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Posts posted by ToroDeFuego

  1. On 7/13/2017 at 0:16 PM, Paisa el Toro said:

    The bickering between O'Neil and Turd on Auman's old blog was a thing of comedic beauty. Welcome aboard. 

    Wow. I forgot about O'Neil. He used to go nuts. Some serious tirades.

    They really tossed a lot of traffic down the toilet when they changed the login on the blog.

  2. 8 hours ago, Ionbull said:

    So if I wanted to make and paint USF corn hole boards with the iconic U and sell it on etsy, I'd have to do that? I get merchandisers;  just strange that arts festival hobbyists are treated the same, but I suppose it's reassuring the brand doesn't get tarnished in some way.

    This is a good point and reminds be of a few years back when Ubuntu went after a lot of sites for using their logo. They argued that if they didn't aggressively enforce their logo/trademark they would lose it. Others argued that this was not the case. Maybe USF sees it that way.


  3. 7 minutes ago, 206BULL said:

    Yea considering Coach Strong has a track record of dismissing kids from his teams who are not keeping up their end of the bargain off the field I'd assume he did his due diligence. After this coming season DL will be very thin so I'm hoping these guys can come in and compete from day 1. I assume they both have to sit 2017. 

    If they stay on the team they should contribute right away. Price started as a freshman and Boyce was supposed to be one of their best pass rushers coming off the bench.

  4. I know the program has sucked for a long time but it's not like football where you need a few good years and a lot of kids to buy in just to start winning. One good get can get us back on track. A few solid guys over a couple years and we're back in business. Also, we don't know what happened at GT. There's a lot of pressure to win there. Not much here. If he could convince talent to come to Dayton I think he can do it here. I look forward to seeing how it goes.

  5. 1 hour ago, 206BULL said:

    5 years $9.6 mil. Years 1 and 2 at $1 mil each which means $2.6 mil a year for years 3-5. Assistant pool is $1.66 mil this year and goes up to $3.4 mil for years 4 and 5. $2.5 mil buyout through next Year and then $1.7 for the remainder it looks like.



    All numbers per Joeys Twitter.



    I heard 9.8, but same otherwise.

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