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Posts posted by WoolyBully

  1. No...it's not bad to have an off year.

    But we're still going to b*tch and moan about it.


    Because we can.   ;)

    Surely you don't expect us to sit around blowing bright golden rays of sunshine up the programs butt after losing to Army and suffering the waxing by 'Cards and Bearcats?

    We have been spoiled. It would be a completely different flavor on this board had USF struggled in previous seasons.  We haven't . It looked sooooooo easy.

  2. how didn't our coaches know that banks,kraky and jewelmiste WERE NOT  the answer...

    too much hype

    There's a difference between what the coaches know - and what they say to the 'outsiders'. I'm certain there are volumes of intel that stay within the confines of the offices...not for external consumption.

    Here's the deal sportsfans, like it or not , USF does not garner top of the heap talent. Those boys are still going elsewhere. Banks, Kraky and Julmiste are the answer ... if for no other reason than because it's the best USF could do.  

    Don't underestimate the value of 'hype'. It's only disappointing if you took the bait.  ;)

  3. Have any of our "insiders' heard how Denson is looking in practice?  I mean is he runing circles around everybody?  Probably doesn't matter much because coach tried to feed us the fact the PJ and Banks both looked awesome in practice.  Our coaching staff may not be the best evaluators of talent.

    Couple of thangs:

    1. Just becaue you wanna be QB, doesn't mean you're gonna be QB. You will play whatever position the coach feels you need to play.  ;)

    2. There's a world of difference between what the coach sees and what the coach says. Do you, honest-to-God, believe that any coach is going to say that their starting QB is average or below? Just because the coach says "x" for the press, doesn't necessarily make it a true statement. They may be great at evaluating talent, but they're never going to say they have anything less than stellar players.

  4. we will win the cinci game

    then lose the memphis game

    setting up a huge game against pitt

    and our boys will not step up

    breaking our hearts and theirs

    but... this will be the fire that will burn

    and drive us to dominance of the BE year in and year out

    with a NC bid in 5 years! dreaming and loving it!

    All very reasonable...except that NC thing...that's probably a good 20- 25 years out.

  5. It's a good deal for the network.

    If you're not playing for the nat'l championship...who cares? Why should the network get stuck having to cover all of the games if there's only one that matters.

    It's like the Superbowl...everyone watches that...not everyone gives a crap about the playoffs rolling up to the game.

    Smart move by the network. Besides...it's not like my old drinkin' buddies down at Fox won't jump on coverage.

  6. Nah....it's collegiate chess.

    It's one thing to go on the road and get your head handed to  you via TV...quite another to take an arse beating within commute time. I think we all know that playing UCF - from day one - would have been a mistake. All it would do is reinforce the notion that USF was second fiddle. Surely you wouldn't want to be branded as playing "catch up" the past several years, right.

    Now, however, that we're pretty much on even footing - playing the game makes sense.  And you don't know how the mandatory CUSA games are going to shake out. It could be that So'Miss is our mandatory game.

    Scheduling...we all know that these things are not etched in stone. All of these contracts have sufficient wiggle-room for both teams to exercise their best option.

    As for BE rival...that has to shake out over the coming years.  Besides, it could be that the BE may expand a few schools opening the door to other rival combinations.

    Ya just never know... ;)

  7. The board has been pretty quiet ever since homecoming.  Losing conference games that you're s'posed to win takes a lot out. We're not sewing up a bowl spot, we're hanging on by our fingernails.  And given that there's not great sums of confidence in our offense, every game is a crapshoot.  And remember, there wasn't a lot of discussion about ECU.

    We're kind of like ECU in that all they talk about is the game with NCSU and all we really focused on was the game against Pitt.

  8. Wait a minute....I'm sort of confused here.

    Soooo...this guy was ejected from the stadium because he caught a ball? Or was he removed because - rather than hand it over as asked - he opted to question his obligtion to do so?  That's two different things.

    I've seen the TSA ask folks to hand over the ball, and if you refuse, well...then you deal with "the man". Hand it over as you're asked and no action taken.  ;)

  9. Wouldn't any of the "we could" ideas pretty much hinge on a pent-up demand for tailgating to begin with?

    The underyling factor here is that this is Thanksgiving  weekend - the travel weekend of the year - and tailgating around 08:00 - 11:00. I just don't see that much demand realtive to the general public.

    Just look at the parking lots for ECU prior to our regularly scheduled game. Empty until just before gametime. A Saturday morning? I doubt it's worth the investment.

  10. 1) Wooly - USF used to have someone sing our alma mater at basketball games in the early 1990's.  I learned it then.  Let me say, having been to a few Michigan State football games, there is nothing like 75,000 people standing and singing the alma mater.


    1990's? 1990's?? Where's my calendar?

    When you're at the game, do you hear 12 people singing? I don't.  And maybe 75K people singing is impressive, unfortunately it would take us three home games to get 75K. 26K reading a jumbo-tron is very un-impressive.


  11. We're going for that "Arena Ball Empty the Trailer Park"  atmosphere. When attendance is what it was last night, you have to rely on the whims of the production staff to get some sort of noise.

    Oh...and here's another thing...since we've touched on "music":

    If you want the attendees to stand and sing the alma mater, why not have an actual PERSON (ala national anthem) sing it with the crowd? I've listened to the band play the tune and read the words scrolling on the jumbo-tron, but having never actually heard a human voice sing it...I am just unable to really get behind this idea.  

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