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Posts posted by TromBull12

  1. It is definitely not true about there being a requirement of being in a position of power to be racist. Also, our president is of half African descent with an external "darker hue". You're in a plenty good position to be a black man in a position of power in THIS generation...anyway, moving on...GO BULLS!

    Depends on whether you view racism as a societal construct. What does it benefit a minority to be racist? And one example of a man in office with no real power changes nothing but we can agree to disagree. In the end none of it matters anyways. We're all of African descent anyways. 

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  2. racist against beautiful white girls?

    Racist, No. I just prefer my women darker. We all have preferences. Now if I said the white girls are of lesser quality or anything along those lines based on their skin color solely, that would be the definition of racism. Now in order to be racist one has to be in a position of power and as a black man in America I'm not sure I could fit the bill right now lol. Not for a few more generations. But yeah...  Go BULLS!?!?

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  3. Flowers has already had the greatest season in USF history by a QB.

    - Set record for most passing TD's by a QB (21 vs. only 8 INT's)

    - Tied record for most rushing TD's by a QB (10, tied with Grothe)

    - Set record for most total TD's by a QB (31)

    - Set record for most rushing yards by a QB.

    And this is with either 1 or 2 games to go.  Possible Championship Game and bowl game.  Has a chance to have between 35 - 40 total TD's overall. 

    I figures his resume looked something like that just didn't do the research. If no one has done it better via the records and stats why hasn't he earned the crown? I guess some just want some hardware before they anoint him. 

  4. I see tons of potential and I'm excited to see where it leads but... if they get a shot at the championship and win, I don't see how or why he wouldn't be the greatest. No quarterback has done it and its not like magically he's going to suck for no apparent reason next season. I want a QB that can wear the crown while they are here. I feel sorry for BJ because I don't think he was appreciated while he was here, it wasn't until he went down that we knew what we had and lost. 

  5. The supporting cast is the difference. QF is doing great but there's a reason we can still move the ball really well with the #2s

    I think the same can be said for any "great" quarterback. The stars align and make them look superhuman. Whether it's NFL or NCAAF there aren't many who don't have a great supporting cast and do anything worth mentioning.

  6. I'm just curious as to what would make Quinton Flowers the greatest USF quarterback so far in our short history? He's breaking and setting records left and right. He's put us in position for our first conference championship game and he carries this team. I supported him from the get go but I don't believe anyone aside from Taggart seen this coming. What are your thoughts? 

  7. 5 games ago people wanted him to be tarred and feathered.

    He'll get an extension, but let's not start claiming he's Saban just yet

    Crazy thing is, it's possible. He recruited these great athletes while I'm charged of a dumpster fire. What will he do when we're hot?!?! Florida athletes, nationally televised games, and a chance to knock off FSU and the likes. Who's got it better than us? This team can dominate this conference and the press, just like Memphis, Houston, Navy, and Temple did the majority of this year. If we build on our success the sky's the limit for real. 

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  8. Who Dat UCF Coach? 

    I hope he was trolling. I would be seriously disturbed if CWT didn't know who UCF's coach was.

    I couldn't care less either way as long as he out coaches him. I didn't know and I'm sure most of us couldn't pick that name out of a line up. If they were setting the world on fire then sure, but in there current state, not so much. 

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  9. The amount of over confidence is concerning.  I have no idea the reasons for the dumpster fire over there; however, lack of talent is not it.  We have been neck in neck in recruiting the last several years.

    I just hope they do not decide to wake up against us.  This game worries me.  

    I'm sure the over confidence is fans like me only :) But my inspiration comes from what I've seen on the field. Teams that don't play well all year can't magically become work beaters because they're motivated. They play bad, undisciplined, uninspired football. Their starters are injured... No matter how much they WANT to win, their A game versus ours won't stand a chance. We're playing for a potential championship. 

  10. Yeah, I kind of feel like in the history of USF football, the moment I expect something great from them is the moment they let me down. 

    That said, I was half expecting that Friday, and oh boy was that not the case. 

    No disrespect to old heads but I believe this USF team doesn't care much for our past history and superstitions. They make their own luck and write their own history. They don't care about uniform combos, what day the game is played on, what time of year it is, or even the opponent to an extent. They are focused on being 1% better than they were before. They've earned my trust and faith. I Bullieve we will lay the smack down on Thursday, all the while being thankful for the butt wooopin' we're givin' them. 

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