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Posts posted by belgianbull

  1. 4 things

    1) Just want to see improvement in football. Don't know if there is a magic number when it comes to wins this year, but I think 4-6 wins is doable. But this year is not going to be easy .Now by year 2 I expect a bowl game. Year 3 I expect us to be on top of the new AAC.

    2) recruit, recruit, and recruit.

    3) When it comes to men's basketball I expect us to end the season at .500. Anything less and Gregory must go. Its been 5 years now.

    4)I want to see the OCS 100 percent finalized. I want it to be built right and look like a power 5 conference stadium ( the San Diego State and Colorado State stadiums are good examples)

    • Go Bulls! 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Outlaw said:

    The curse of Judy or the curse of Jeff? 

    There are no curses; just bad decisions by those in power. Whether it was Judy deciding to fire coach Leavitt and to not invest in football facilities thinking we had arrived since we were in the Big East; or our athletic directors when they hired Coach Strong, and Coach Scott.

     But this is now the past, and we need to focus on the future. If we fail it will not be because of Judy or Coach Scott; it will be because of the decisions of our current administration.

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  3. 27 minutes ago, Friscobull said:

    He simply finished a degree at KU (where he started) and jumped alliances, and I can’t say I blame him.  Eventually everyone has their breaking point and he had finally had enough.  I am amazed anyone that is no longer local follows this team anymore, what is the point when they are no fun to watch and you aren’t able to attend any of the activities to feel like you are a part of something.  Hopefully this changes once we start winning again, until then fans will continue to defect.  

    I think the reason I have stuck around and am still following the team closely even though I was a student in the early 2000's and live now far away from the Tampa region is the the hope of  the next year. No matter how we suck: I have always the hope that the following year things will be different. Even last season with all the transfer portal players coming in I believed that we would have been able to tun the corner.

    For next season, even though I would have hired a more experienced coach; and I am not sure whether Coach Golesh is the answer; nevertheless I am hopeful that next year things will be different, that we will turner the corner; and start winning games again. Also excited about the OCS; no doubt  this will bring life into the program.

    Happy new year to all on the board; and I think it will be an interesting year for USF football.

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  4. 42 minutes ago, Cubanbull said:

    Excuses, Excuses. Anyways it’s obvious we won’t change either of our opinions.

    With that said this is the first time that I see USF leadership acting United and not trying to do things half assed so maybe them moving up, woke us up about needing to do better.

    I’m old enough and had enough dealings with our leadership in our past to tell you USF when it came to athletics has never had the attitude and expectations that our neighbors have had.

    I agree; there seems to be a huge change in the last few years regarding being committed to putting money into facilities including an OCS. There is no doubt that being left behind in the AAC has maybe lighted a little fire in their behind;. It will be interesting to see the renderings of the new OCS. I am hoping it will look something closer to Colorado State or San Diego State then lets say FAU or Tulane ( not knocking their stadiums since they are not bad). However winning will be equally if not more important then the OCS. The programs who have moved up to bigger conferences seemed to have had a combination of both putting money into facilities while winning at the same time. Lets hope our coaching hire works out since we really cant afford another 2 years of losing.

    We should look at TCU, Houston, San Diego State,  and yes even UCF as examples of how it can be done. The good news about the UCF example is that if they can be successful, built an OCS, and be invited to the BIG 12; there is no reason that we can't.

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  5. On 12/29/2022 at 3:04 PM, Triple B said:

    No Michael Scott GIF - No Michael Scott The Office - Discover & Share GIFs

    I for one hope we will play them again since it would probably mean that we were invited to the Big 12. Whether we want to admit it or not they are were we would like to be.  IF UCF can be successful, built an OCS, and get a Big 12 invite; there is no reason we can't. The UCF-USF rivalry can be of benefit to us in the future.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Cubanbull said:

    I understand where we are and know it won’t happen overnight. My point is that USF should be among the top of the AAC and if we aren’t then we aren’t pulling our weight. 

    The talent is there to win 4 games next season. I expect a bowl game in year 2,  compete for an AAC championship in year 3, and be ranked in year 4.

    Anything less would be disappointing. New coaches come in all the time and turn a program around in less time. While it wont be a easy, a good coach can do it; and  a great coach can even beat this trajectory. All the tools are there to succeed.

  7. I wish all of the transfers the best of luck. I am not going to judge Grier and Weaver because I don't know what their personal circumstances were. I totally understand why some would take opportunities to play for bigger schools. It cannot have been easy on the players the last 3 years; losing while playing in front of almost empty stadiums. Our coaching  the last 4 years has been a real let down to both the fans and the players.  To me it will be up to Coach Golesh to sell the future of  USF football to the remaining players so we don't see any more significant defections.

    • Upvote 2
  8. 4 minutes ago, Outlaw said:

    Love you  to Trip. 


    Firing Leavitt was the start of the downfall yes, but no other coach hired has has any lasting success. We keep changing coaching styles and schemes. I am not against an OCs but I think the mission should be focused more on winning then expecting the OCS to turn USF into a winner.

    Certainly winning is the most important part of the equation. However, I don't think anyone thinks that an OCS will turn USF magically into a winner. What it will show though is that USF is committed to the future of its football program. It will also help with recruiting and attendance. There will be more realignment in the future and we will be competing against the likes of Tulane, SMU, Memphis, ECU, Boise State,.... While winning will be the most important criteria, an OSC stadium, especially if build the right way, will only help our chances.


