory I think it may actually be difficult to guess what our next play will be.  Seriously how many times did you say to yourself receiver screen, draw, hail mary / long route and they ran it everytime.  We were so predictable out of every set and now we are going to motion, audible, and read a defense on a regular basis.  I just can't f-ing wait!


    Totally concur with this.  This offense doesn't require a five star QB (although it wouldn't hurt)...it just needs a smart QB.  A game manager who makes the right read and makes good decisions.  If he can accomplish that, Floyd will make himself, as well as others, look like five star players.


    Last year was not a good marker when judging Matt's abilities.  Putting him in the line of fire when the team truly gave up and asking him to distribute the ball to four, sometimes, five receivers was just too much for a freshman.  Especially with no pass protection. 

  10. How is Price on this team?  Isn't Holtz the worst recruiter in the history of mankind?  


    You know the ol' saying about a blind squirrel finding a nut every now and then ... or a stopped clock is right twice a day ... 

    You know...your post is quite amusing.  That's hilarious man, about the squirrel and the clock.  They're so fitting.

  11. Bobby will start throughout the year.  Mark my words:  he will have a career year.  We won't be going to the NC game and may not even win the BE, but he'll have a good year as well as the whole team. 


    Taggart's system will not make the QB make multiple reads like the old system.  It's run the ball and play-action.  Bobby is a fixed-position throwing QB and Taggart's system will fit him well.

  12. Martino Brock is very serviceable at point...but they need to run a different offense with him at the helm. Maybe a motion offense where Martino does not need to handle the ball throughout the shot clock. Can't expect Martino to dribble drive off a screen like AC in the last ten seconds of the shot clock, because that's not Martino's game.

    I would love to see Rudd bringing the ball up court as he is not a bad ball handler. It could put the defense out of their defensive set as well having our 4 spot bringing the ball up court.

  13. I see alot of our fan base needs a lesson in sports. The post on this website indicates we have alot of NON SPORTS WATCHING/ KNOWING fans.

    U-17 is UNDER 17 US National TEAM.

    It is the post season. Remember just a week or so ago the Lady Bulls beat Ville to go to the BE Semi Finals.(which we lost BTW). I know this is about the men's team but they play their season the same time as each other.

    Maybe we offer some of the posters a Sports 101 course or something? Or better yet, maybe do a google search on the internet. Im sure you could find U17 National team in soccer.

    As soon as anyone mentions the word soccer, ears close and eyes roll. Not worth the effort.

    Your loss. Attend a major championship like the World Cup or the Euro and you'll change your mind.

    WOW, FYI.....I was the keeper on the first non BAYSL team to win the Brandon Cup (1982), I attended countless Rowdies matches in the 80's, 2 matches in Orlando 1994, just ended my second year with USF Soccer season tickets, follow The Tottenham Hotspurs very closely, even have the Hotspur symbol tattooed on my right calf. As you might be able to tell I have a slight Love of the sport.

    This is like a cat fight...except it's online.

  14. Hellen Keller or Stevie Wonder could coach our Defense better than Cosh. He is the worst waste of space and money. Look at K State without him. Look at USF since we got him. Most everyone picked us to have one of the best defenses in the BE if not the best, esp the front 7. We have become the laughing stock of the BE and the College FB world.

    Hellen Keller and Stevie Wonder are definitely outside the box, but I like where you are going with these hires.

    I think Lionel Richie would be better...."Say you, Say me, Say it always, That's the way it should be."

  15. One, I didn't want Heath gone and I don't want Holtz gone (yet). Two, what is the obsession with Petrino? He would use us as a stepping stone and be out of here as soon as a better offer came, even if it came in his first season.

    The only coach in America that wouldn't use us as a stepping stone is gone. So, it doesn't matter who we get or who is at the helm...he'll be skipping to my lou.

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