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  9. 42 minutes ago, USF_Bullsharks said:

    In an ideal world. Think it's obvious that ACC is next for poaching as they have the strongest brands. Would not surprise me if SEC and B1G both move on ACC. I'd love to join ACC with Tulane, let Memphis/ECU go B12, and ideally not lose anyone from ACC to B1G or SEC except maybe Syracuse and BC. I think long term (10+ years) though the B12/ACC merge after B1G/SEC take theirs. 

    Yes, we have to hope for chaos; whether in the Big 12 or in the ACC; or both. I think its likely that teams like Clemson, FSU, Oklahoma State, Kansas,... will be poached at sometime by SEC, Pac 10,...

    We have to make sure when that happens that we are in a better position then we were before. If we start winning soon, break ground on the OCS, increase attendance,... I think we can be.

    I think there is a reason that the Big East in early 2000's saw us as a good add; and we were. I think we can still be that sleeping giant that at one point wakes up and lives up to its potential.  If UCF was able to do it; there is no reason we can't.

    I don't think that us being in the ACC or Big 12 at some point is a pipedream. I think that it can happen; but our current administration has to do its part. Coach Golesh has to start winning games soon, and Kelly has to finalize the OCS.  Everything else will fall in place. Go Bulls!

    • Go Bulls! 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Who'sYourData? said:

    Certaintly not saying we don't need DLine help, clearly we do.  And sure one would *hope* to get a *leftover* from a big time school that works out.  My only point was the premise that "this guy was on the bench at **** school, so clearly he is an immediate upgrade for us."  That part isn't really how things work.

    Yes, I agree. Its hard to predict which players will produce. The problem right now is that we are an AAC team that just won 4 games in three years, so 4-5 star high school recruits, or players that started and produced in FBS last year are not jumping to come to USF right now, with a few exceptions. The hope is that coach Golesh is able to find the right type of players who might not have the resume, and who might have flown under the radar, but can be coached up or developed to help USF get wins next year. If we start winning recruiting will pick up. Also better coaching will help, and you might see players develop that nobody expects; even players that didn't contribute last year.

    Also there is time  left until I believe after Spring training to bring players in through the transfer portal ( remember Bohanon last year I believe). Hopefully he will be able to bring in more players to shore up defensive needs.

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  11. 54 minutes ago, Brad said:

    I liked what he said about numbers of signees and number of ⭐s.  Eventually said something like "now you got me curious about stars, I may go count them later of....out of curiosity".  :roflmao:

    He's looking for the right guys based on talent, hard work, wanting to be here, etc.  Not ******* stars or star averages..

    Stars, while not everything, are not meaningless. Any FBS coach would rather get a 4 star or 5 star recruit over a 2-3 star recruit in most circumstances. However in our situation its hard to get the highly rated players because of the conference we are in and because of only winning 4 games in 3 years. For that reason  our coach will have to put in extra time in order to find the type of players that flew under the radar. Based on our situation I think coach Golesh did well recruiting, but I think it would be false to assume that he wouldn't have preferred to bring in 4-5 star recruits if that was possible.

  12. 7 minutes ago, UCF_rustbucket said:

    I think it's just tough with the 2.5 week turnaround time between getting hired and the early signing day to do significant recruiting work. Golesh will probably keep looking for pieces in areas of need with transfers. Especially the second wave that comes after spring camp. The 2024 class will be a better indicator of how good/bad his staff is at recruiting with a full year to work on the class.

    I agree. Still a lot of recruiting to be done. impressed by what he did in his first two weeks. Today is not the end of recruiting for next year. I expect more additions through the transfer portal over the next several months.

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  13. Yes you win some ; you lose some. The ladies basketball team have proven over the last few years that they can win some of these games. I think last year we beat Stanford. They and we should be proud of their accomplishments. They are the flagship program right now of USF. The football team and men's basketball team should look to them for inspiration

    • Go Bulls! 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, Outlaw said:

    CJs recruited pretty good on offense but his defensive recruits and transfers just did not pan out to improving the defense .

    That's true, but  a lot of Scott's defensive recruits were 3 stars or came through the transfer portal from big schools. They certainly didn't pan out ( maybe some of them still will with better coaching, but who knows). But on paper the recruiting wasn't bad. Now the coaching was bad. There is no doubt about that.

    Now having said that I am verry impressed with how coach Golesh recruited in the last 4 days. Whether the recruiting is better then Coach Scott; only time will tell. Hopefully the coaching will be better!

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  15. What's the latest on Trickett. Is he still our OC?

    Weird that it hasn't been sorted out yet. Coach Golesh is perhaps still considering whether he is the best fit with his vision? I thought Trickett did some good things last year. Whatever the decision though I hope it is soon, since finality regarding who the OC will be will help in recruiting. So far some good things in recruiting though!

  16. 26 minutes ago, Cpa_bull1990 said:

    I actually think Coach Brian Gregory does a good job and want to see him succeed. 

    Also liked Stan Heath and thought he did great things here at USF!

    I think everyone wants Coach Gregory to succeed, and I think he can, but he has to show meaningful progress this year

    I agree that Stan Heath did great things at USF especially considering at that time we were in the Big East. Winning 2 NCAA tournament games in the process ! I know he was one year hot; then one year cold; but I would not have fired him. I thought it was a big mistake at the time.

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